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Optical Microscopy

The imaging platform of the IBENS was created in 2003. It was certified IBISA in 2010 under the name of « IMACHEM » (in partnership with the College de France and the department of chemistry of the ENS).
IMACHEM was selected to participate in the infrastructure France-BioImaging in 2012.
IMACHEM combines scientific and technical skills dedicated to imaging in biology, And make several systems of imaging for fixed or live sample, as well as solution of analysis of images.

The mission of IMACHEM are multiple :

  • Expertise in acquisition and process of image.
  • Installation, maintenance contact with suppliers and collaboration with other platforms.
  • Scientific and technical training of the users.


For enquiries, write to Help Imaging

Samira BENADDA – Coordinator of the core facility
Fatima MELOUKI - Engineer of the core facility
46 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris (Niveau 1. Porte 307)
01.44.32.(23.01) ; 01.44.32.(23.36)

Benjamin Mathieu, Platform coordinator Inserm Innovation Award 2016
Benjamin Mathieu,
Platform coordinator
Inserm Innovation Award 2016