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Lamin B1 and LAP2β resist cytoskeletal force to maintain lamin A/C meshwork organization and preserve nuclear integrity
Yewande, Alabi, Vasilisa, Aksenova, Alexei, Arnaoutov, Harold, Marin, Mary, Dasso, Abigail, Buchwalter

Sparse deconvolution of cell type medleys in spatial transcriptomics
Nuray, Sogunmez Erdogan, Deniz, Eroglu

Integrating fossils samples with heterogeneous diversification rates : a combined Multi-Type Fossilized Birth-Death model
Joëlle, Barido‑Sottani, Hélène, Morlon

TDG orchestrates ATF4-dependent gene transcription during retinoic acid-induced cell fate acquisition
Marion, Turpin, Thierry, Madigou, Maud, Bizot, Rachael, Acker, Stephane, Avner, Gérard, Benoît, Martin, Braud, Cynthia, Fourgeux, Gaëlle, Palierne, Jeremie, Poschmann, Katie, Sawvell, Erwan, Watrin, Christine Le, Péron, Gilles, Salbert

Genome-scale transcriptome augmentation during Arabidopsis thaliana photomorphogenesis
Geoffrey, Schivre, Léa, Wolff, Filippo Maria, Mirasole, Elodie, Armanet, Mhairi L. H., Davidson, Adrien, Vidal, Delphine, Cuménal, Marie, Dumont, Mickael, Bourge, Célia, Baroux, Clara, Bourbousse, Fredy, Barneche

Mapping of Quorum Sensing Landscape of Commensal and Pathogenic Staphylococci Reveals a Largely Inhibitory Interaction Network
Bengt H., Gless, Benjamin S., Sereika‑Bejder, Iben, Jensen, Martin S., Bojer, Katerina, Tsiko, Sabrina H., Schmied, Ludovica, Vitolo, Bruno, Toledo‑Silva, Sarne, De Vliegher, Hanne, Ingmer, Christian A., Olsen

Interface integrity in septin protofilaments is maintained by an arginine residue conserved from yeast to man
Benjamin, Grupp, Jano Benito, Graser, Julia, Seifermann, Stefan, Gerhardt, Justin A., Lemkul, Jan Felix, Gehrke, Nils, Johnsson, Thomas, Gronemeyer

In vivo autofluorescence lifetime imaging of the Drosophila brain captures metabolic shifts associated with memory formation
Philémon, Roussel, Mingyi, Zhou, Chiara, Stringari, Thomas, Preat, Pierre‑Yves, Plaçais, Auguste, Genovesio

Multiparametric optimization of human primary B-cell cultures using Design of Experiments
Anne Bruun, Rovsing, Kenneth, Green, Lisbeth, Jensen, Ian Helstrup, Nielsen, Jacob Giehm, Mikkelsen, Søren E., Degn

The Baldwin effect reloaded : Intermediate levels of phenotypic plasticity favor evolutionary rescue
Amaury, Lambert, Guillaume, Achaz, Arnaud, Le Rouzic, Laurent, Loison

Evidence for increased stress resistance due to polyploidy from synthetic autotetraploid Caenorhabditis elegans
Laetitia, Chauve, Emma, Bazzani, Clément, Verdier, Liam, Butler, Martha E., Atimise, Aoibhín, McGarry, Aoife, McLysaght

A low-level Cdkn1c/p57kip2 expression in spinal progenitors drives the transition from proliferative to neurogenic modes of division
Baptiste, Mida, Nathalie, Lehman, Fanny, Coulpier, Kamal, Bouhali, Rosette, Goiame, Morgane, Thomas‑Chollier, Evelyne, Fischer, Xavier, Morin

Damage signals preferentially activate killer CD8+/- regulatory T cells to protect injured tissue
Aditya, Josyula, Daphna, Fertil, Devon R., Hartigan, Paige, Rudy, Sonakshi, Sharma, Toluwaleke, Fashina, Efua, Maclean, Alessandra B., Coogan, Tran B., Ngo, Vanathi, Sundaresan, Kaitlyn, Sadtler

Spatiotemporal variation in cutin polymerization and remodeling mediated by GDSL-hydrolase enzymes during tomato fruit development
Glenn, Philippe, Iben, Sørensen, Aurore, Guérault, Marcella J., Cross, David S., Domozych, Mads H., Clausen, Jocelyn K. C., Rose

Mapping interactions within the NMD decapping complex reveals how Upf1 recruits Dcp2 onto mRNA targets
Nadia, Ruiz‑Gutierrez, Jeanne, Dupas, Elvire, Auquier, Irène, Barbarin‑Bocahu, Claudine, Gaudon‑Plesse, Cosmin, Saveanu, Marc, Graille, Hervé Le, Hir

The 1001G+ project : A curated collection of Arabidopsis thaliana long-read genome assemblies to advance plant research
Carlos C., Alonso‑Blanco, Haim, Ashkenazy, Pierre, Baduel, Zhigui, Bao, Claude, Becker, Erwann, Caillieux, Vincent, Colot, Duncan, Crosbie, Louna, De Oliveira, Joffrey, Fitz, Katrin, Fritschi, Elizaveta, Grigoreva, Yalong, Guo, Anette, Habring, Ian, Henderson, Xing‑Hui, Hou, Yiheng, Hu, Anna, Igolkina, Minghui, Kang, Eric, Kemen, Paul J., Kersey, Aleksandra, Kornienko, Qichao, Lian, Haijun, Liu, Jianquan, Liu, Miriam, Lucke, Baptiste, Mayjonade, Raphaël, Mercier, Almudena, Mollá Morales, Andrea, Movilli, Kevin D., Murray, Matthew, Naish, Magnus, Nordborg, Fernando A., Rabanal, Fabrice, Roux, Niklas, Schandry, Korbinian, Schneeberger, Rebecca, Schwab, Gautam, Shirsekar, Svitlana, Sushko, Yueqi, Tao, Luisa, Teasdale, Sebastian, Vorbrugg, Detlef, Weigel, Wenfei, Xian

Insulation between adjacent TADs is controlled by the width of their boundaries through distinct mechanisms
Andrea, Papale, Julie, Segueni, Hanae El, Maroufi, Daan, Noordermeer, David, Holcman

Accurate calling of low-frequency somatic mutations by sample-specific modeling of error rates
Yixin, Lin, Carmen, Oroperv, Peter Sørud, Porsgård, Amanda, Frydendahl Boll Johansen, Mads Heilskov, Rasmussen, Thomas, Bataillon, Mikkel Heide, Schierup, Claus Lindbjerg, Andersen, Kristian, Almstrup, Søren, Besenbacher

In vivo targeted and deterministic single cell malignant transformation
Pierluigi, Scerbo, Benjamin, Tisserand, Marine, Delagrange, Héloïse, Debare, David, Bensimon, Bertrand, Ducos

Evolutionary rescue of spherical mreB deletion mutants of the rod-shape bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25
P. Richard J., Yulo, Nicolas, Desprat, Monica L., Gerth, Barbara, Ritzl‑ Rinkenberger, Andrew D., Farr, Yunhao, Liu, Xue‑Xian, Zhang, Michael, Miller, Felipe, Cava, Paul B., Rainey, Heather L., Hendrickson

