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Axelle Brulport


Institut de Biologie de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (IBENS)
46 rue d’Ulm, 75230 Paris Cedex 05


After an initial health-related training (physiotherapy) and 8 years of work experience in this field and vocational retraining, I obtained a PhD in Physiology in 2019.
During my PhD, I have been interested in the impacts of endocrine disruptors on energy metabolism in mice using physiological, transcriptomic and epigenetic approaches.

For my post-doc, I wanted to work on a project combining clinical issues and fundamental research. I joined DYOGEN group to work on the molecular evolution of menstruation in primates under the supervision of Camille Berthelot (ERC Strating Grant EvoMens).

The aim of this project is to use evolutive genomics to better understand the physiological basis of menstruation, a trait at the origin of many gynaecological disorders like endometriosis affecting 10% of women of reproductive age. As for the EvoMens project, I will be in charge of the collection of samples, the technical aspects of wet lab experiments and functional genomics analyses, which will be an opportunity for me to acquire skills in bioinformatics.