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Chris Bowler


Welcome to our lab’s website! Our research focuses on understanding the role of diatoms and other phytoplankton in marine ecosystems. Through our work, we aim to uncover the complex interactions between these microorganisms and their environment, providing insights into global biogeochemical cycles and climate change. Our research is conducted using cutting-edge genomic and molecular biology techniques, and we collaborate closely with global initiatives such as Tara Oceans to enhance our understanding of marine biodiversity.

Our research subjects

Research on Diatoms and Other Phytoplankton

Our lab has made significant strides in understanding the genomic evolution and ecological dynamics of diatoms and other phytoplankton. Recent studies have revealed how horizontal gene transfer and epigenetic regulation contribute to the adaptability and ecological success of diatoms. By sequencing and analyzing the genomes of various diatom species, we have mapped their evolutionary trajectories and identified core gene sets that are essential for survival in diverse marine environments.
Our work also extends to other phytoplankton, exploring their diversity and the roles they play in nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration. Through studies of ancient DNA, we have been able to trace the historical shifts in phytoplankton communities in response to climate changes, providing valuable insights into how these organisms may respond to current and future environmental challenges.

Contribution to Projects Run by the Tara Ocean Foundation

Our lab proudly collaborates with the Tara Ocean Foundation, a leading philanthropic NGO dedicated to advancing oceanic research and promoting environmental stewardship. Through this partnership, we contribute to large-scale sampling efforts and the analysis of data collected from around the world. Our work has been instrumental in mapping the distribution of diatom populations, studying their genetic diversity, and understanding their role in global biogeochemical cycles.
The insights gained from these collaborations have been published in high-impact scientific journals and have significantly enhanced our knowledge of marine biodiversity. They also contribute to efforts to predict and mitigate the impacts of climate change on ocean ecosystems. Our ongoing work with Tara Oceans continues to drive innovation in marine research and inspire global action to protect our planet’s vital marine resources.

Tara sailing boat
Tara sailing boat