Ultra-long sequencing for contiguous haplotype resolution of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain locus
Mari B., Gornitzka, Egil, Røsjø, Uddalok, Jana, Easton E., Ford, Alan, Tourancheau, William D., Lees, Zachary, Vanwinkle, Melissa L., Smith, Corey T., Watson, Andreas, Lossius

Dynamic relocalization and divergent expression of a major facilitator carrier subfamily in diatoms
Shun, Liu, Shun‑Min, Yang, Chris, Bowler, Miroslav, Obornik, Richard G., Dorrell

Midfacial retrusion and loss of facial appendages caused by mutation of Pax9 in zebrafish
Sandhya, Paudel, Sarah, McLeod, Stefani, Gjorcheska, Lindsey, Barske

Patterns and drivers of diatom diversity and abundance in the global ocean
Juan J., Pierella Karlusich, Karen, Cosnier, Lucie, Zinger, Nicolas, Henry, Charlotte, Nef, Guillaume, Bernard, Eleonora, Scalco, Etienne, Dvorak, Fabio Rocha, Jimenez Vieira, Erwan, Delage, Samuel, Chaffron, Sergey, Ovchinnikov, Adriana, Zingone, Chris, Bowler

Optochemical profiling of NMDA receptor molecular diversity at synaptic and extrasynaptic sites
Antoine, Sicard, Meilin, Tian, Zakaria, Mostefai, Sophie, Shi, Cécile, Cardoso, Joseph, Zamith, Isabelle, McCort‑Tranchepain, Cécile, Charrier, Pierre, Paoletti, Laetitia, Mony

Competition between glycine and GABAA receptors for gephyrin controls their equilibrium populations at inhibitory synapses
Dorota, Kostrz, Stephanie A, Maynard, Clemens, Schulte, François, Laurent, Jean‑Baptiste, Masson, Hans M, Maric, Charlie, Gosse, Antoine, Triller, Terence R, Strick, Christian G, Specht

A tunable and versatile chemogenetic near infrared fluorescent reporter
Lina El, Hajji, Benjamin, Bunel, Octave, Joliot, Chenge, Li, Alison G., Tebo, Christine, Rampon, Michel, Volovitch, Evelyne, Fischer, Nicolas, Pietrancosta, Franck, Perez, Xavier, Morin, Sophie, Vriz, Arnaud, Gautier

Factors influencing the accuracy and precision in dating single gene trees
Guillaume, Louvel, Hugues Roest, Crollius

Unraveling Microglial Spatial Organization in the Developing Human Brain with DeepCellMap, a Deep Learning Approach Coupled to Spatial Statistics
Theo, Perochon, Zeljka, Krsnik, Marco, Massimo, Yana, Ruchiy, Alejandro Lastra, Romero, Elyas, Mohammadi, Xiaofei, Li, Katherine R, Long, Laura, Parkkinen, Klas, Blomgren, Thibault, Lagache, David A, Menassa, David, Holcman

Unequal mitochondrial segregation promotes asymmetric fates during neurogenesis
Benjamin, Bunel, Rosette, Goiame, Xavier, Morin, Evelyne, Fischer

Persistent, Private and Mobile genes : a model for gene dynamics in evolving pangenomes
Jasmine, Gamblin, Amaury, Lambert, François, Blanquart

A novel rhodopsin-based voltage indicator for simultaneous two-photon optical recording with GCaMP in vivo
Vincent, Villette, Shang, Yang, Rosario, Valenti, John J., Macklin, Jonathan, Bradley, Benjamin, Mathieu, Alberto, Lombardini, Kaspar, Podgorski, Stéphane, Dieudonné, Eric R., Schreiter, Ahmed S., Abdelfattah

Evolutionary genomics of the emergence of brown algae as key components of coastal ecosystems
France, Denoeud, Olivier, Godfroy, Corinne, Cruaud, Svenja, Heesch, Zofia, Nehr, Nachida, Tadrent, Arnaud, Couloux, Loraine, Brillet‑Guéguen, Ludovic, Delage, Dean, Mckeown, Taizo, Motomura, Duncan, Sussfeld, Xiao, Fan, Lisa, Mazéas, Nicolas, Terrapon, Josué, Barrera‑Redondo, Romy, Petroll, Lauric, Reynes, Seok‑Wan, Choi, Jihoon, Jo, Kavitha, Uthanumallian, Kenny, Bogaert, Céline, Duc, Pélagie, Ratchinski, Agnieszka, Lipinska, Benjamin, Noel, Eleanor A., Murphy, Martin, Lohr, Ananya, Khatei, Pauline, Hamon‑Giraud, Christophe, Vieira, Svea Sanja, Akerfors, Shingo, Akita, Komlan, Avia, Yacine, Badis, Tristan, Barbeyron, Arnaud, Belcour, Wahiba, Berrabah, Samuel, Blanquart, Ahlem, Bouguerba‑Collin, Trevor, Bringloe, Rose Ann, Cattolico, Alexandre, Cormier, Helena, Cruz de Carvalho, Romain, Dallet, Olivier, De Clerck, Ahmed, Debit, Erwan, Denis, Christophe, Destombe, Erica, Dinatale, Simon, Dittami, Elodie, Drula, Sylvain, Faugeron, Jeanne, Got, Louis, Graf, Agnès, Groisillier, Marie‑Laure, Guillemin, Lars, Harms, William John, Hatchett, Bernard, Henrissat, Galice, Hoarau, Chloé, Jollivet, Alexander, Jueterbock, Ehsan, Kayal, Andrew H., Knoll, Kazuhiro, Kogame, Arthur, Le Bars, Catherine, Leblanc, Line, Le Gall, Ronja, Ley, Xi, Liu, Steven T., LoDuca, Pascal Jean, Lopez, Philippe, Lopez, Eric, Manirakiza, Karine, Massau, Stéphane, Mauger, Laetitia, Mest, Gurvan, Michel, Catia, Monteiro, Chikako, Nagasato, Delphine, Nègre, Eric, Pelletier, Naomi, Phillips, Philippe, Potin, Stefan A., Rensing, Ellyn, Rousselot, Sylvie, Rousvoal, Declan, Schroeder, Delphine, Scornet, Anne, Siegel, Leila, Tirichine, Thierry, Tonon, Klaus, Valentin, Heroen, Verbruggen, Florian, Weinberger, Glen, Wheeler, Hiroshi, Kawai, Akira F., Peters, Hwan Su, Yoon, Cécile, Hervé, Naihao, Ye, Eric, Bapteste, Myriam, Valero, Gabriel V., Markov, Erwan, Corre, Susana M., Coelho, Patrick, Wincker, Jean‑Marc, Aury, Mark, Cock

Dissociation of the nuclear basket triggers chromosome loss in aging yeast
Mihailo, Mirkovic, Jordan, McCarthy, Anne Cornelis, Meinema, Julie, Parenteau, Sung Sik, Lee, Sherif Abou, Elela, Yves, Barral

