Karthala AODscope multiphoton
more info : karthala system
Detection :
Dodt contraste with video rate
4 PMT GaAsP photon counting or analog (2 epifluorescence and 2transfluorescence)
Light guide epi detection
High efficiency design detection
Scanning :
Two AOD tunable design with temporal and spatial compensation laser lines ( 700-900nm and 800-1000nm). they can work simultaneously or separate.
Mode Random-Access scanning :
This allows to increase the dwell-time per point and dramatically improves the resolution. 50Khz/nbr point .( Otsu et al. paper Neuron 2014)
Mode fast image scanning :
Capacity to scan at adjustable speed from 0.1µs/pixel (resonant speed) to any dwell time, this spanning the range between resonant scanners and classical scanners. Contrary to resonant scanners the scan is linear and sub-fields can be scanned at resonant speed independently.it’s also possible to make multi region of interest.The field of view is 350 µm.
Stabilisation of sample :
Automatic 3D stabilisation of episodic acquisitions (during the inter-episode dwell time, ie in between 2 repetitive stimulations for example)
AODscope software :
Karthala imaging software
Associate Paper :
‘Ultrafast random-access scanning in twophoton microscopy using acousto-optic deflectors.’
Salome´ R et al J Neurosci Methods 2006
‘A spatio-temporally compensated acousto-optic scanner for two-photon microscopy providing large field of view.’
Kremer Y et al Opt Express 2008
‘Optical monitoring of neuronal activity at high frame rate with a digital random-access multiphoton (RAMP)’
Otsu Y et al J Neurosci Methods 2008
‘Activity-Dependent Gating of Calcium Spikes by A-type K+ Channels Controls Climbing fiber signaling in purkinje cell dentrires.’
Ostsu Y et al , Neuron 2014
‘Interplay between Synchronization of Multivesicular Release and Recruitment of Additional Release Sites Support Short-Term Facilitation at Hippocampal Mossy Fiber to CA3 Pyramidal Cells Synapses.’
Chamberland et al Jneurosci 2014
‘Burst-Dependent Bidirectional Plasticity in the Cerebellum Is Driven by Presynaptic NMDA Receptors’
Bouvier et al Cell Reports 2016
‘Diversity in cell motility reveals the dynamic nature of the formation of zebrafish taste sensory organs’
Soulika et al Development 2016
‘Reallocation of Olfactory Cajal-Retzius Cells Shapes Neocortex Architecture’
Frutos et al Neuron 2016
Fast two-photon imaging of subcellular voltage dynamics in neuronal tissue with genetically encoded indicators
Chamberland et al eLIFE 2017
Action potential counting at giant mossy fiber terminals gates information transfer in the hippocampus
Chamberland et al PNAS 2018
Optogenetic stimulation of complex spatio-temporal activity patterns by acousto-optic light steering probes cerebellar granular layer integrative properties
Hernandez et al Scientific Reports 2018
Ultrafast Two-Photon Imaging of a High-Gain Voltage Indicator in Awake Behaving Mice
Vincent Villette, Mariya Chavarha, Ivan K. Dimov, ..., Jun Ding, Stephane Dieudonne, Michael Z. Lin, Cell 2019.