Small data sets and computer scripts for analysis can be found in our Github. Large data sets can be found in several public archives (see relevant publications).
The CeMEE panel is a collection of multiparental highly recombinant inbred lines employed for Genome-Wide Association Analyses. Genome sequence, phenomics, and storage information about the CeMEE can be found in a dedicated database. Copies of the CeMEE panel are available for interested academic and non-commercial parties ; contact H. Teotónio.
During the past 20 years, we have generated several experimental evolution populations domesticated to standard laboratory conditions. Most of these populations are characterized by having standing genetic diversity, variable reproduction mode systems, and variable recombination rate landscapes. Our main base populations are (copy requests to H. Teotónio) :
– A0 population is a hybrid of 16 isolates, not domesticated to our standard lab conditions. It segregates plenty of males under partial selfing. Further information about the derivation of A00 and protocols for worm maintenance in our standard lab conditions can be found here.
– A00 is, similarly to A6140, a population domesticated for 140 generations to our standard lab conditions. It shows partial selfing. For further information on the derivation of A00 see here, for genomics data see here.
– D00 is a population that, like A00, was domesticated to lab conditions but is homozygous for a null mutant of fog-2 (introgression into A6140). It is thus dioecious with obligatory outcrossing. Genome-wide diversity is similar to A00. The T00 population is similar to D00, but it segregates the wild-type fog-2 allele at a small frequency. For further information about D00 and T00, see here.
– M00 is also domesticated to lab conditions but is homozygous for a null mutant of xol-1 (introgression into A6140), reproducing exclusively by selfing. Information here.
– LR0 is a domesticated lab population with rec-1 loss of function recombination rate landscape, derived by introgression into A6140. Similarly, HR0 is the rec-1 wild-type counterpart. LR0 and HR0 have not been published, but see here.
– GA250 is population derived from A00, adapted for 50 generations to 305mM NaCl growth media conditions. It is the ancestral population for our experiments in fluctuating anoxia environments. See here.