RNA Binding Protein Khdrbs1 Regulates Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cell Emergence via Splicing
Ilana, Karp, Teresa V., Bowman

The short conserved region-2 of LARP4 interacts with ribosome-associated RACK1 and promotes translation
Amitabh, Ranjan, Sandy, Mattijssen, Nithin, Charlly, Isabel, Cruz Gallardo, Leah F., Pitman, Jennifer C., Coleman, Maria R., Conte, Richard J., Maraia

Long-term hybridization in a karst window reveals the genetic basis of eye loss in cavefish
Riley, Kellermeyer, Chris, Seidel, William B., Redwine, Rachel L., Moran, Sylvain, Bertho, Claudia Patricia, Ornelas‑García, Dana, Alegre, Kyle, Weaver, Jay, Unruh, Benjamin, Troutwine, Yongfu, Wang, Emily, Collins, Jennifer, Rutkowski, Suzanne E., McGaugh, Luis, Espinasa, Nicolas, Rohner

Cellular and molecular mechanisms that shape the development and evolution of tail vertebral proportion in mice and jerboas
Ceri J., Weber, Alexander J., Weitzel, Alexander Y., Liu, Erica G., Gacasan, Robert L., Sah, Kimberly L., Cooper

Unveiling the Functional Connectivity of Astrocytic Networks with AstroNet, a Graph Reconstruction Algorithm Coupled to Image Processing
L., Zonca, F.C., Bellier, G., Milior, P., Aymard, J., Visser, A., Rancillac, N., Rouach, D., Holcman

tRNA hypomodification facilitates 5-fluorocytosine resistance via cross-pathway control system activation in Aspergillus fumigatus
Alexander, Bruch, Valentina, Lazarova, Maximilian, Berg, Thomas, Krüger, Sascha, Schäuble, Abdulrahman A., Kelani, Birte, Mertens, Pamela, Lehenberger, Olaf, Kniemeyer, Stefanie, Kaiser, Gianni, Panagiotou, Fabio, Gsaller, Matthew G., Blango

Differential contribution of P73+ Cajal-Retzius cells and Reelin to cortical morphogenesis
Vicente, Elorriaga, Benoît, Bouloudi, Yoann, Saillour, Juliette S, Morel, Elodie, Delberghe, Patrick, Azzam, Matthieu X, Moreau, Rolf, Stottmann, Nadia, Bahi‑Buisson, Alessandra, Pierani, Nathalie, Spassky, Frédéric, Causeret

Whistle variability and social acoustic interactions in bottlenose dolphins
Faadil, Mustun, Chiara, Semenzin, Dean, Rance, Emiliano, Marachlian, Zohria‑Lys, Guillerm, Agathe, Mancini, Inès, Bouaziz, Elisabeth, Fleck, Nadav, Shashar, Gonzalo G., de Polavieja, Germán, Sumbre

Willingness to wait covaries with endogenous variation in cortisol
Evgeniya, Lukinova, Jeffrey C., Erlich

CRISPR/Cas9-based somatic knock-in of reporters in the avian embryo in ovo
Alciades Petit, Vargas, Baptiste, Mida, Rosette, Goïame, Olinda, Alegria‑Prevot, Bojana, Djelic, Evelyne, Fischer, Samuel, Tozer, Jérôme, Gros, Marie, Manceau, Xavier, Morin

Nucleoporin Nup153 docks the splicing machinery to the nuclear pore for efficient mRNA processing
IJ, de Castro, L, Schuster, C, Patiño‑Gomez, D, Glavas, A, Udupa, M, Ríos Vázquez, T, Symens, G, Tulcan, J, Heinze, Heras J, de las, Robert, Reinhardt, Jorge, Trojanowski, H, Harz, G, Stumberger, H, Leonhardt, E, Schirmer, S, Saka, V, Laketa, M, Lusic

D-lactate derived from intestinal bacteria drives lysine D-lactylation to modulate transcription in liver cells
Yong, Zang, Jianji, Zhang, Mingxin, Xia, Aiyuan, Wang, Zilong, Fan, Yanpu, Han, Hui, Zhang, Siyu, Wang, Ziping, Niu, Jingya, Wu, Xue, Bai, Shanshan, Tian, Chen, Chen, Guijin, Zhai, Hanyang, Dong, Deqing, Hu, Zhongyi, Cheng, Kai, Zhang

Opening the species box : What parsimonious microscopic models of speciation have to say about macroevolution
Élisa, Couvert, François, Bienvenu, Jean‑Jil, Duchamps, Adélie, Erard, Verónica, Miró Pina, Emmanuel, Schertzer, Amaury, Lambert

Key roles of the zona pellucida and perivitelline space in promoting gamete fusion and fast block to polyspermy inferred from the choreography of spermatozoa in mice oocytes
Yaëlle, Dubois, Sophie, Favier, Nathan, Martin‑Fornier, Mohyeddine, Omrane, David, Stroebel, Eric, Perez, Sandrine, Barbaux, Ahmed, Ziyyat, Nicolas, Rodriguez, Christine, Gourier

Nuclear Type I Myosins are Essential for Life and Genome Organization
Audrey Yi Tyan, Peng, Jianhui, Li, Brian C., Freeman

AsaruSim : a single-cell and spatial RNA-Seq Nanopore long-reads simulation workflow
Ali, Hamraoui, Laurent, Jourdren, Morgane, Thomas‑Chollier

Actin-based deformations of the nucleus control multiciliated ependymal cell differentiation
Marianne, Basso, Alexia, Mahuzier, Syed Kaabir, Ali, Anaïs, Marty, Marion, Faucourt, Ana‑Maria, Lennon‑Duménil, Ayush, Srivastava, Michella Khoury, Damaa, Alexia, Bankole, Alice, Meunier, Ayako, Yamada, Julie, Plastino, Nathalie, Spassky, Nathalie, Delgehyr

Fine decomposition of rodent behavior via unsupervised segmentation and clustering of inertial signals
Romain, Fayat, Marie, Sarraudy, Clément, Léna, Daniela, Popa, Pierre, Latouche, Guillaume P., Dugué

Vesicular and non-vesicular extracellular small RNAs direct gene silencing in a plant-interacting bacterium
Antinéa, Ravet, Jérôme, Zervudacki, Meenu, Singla‑Rastogi, Magali, Charvin, Odon, Thiebeauld, Alvaro L, Perez‑Quintero, Lucas, Courgeon, Adrien, Candat, Liam, Lebeau, Antonio, Emidio Fortunato, Venugopal, Mendu, Lionel, Navarro

A Legionella pneumophila effector impedes host gene silencing to promote virulence
Justine, Toinon, Monica, Rolando, Magali, Charvin, Didier, Filopon, Lionel, Schiavolin, Khadeeja Adam, Sy, Hai‑Chi, Vu, Sarah, Gallois‑Montbrun, Antoine, Alam, Pierre, Barraud, Christophe, Rusniok, Bérangère, Lombard, Damarys, Loew, Carmen, Buchrieser, Lionel, Navarro

DiatOmicBase, a gene-centered platform to mine functional omics data across diatom genomes
Emilie, Villar, Nathanaël, Zweig, Pierre, Vincens, Helena, Cruz de Carvalho, Carole, Duchene, Shun, Liu, Raphael, Monteil, Richard G., Dorrell, Michele, Fabris, Klaas, Vandepoele, Chris, Bowler, Angela, Falciatore

Nuclear basket proteins regulate the distribution and mobility of nuclear pore complexes in budding yeast
Janka, Zsok, Francois, Simon, Göksu, Bayrak, Luljeta, Isaki, Nina, Kerff, Yoana, Kicheva, Amy, Wolstenholme, Lucien E., Weiss, Elisa, Dultz

Multiple Functions of Cerebello-Thalamic Neurons in Learning and Offline Consolidation of a Motor Skill in mice
Andres P, Varani, Caroline, Mailhes‑Hamon, Romain W, Sala, Sarah, Fouda, Jimena L, Frontera, Clément, Léna, Daniela, Popa

Cell cycle-dependent mRNA localization in P-bodies
Adham, Safieddine, Marie‑Noëlle, Benassy, Thomas, Bonte, Floric, Slimani, Oriane, Pourcelot, Michel, Kress, Michèle, Ernoult‑Lange, Maïté, Courel, Emeline, Coleno, Arthur, Imbert, Antoine, Laine, Annie Munier, Godebert, Angelique, Vinit, Corinne, Blugeon, Guillaume, Chevreux, Daniel, Gautheret, Thomas, Walter, Edouard, Bertrand, Marianne, Bénard, Dominique, Weil

Repurposing tRNA isodecoders for non-canonical functions via tRNA cleavage
Nupur, Bhatter, Vivek M., Advani, Yoshika, Takenaka, Shawn M., Lyons, Yasutoshi, Akiyama, Paul J., Anderson, Pavel, Ivanov

Biological and genomic resources for the cosmopolitan phytoplankton Bathycoccus : Insights into genetic diversity and major structural variations
Louis, Dennu, Martine, Devic, Janaina, Rigonato, Angela, Falciatore, Jean‑Claude, Lozano, Valérie, Vergé, Cédric, Mariac, Nathalie, Joli, Olivier, Jaillon, François, Sabot, François‑Yves, Bouget

Integrating tDNA Epigenomics and Expression with Codon Usage Unravel an Intricate Connection with Protein Expression Dynamics in Trypanosoma cruzi
Herbert G. S., Silva, Satoshi, Kimura, Pedro L. C., Lima, David S., Pires, Matthew K., Waldor, Julia P. C., da Cunha

Genome-resolved diversity and biosynthetic potential of the coral reef microbiome
Lucas, Paoli, Fabienne, Wiederkehr, Hans‑Joachim, Ruscheweyh, Samuel, Miravet‑Verde, Kalia S. I., Bistolas, Teresa, Sawyer, Karine, Labadie, Kim‑Isabelle, Mayer, Aude, Perdereau, Maggie M., Reddy, Clémentine, Moulin, Emilie, Boissin, Guillaume, Bourdin, Juliette, Cailliau, Guillaume, Iwankow, Julie, Poulain, Sarah, Romac, Serge, Planes, Denis, Allemand, Sylvain, Agostini, Chris, Bowler, Eric, Douville, Didier, Forcioli, Pierre E., Galand, Fabien, Lombard, Pedro H., Oliveira, Jörn, Piel, Olivier, Thomas, Rebecca Vega, Thurber, Romain, Troublé, Christian R., Voolstra, Patrick, Wincker, Maren, Ziegler, Shinichi, Sunagawa

Continuous emergence of phototaxis in Dictyostelium discoideum
Damien, Genettais, Charles, Bernard, Felix, Geoffroy, Clément, Nizak, Sandrine, Adiba

Evidence of centromeric histone 3 chaperone involved in DNA damage repair pathway
Prakhar, Agarwal, Santanu Kumar, Ghosh

Structural perturbation of chromatin domains with multiple developmental regulators can severely impact gene regulation and development
Shreeta, Chakraborty, Nina, Wenzlitschke, Matthew J., Anderson, Ariel, Eraso, Manon, Baudic, Joyce J., Thompson, Alicia A., Evans, Lilly M., Shatford‑Adams, Raj, Chari, Parirokh, Awasthi, Ryan K., Dale, Mark, Lewandoski, Timothy J., Petros, Pedro P., Rocha

Evaluating the Importance of Glucagon in the Insulin-Glucose Regulatory System : A Mechanistic Modeling Approach
Mackenzie, Dalton, Emmanuel, Asante‑Asamani, James, Greene

The axillary lymphoid organ - an external, experimentally accessible immune organ in the zebrafish
Daniel, Castranova, Madeleine I., Kenton, Aurora, Kraus, Christopher W., Dell, Jong S., Park, Marina Venero, Galanternik, Gilseung, Park, Daniel N., Lumbantobing, Louis, Dye, Miranda, Marvel, James, Iben, Kiyohito, Taimatsu, Van, Pham, Reegan J., Willms, Lucas, Blevens, Tanner F., Robertson, Yiran, Hou, Anna, Huttenlocher, Edan, Foley, Lynne R., Parenti, J. Kimble, Frazer, Kedar, Narayan, Brant M., Weinstein

Representing Transcription Factor Dimer Binding Sites Using Forked-Position Weight Matrices and Forked-Sequence Logos
Matthew, Dyer, Roberto, Tirado‑Magallanes, Aida, Ghayour‑Khiavi, Xiao Xuan Lin, Quy, Walter, Santana, Hamid, Usefi, Morgane, Thomas‑Chollier, Sudhakar, Jha, Denis, Thieffry, Touati, Benoukraf

Loss of conserved noncoding elements likely shaped the evolution of regressed phenotypes in cavefish
Mohan, Lal, Jui, Bhattacharya, Kuljeet Singh, Sandhu

Nanotiming : telomere-to-telomere DNA replication timing profiling by nanopore sequencing
Bertrand, Theulot, Alan, Tourancheau, Emma, Simonin Chavignier, Etienne, Jean, Jean‑Michel, Arbona, Benjamin, Audit, Olivier, Hyrien, Laurent, Lacroix, Benoît, Le Tallec

The role of LEDGF in transcription is exploited by HIV-1 to position integration
Rakesh, Pathak, Caroline, Esnault, Rajalingam, Radhakrishnan, Parmit K, Singh, Hongen, Zhang, Ryan, Dale, Abhishek, Anand, Gregory J, Bedwell, Alan N, Engelman, Ali, Rabi, Sahand, Hormoz, Priyanka, Singh, Henry L, Levin

Enhanced binding of guanylated poly(A) RNA by the LaM domain of LARP1
Guennadi, Kozlov, Jianning, Jiang, Tyler, Rutherford, Anne M., Noronha, Christopher J., Wilds, Kalle, Gehring

IRF8 configures enhancer landscape in postnatal microglia and directs microglia specific transcriptional programs
Keita, Saeki, Richard, Pan, Eunju, Lee, Daisuke, Kurotaki, Keiko, Ozato

Prevalence and environmental abundance of the elusive membrane trafficking complex TSET in five cosmopolitan eukaryotic groups
Mathias, Penot‑Raquin, Mandeep, Sivia, Morenikedji, Fafoumi, Raegan, Larson, Richard G., Dorrell, Joel B., Dacks

Deciphering the Binding of 5’ Stem Loop RNA to the La Domain of Human LARP6
Blaine H., Gordon, Nolan, Blackford, Robert, Silvers

Optical sectioning for reflection interference microscopy
Cathie, Ventalon, Oksana, Kirichuk, Yotam, Navon, Yan, Chastagnier, Laurent, Heux, Ralf P., Richter, Lionel, Bureau, Delphine, Débarre

State-dependent dynamics of cuttlefish mantle activity
Sophie, Cohen‑Bodénès, Peter, Neri

Emergent patterns of patchiness reflect decoupling between ocean physics and biology
Patrick Clifton, Gray, Emmanuel, Boss, Guillaume, Bourdin, Yoav, Lehahn

Selvee, Sungeelee, Caroline, Mailhes‑Hamon, Zoubida, Chettouh, Philip, Bokiniec, Annaliese, Eymael, Bowen, Dempsey, Jean‑François, Brunet

Caldas meets Janzen : Thermal regimes of montane plants and implications for global patterns of speciation
Adriana, Sanchez, Ignacio, Quintero, Sara, Pedraza, Diana, Bonilla, Lúcia G., Lohmann, Carlos Daniel, Cadena, Felipe, Zapata

Factors shaping the assembly of lichen holobionts in a tropical lichen community
Magdalena, Kosecka, Amélia, Bourceret, Benoît, Perez‑Lamarque, Beata, Guzow‑Krzemińska, Martin, Kukwa, Adam, Flakus, Pamela, Rodriguez‑Flakus, Marc‑André, Selosse

Identification of a new cell cycle variant during multiciliated cell differentiation
Jacques, Serizay, Michella Khoury, Damaa, Amélie‑Rose, Boudjema, Rémi, Balagué, Marion, Faucourt, Nathalie, Delgehyr, Camille, Noûs, Laure‑Emmanuelle, Zaragosi, Pascal, Barbry, Nathalie, Spassky, Romain, Koszul, Alice, Meunier

The contribution of epigenetic variation to evolution in crows
Justin, Merondun, Jochen B. W., Wolf

Human TRMT1 and TRMT1L paralogs ensure the proper modification state, stability, and function of tRNAs
Kejia, Zhang, Aidan C., Manning, Jenna M., Lentini, Jonathan, Howard, Felix, Dalwigk, Reza, Maroofian, Stephanie, Efthymiou, Patricia, Chan, Sergei I., Eliseev, Zi, Yang, Hayley, Chang, Ehsan Ghayoor, Karimiani, Behnoosh, Bakhshoodeh, Henry, Houlden, Stefanie M., Kaiser, Todd M., Lowe, Dragony, Fu

CTNND2 regulation by the SRGAP2 protein family links human evolution to synaptic neoteny
Nora, Assendorp, Matteo, Fossati, Baptiste, Libé‑Philippot, Eirini, Christopoulou, Marine, Depp, Roberta, Rapone, Florent, Dingli, Damarys, Loew, Pierre, Vanderhaeghen, Cécile, Charrier

Tendon-associated gene expression precedes osteogenesis in mid-palatal suture establishment
Daniela M., Roth, Jeremie, Oliver Piña, Resmi, Raju, James, Iben, Fabio R., Faucz, Elena, Makareeva, Sergey, Leikin, Daniel, Graf, Rena N., D’Souza

Gene-specific RNA homeostasis revealed by perturbation of coactivator complexes
Faezeh, Forouzanfar, Damien, Plassard, Audrey, Furst, David F., Moreno, Karen A., Oliveira, Bernardo, Reina‑San‑Martin, László, Tora, Nacho, Molina, Manuel, Mendoza

Liver microRNA transcriptome reveals miR-182 as link between type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease in obesity
Christin, Krause, Jan H., Britsemmer, Miriam, Bernecker, Anna, Molenaar, Natalie, Taege, Nuria, Lopez‑Alcantara, Cathleen, Geißler, Meike, Kaehler, Katharina, Iben, Anna, Judycka, Jonas, Wagner, Stefan, Wolter, Oliver, Mann, Paul T., Pfluger, Ingolf, Cascorbi, Hendrik, Lehnert, Kerstin, Stemmer, Sonja C., Schriever, Henriette, Kirchner

Recent evolutionary origin and localized diversity hotspots of mammalian coronaviruses
Renan, Maestri, Benoît, Perez‑Lamarque, Anna, Zhukova, Hélène, Morlon

Yeast poly(A)-binding protein (Pab1) controls translation initiation in vivo primarily by blocking mRNA decapping and decay
Poonam, Poonia, Vishalini, Valabhoju, Tianwei, Li, James, Iben, Xiao, Niu, Zhenguo, Lin, Alan G., Hinnebusch

Human cells contain myriad excised linear intron RNAs with links to gene regulation and potential utility as biomarkers
Jun, Yao, Hengyi, Xu, Elizabeth A., Ferrick‑Kiddie, Ryan M., Nottingham, Douglas C., Wu, Manuel, Ares, Alan M., Lambowitz

TPR is required for cytoplasmic chromatin fragment formation during senescence
Bethany M., Bartlett, Yatendra, Kumar, Shelagh, Boyle, Tamoghna, Chowdhury, Andrea, Quintanilla, Charlene, Boumendil, Juan Carlos, Acosta, Wendy A., Bickmore

Mechanotransductive feedback control of endothelial cell motility and vascular morphogenesis
Devon E., Mason, Paula, Camacho, Megan E., Goeckel, Brendan R., Tobin, Sebastián L., Vega, Pei‑Hsun, Wu, Dymonn, Johnson, Su‑Jin, Heo, Denis, Wirtz, Jason A., Burdick, Levi, Wood, Brian Y., Chow, Amber N., Stratman, Joel D., Boerckel

Ectopic Reconstitution of a Spine-Apparatus Like Structure Provides Insight into Mechanisms Underlying Its Formation
Hanieh, Falahati, Yumei, Wu, Pietro, De Camilli

Vascular dysfunction is at the onset of oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy symptoms in mice
Sonia, Taïb, Juliette, Durand, Anne‑Cécile, Boulay, Vianney, Dehais, Sabrina, Martin, Corinne, Blugeon, Laurent, Jourdren, Martine, Cohen‑Salmon, Jamilé, Hazan, Isabelle, Brunet

Transposable element products, functions, and regulatory networks in Arabidopsis
Carles, Borredá, Basile, Leduque, Vincent, Colot, Leandro, Quadrana

Microgliosis driven by palmitate exposure alters energy metabolism and extracellular vesicles release that impact behavior and systemic metabolism
Gabriela C., De Paula, Blanca, Aldana, Roberta, Battistella, Rosalia Fernández, Calle, Andreas, Bjure, Iben, Lundgaard, Tomas, Deierborg, João M. N., Duarte

Complementary environmental analysis and functional characterization of a plastid diatom lower glycolytic-gluconeogenesis pathway
Richard G., Dorrell, Youjun, Zhang, Yue, Liang, Nolwenn, Gueguen, Tomomi, Nonoyama, Dany, Croteau, Mathias, Penot, Sandrine, Adiba, Benjamin, Bailleul, Valérie, Gros, Juan José Pierella, Karlusich, Nathanaël, Zweig, Alisdair R., Fernie, Juliette, Jouhet, Eric, Maréchal, Chris, Bowler

Dynamic role of GlyT1 as glycine sink or source : pharmacological implications for the gain control of NMDA receptors
Stéphane, Supplisson

Loci associated with cave-derived traits concentrate in specific regions of the Mexican cavefish genome
Jonathan, Wiese, Emilie, Richards, Johanna E., Kowalko, Suzanne E., McGaugh

QuartPlotR : A quarternary phase diagram tool
Alaguraj, Veluchamy, Chris, Bowler

Nucleoid-associated proteins shape the global protein occupancy and transcriptional landscape of a clinical isolate of Vibrio cholerae
Yulduz, Rakibova, Drew T., Dunham, Kimberley D., Seed, P. Lydia, Freddolino

Multivalent GU-rich oligonucleotides sequester TDP-43 in the nucleus by inducing high molecular weight RNP complexes
Xi, Zhang, Tanuza, Das, Tiffany F., Chao, Vickie, Trinh, Rogger, Carmen, Jonathan, Ling, Petr, Kalab, Lindsey R., Hayes

Wnt-Ror-Dvl signalling and the dystrophin complex organize planar-polarized membrane compartments in C. elegans muscles
Alice, Peysson, Noura, Zariohi, Marie, Gendrel, Amandine, Chambert‑Loir, Noémie, Frébault, Elise, Cheynet, Olga, Andrini, Thomas, Boulin

Modulation of SARS-CoV-2 spike binding to ACE2 through conformational selection
Prithwidip, Saha, Ignacio, Fernandez, Fidan, Sumbul, Claire, Valotteau, Dorota, Kostrz, Annalisa, Meola, Eduard, Baquero, Arvind, Sharma, James R., Portman, François, Stransky, Thomas, Boudier, Pablo Guardado, Calvo, Charlie, Gosse, Terence, Strick, Felix A., Rey, Felix, Rico

Neuronal activity promotes axonal node-like clustering prior to myelination and remyelination in the central nervous system
Rémi, Ronzano, Clément, Perrot, Elisa, Mazuir, Melina, Thetiot, Marie‑Stéphane, Aigrot, Paul, Stheneur, François‑Xavier, Lejeune, Bruno, Stankoff, Catherine, Lubetzki, Nathalie, Sol‑Foulon, Anne, Desmazières

SUN2 mediates calcium-triggered nuclear actin polymerization to cluster active RNA polymerase II
Svenja, Ulferts, Robert, Grosse

Identification of an evolutionary conserved binding motif responsible for the recruitment of NMD factors to the UPF1 helicase
Irène, Barbarin‑Bocahu, Nathalie, Ulryck, Amandine, Rigobert, Nadia, Ruiz Gutierrez, Laurence, Decourty, Mouna, Raji, Bhumika, Garkhal, Hervé, Le Hir, Cosmin, Saveanu, Marc, Graille

Benchmarking transcriptional deconvolution methods for estimating tissue- and cell type-specific extracellular vesicle abundances
Jannik Hjortshøj, Larsen, Iben Skov, Jensen, Per, Svenningsen

Novel Nuclear Roles for Testis-Specific ACTL7A and ACTL7B Supported by In Vivo Characterizations and AI Facilitated In Silico Mechanistic Modeling with Implications for Epigenetic Regulation in Spermiogenesis
Pierre, Ferrer, Srijana, Upadhyay, James J., Cai, Tracy M., Clement

Spatial Multiomics Reveal the Role of Wnt Modulator, Dkk2, in Palatogenesis
Jeremie, Oliver Piña, Resmi, Raju, Daniela M., Roth, Emma Wentworth, Winchester, Cameron, Padilla, James, Iben, Fabio R., Faucz, Justin L., Cotney, Rena N., D’Souza

Telling mutualistic and antagonistic ecological networks apart by learning their multiscale structure
Benoît, Pichon, Rémy Le, Goff, Hélène, Morlon, Benoît, Perez‑Lamarque

Filamin A mediates embryonical palatal fusion by linking mechanotransduction with β-Catenin/Smad2
Ziyi, Wang, Satoru, Hayano, Yao, Weng, Xindi, Mu, Mitsuaki, Ono, Jeremie Oliver, Piña, Rena N., D’Souza, Takashi, Yamashiro, Toshitaka, Oohashi, Hiroshi, Kamioka

Comparative transcriptomics reveal a novel tardigrade specific DNA binding protein induced in response to ionizing radiation
M., Anoud, E., Delagoutte, Q., Helleu, A., Brion, E., Duvernois‑Berthet, M., As, X., Marques, K., Lamribet, C., Senamaud, L., Jourdren, A., Adrait, S., Heinrich, G., Toutirais, S., Hamlaoui, G., Gropplero, I., Giovannini, L., Ponger, M., Gèze, C., Blugeon, Y., Coute, R., Guidetti, L, Rebecchi, C., Giovannangeli, A., De Cian, J‑P., Concordet

Microtubule-dependent orchestration of centriole amplification in brain multiciliated cells
Amélie‑Rose, Boudjema, Rémi, Balagué, Cayla E, Jewett, Gina M, LoMastro, Olivier, Mercey, Adel Al, Jord, Marion, Faucourt, Alexandre, Schaeffer, Camille, Noûs, Nathalie, Delgehyr, Andrew J, Holland, Nathalie, Spassky, Alice, Meunier

Ubiquity of inverted ’gelatinous’ ecosystem pyramids in the global ocean
Lombard, Fabien, Guidi, Lionel, Manoela C., Brandão, Coelho Luis, Pedro, Colin, Sébastien, Dolan John, Richard, Elineau, Amanda, Josep M, Gasol, Grondin Pierre, Luc, Henry, Nicolas, Federico M, Ibarbalz, Jalabert, Laëtitia, Loreau, Michel, Martini, Séverinne, Mériguet, Zoé, Picheral, Marc, Juan José, Pierella Karlusich, Rainer, Pepperkok, Romagnan, Jean‑Baptiste, Zinger, Lucie, Stemmann, Lars, Silvia G, Acinas, Karp‑Boss, Lee, Boss, Emmanuel, Matthew B., Sullivan, Colomban, de Vargas, Bowler, Chris, Karsenti, Eric, Gorsky, Gabriel

Natural variation in infection specificity of Caenorhabditis briggsae isolates by two RNA viruses
Cigdem, Alkan, Gautier, Brésard, Lise, Frézal, Aurélien, Richaud, Albane, Ruaud, Gaotian, Zhang, Marie‑Anne, Félix

The genome sequence of the Montseny horsehair worm, Gordionus montsenyensis sp. nov., a key resource to investigate Ecdysozoa evolution
Klara, Eleftheriadi, Nadège, Guiglielmoni, Judit, Salces‑Ortiz, Carlos, Vargas‑Chavez, Gemma I., Martínez‑Redondo, Marta, Gut, Jean‑François, Flot, Andreas, Schmidt‑Rhaesa, Rosa, Fernández

A POLR3B-variant reveals a Pol III transcriptome response dependent on La protein/SSB
Sandy, Mattijssen, Kyra, Kerkhofs, Joshi, Stephen, Acong, Yang, Chen G., Han, Yokoyama, Tadafumi, James R., Iben, Saurabh, Mishra, Rima M., Sakhawala, Amitabh, Ranjan, Mamatha, Gowda, William A., Gahl, Shuo, Gu, May C., Malicdan, Richard J., Maraia

Attractor-like circuits improve visual decoding and behavior in zebrafish
Martin, Privat, Enrique Carlos Arnoldo, Hansen, Thomas, Pietri, Emiliano, Marachlian, Alejandro, Uribe‑Arias, Auriane, Duchemin, Virginie, Candat, Sarah, Nourin, Germán, Sumbre

Potential role of microRNAs in regulating transcriptional profile, and sculpting development and metabolism in cavefish
Tathagata, Biswas, Huzaifa, Hassan, Nicolas, Rohner

Distinguishing cophylogenetic signal from phylogenetic congruence clarifies the interplay between evolutionary history and species interactions
Benoît, Perez‑Lamarque, Hélène, Morlon

An active light signalling pathway is necessary for ABA-induced inhibition of hypocotyl elongation
Esther, Cañibano, Daniela, Soto‑Gomez, Juan Carlos, Oliveros, Clara, Bourbousse, Sandra, Fonseca

An anti-virulence drug targeting the evolvability protein Mfd protects against infections with antimicrobial resistant ESKAPE pathogens
SL., Tran, L., Lebreuilly, D., Cormontagne, S., Samson, TB., Tô, R., Dervyn, A., Grießhammer, J., de la Cuesta‑Zuluaga, L., Maier, T., Naas, S., Mura, J., Nicolas, D., Rognan, G., André, N., Ramarao

Regulatory and evolutionary impact of DNA methylation in two songbird species and their naturally occurring F1 hybrids
Jesper, Boman, Anna, Qvarnström, Carina F., Mugal

SETDB1 modulates the TGFβ response in Duchenne muscular dystrophy myotubes
Alice, Granados, Maeva, Zamperoni, Roberta, Rapone, Maryline, Moulin, Ekaterina, Boyarchuk, Costas, Bouyioukos, Laurence, Del Maestro, Véronique, Joliot, Elisa, Negroni, Myriame, Mohamed, Sandra, Piquet, Anne, Bigot, Fabien, Le Grand, Sonia, Albini, Slimane, Ait‑Si‑Ali

WITHDRAWN : Environmentally-informed functional characterization of a plastid diatom metabolic bridge of mitochondrial origin
Richard G., Dorrell, Youjun, Zhang, Yue, Liang, Nolwenn, Gueguen, Tomomi, Nonoyama, Dany, Croteau, Mathias, Penot, Sandrine, Adiba, Benjamin, Bailleul, Valérie, Gros, Juan José, Pierella Karlusich, Nathanaël, Zweig, Alisdair R., Fernie, Juliette, Jouhet, Eric, Maréchal, Chris, Bowler

Broadly conserved FlgV controls flagellar assembly and Borrelia burgdorferi dissemination in mice
Maxime, Zamba‑Campero, Daniel, Soliman, Huaxin, Yu, Amanda G., Lasseter, Yuen‑Yan, Chang, Jun, Liu, L., Aravind, Mollie W., Jewett, Gisela, Storz, Philip P., Adams

Neural precursor cells rescue symptoms of Rett syndrome by activation of the Interferon γ pathway
Angelisa, Frasca, Federica, Miramondi, Erica, Butti, Marzia, Indrigo, Maria Balbontin, Arenas, Francesca M., Postogna, Arianna, Piffer, Francesco, Bedogni, Lara, Pizzamiglio, Clara, Cambria, Ugo, Borello, Flavia, Antonucci, Gianvito, Martino, Nicoletta, Landsberger

Fas2EB112 : A Tale of Two Chromosomes
Tara M., Finegan, Christian, Cammarota, Oscar Mendoza, Andrade, Audrey M., Garoutte, Dan T., Bergstralh

pyRBDome : A comprehensive computational platform for enhancing and interpreting RNA-binding proteome data
Liang‑Cui, Chu, Niki, Christopoulou, Hugh, McCaughan, Sophie, Winterbourne, Davide, Cazzola, Shichao, Wang, Ulad, Litvin, Salomé, Brunon, Patrick J.B., Harker, Iain, McNae, Sander, Granneman

A Novel Role for CSA in the Regulation of Nuclear Envelope Integrity : Uncovering a Non-Canonical Function
Denny, Yang, Austin, Lai, Amelie, Davies, Anne FJ, Janssen, Delphine, Larrieu

How demography shapes linkage disequilibrium with or without recombination
Elise, Kerdoncuff, Amaury, Lambert, Guillaume, Achaz

Examining chromatin heterogeneity through PacBio long-read sequencing of M.EcoGII methylated genomes : an m6A detection efficiency and calling bias correcting pipeline
Allison F., Dennis, Zhuwei, Xu, David J., Clark

Towards modeling genome-scale knowledge in the global ocean
Antoine, Régimbeau, Olivier, Aumont, Chris, Bowler, Lionel, Guidi, George A., Jackson, Eric, Karsenti, Laurent, Memery, Alessandro, Tagliabue, Damien, Eveillard

Export of discarded splicing intermediates requires mRNA export factors and the nuclear basket
Yi, Zeng, Jonathan P., Staley

Simultaneous photoactivation and high-speed structural tracking reveal diffusion-dominated motion in the endoplasmic reticulum
Matteo, Dora, Christopher J., Obara, Tim, Abel, Jennifer, Lippincott‑Schwarz, David, Holcman

A reference genome for the Andean cavefish Trichomycterus rosablanca (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae) : building genomic resources to study evolution in cave environments
Carlos Daniel, Cadena, Laura, Pabón, Carlos, DoNascimiento, Linelle, Abueg, Tatiana, Tiley, Brian, O‑Toole, Dominic, Absolon, Ying, Sims, Giulio, Formenti, Olivier, Fedrigo, Erich D., Jarvis, Mauricio, Torres

Reversible inhibition of GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors with an in situ red-shifted, photoswitchable antagonist
Chloé, Geoffroy, Romain, Berraud‑Pache, Nicolas, Chéron, Isabelle, McCort‑Tranchepain, Pierre, Paoletti, Laetitia, Mony

A randomized multiplex CRISPRi-Seq approach for the identification of critical combinations of genes
Nicole A., Ellis, Kevin S., Myers, Jessica, Tung, Anne Davidson, Ward, Kathryn, Johnston, Katherine E., Bonnington, Timothy J., Donohue, Matthias P., Machner

Regulation of chromatin transcription dynamics by DNA supercoiling
Sumitabha, Brahmachari, Shubham, Tripathi, José N, Onuchic, Herbert, Levine

LncPlankton V1.0 : a comprehensive collection of plankton long non-coding RNAs
Ahmed, Debit, Pierre, Vincens, Chris, Bowler, Helena Cruz, de Carvalho

Polycomb protein binding and looping mediated by Polycomb Response Elements in the ON transcriptional state
J. Lesley, Brown, Liangliang, Zhang, Pedro P, Rocha, Judith A., Kassis, Ming‑an, Sun

LARP1 senses free ribosomes to coordinate supply and demand of ribosomal proteins
James A., Saba, Zixuan, Huang, Kate L., Schole, Xianwen, Ye, Shrey D., Bhatt, Yi, Li, Winston, Timp, Jingdong, Cheng, Rachel, Green

The pelvic organs receive no parasympathetic innervation
Margaux, Sivori, Bowen, Dempsey, Zoubida, Chettouh, Franck, Boismoreau, Maïlys, Ayerdi, Annaliese Nucharee, Eymael, Sylvain, Baulande, Sonia, Lameiras, Fanny, Coulpier, Olivier, Delattre, Hermann, Rohrer, Olivier, Mirabeau, Jean‑François, Brunet

Biogenesis of specialized lysosomes in differentiated keratinocytes relies on close apposition with the Golgi apparatus
Sarmistha, Mahanty, Ptissam, Bergam, Vivek, Belapurkar, Litralson, Eluvathingal, Nikita, Gupta, Bruno, Goud, Deepak, Nair, Graca, Raposo, Subba Rao, Gangi Setty

Cockayne syndrome patient iPSC-derived brain organoids and neurospheres show early transcriptional dysregulation of biological processes associated with brain development and metabolism
Leon‑Phillip, Szepanowski, Wasco, Wruck, Julia, Kapr, Andrea, Rossi, Ellen, Fritsche, Jean, Krutmann, James, Adjaye

Identification and organization of a postural anti-gravity module in the cerebellar vermis
Aurélien, Gouhier, Vincent, Villette, Benjamin, Mathieu, Annick, Ayon, Jonathan, Bradley, Stéphane, Dieudonné

Alternative splicing induced by bacterial pore-forming toxins sharpens CIRBP-mediated cell response to Listeria infection
Morgane, Corre, Volker, Boehm, Vinko, Besic, Anna, Kurowska, Anouk, Viry, Ammara, Mohammad, Catherine, Sénamaud‑Beaufort, Morgane, Thomas‑Chollier, Alice, Lebreton

Yeast Heterochromatin Only Stably Silences Weak Regulatory Elements by Altering Burst Duration
Kenneth, Wu, Namrita, Dhillon, Antone, Bajor, Sara, Abrahamson, Rohinton T., Kamakaka

Substrates and Cyclic Peptide Inhibitors of the Oligonucleotide Activated SIRT7
Julie E., Bolding, Alexander L., Nielsen, Iben, Jensen, Tobias N., Hansen, Line A., Ryberg, Samuel T., Jameson, Pernille, Harris, Günther H. J., Peters, John M., Denu, Joseph M., Rogers, Christian A., Olsen

Convergent adaptation of true crabs (Decapoda : Brachyura) to a gradient of terrestrial environments
Joanna M., Wolfe, Lauren, Ballou, Javier, Luque, Victoria M., Watson‑Zink, Shane T., Ahyong, Joëlle, Barido‑Sottani, Tin‑Yam, Chan, Ka Hou, Chu, Keith A., Crandall, Savel R., Daniels, Darryl L., Felder, Harrison, Mancke, Joel W., Martin, Peter K.L., Ng, Javier, Ortega‑Hernández, Emma Palacios, Theil, N. Dean, Pentcheff, Rafael, Robles, Brent P., Thoma, Ling Ming, Tsang, Regina, Wetzer, Amanda M., Windsor, Heather D., Bracken‑Grissom

Loss of intracerebellar heterogeneity and selective vulnerability in Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 neurodegeneration
Katherine, Hamel, Emmanuel Labrada, Moncada, Carrie, Sheeler, Juao‑Guilherme, Rosa, Stephen, Gilliat, Ying, Zhang, Marija, Cvetanovic

Telomere-to-telomere Schizosaccharomyces japonicus genome assembly reveals hitherto unknown genome features
Graham J, Etherington, Pei‑Shang, Wu, Snezhana, Oliferenko, Frank, Uhlmann, Conrad A., Nieduszynski

A bacterial effector directly targets Arabidopsis Argonaute 1 to suppress Pattern-triggered immunity and cause disease
Odon, Thiébeauld, Magali, Charvin, Meenu, Singla‑Rastogi, Alvaro L, Perez‑Quintero, Fan, Yang, Dominique, Pontier, Pierre, Barraud, Cécile, Pouzet, Laure, Bapaume, Delase, Amesefe, Guangyong, Li, Laurent, Deslandes, Thierry, Lagrange, James R., Alfano, Lionel, Navarro

A cell atlas of the larval Aedes aegypti ventral nerve cord
Chang, Yin, Takeshi, Morita, Jay Z., Parrish

KCNN4 links PIEZO-dependent mechanotransduction to NLRP3 inflammasome activation
Li, Ran, Tao, Ye, Eric, Erbs, Stephan, Ehl, Nathalie, Spassky, Izabela, Sumara, Zhirong, Zhang, Romeo, Ricci

Actin associates with actively elongating genes and binds directly to the Cdk9 subunit of P-TEFb
Salla, Kyheröinen, Bina, Prajapati, Maria, Sokolova, Maximilian, Schmitz, Tiina, Viita, Matthias, Geyer, Maria K., Vartiainen

Retrotransposon-driven environmental regulation of FLC leads to adaptive response to herbicide
Mathieu, Raingeval, Basile, Leduque, Pierre, Baduel, Alejandro, Edera, Fabrice, Roux, Vincent, Colot, Leandro, Quadrana

Loss of Ezh2 in the medial ganglionic eminence alters interneuron fate, cell morphology and gene expression profiles
Christopher T., Rhodes, Dhanya, Asokumar, Mira, Sohn, Shovan, Naskar, Lielle, Elisha, Parker, Stevenson, Dongjin R., Lee, Yajun, Zhang, Pedro P., Rocha, Ryan K., Dale, Soohyun, Lee, Timothy J., Petros

Causal Genetic Loci for a Motivated Behavior Spectrum Harbor Psychiatric Risk Genes
Jiale, Xu, Romelo, Casanave, Apurva S., Chitre, Qiyang, Wang, Khai‑Minh, Nguyen, Chiara, Blake, Mahendra, Wagle, Riyan, Cheng, Oksana, Polesskaya, Abraham A., Palmer, Su, Guo

ZBTB24 is a conserved multifaceted transcription factor at genes and centromeres that governs the DNA methylation state and expression of satellite repeats
Giacomo, Grillo, Ekaterina, Boyarchuk, Seed, Mihic, Ivana, Ivkovic, Mathilde, Bertrand, Alice, Jouneau, Thomas, Dahlet, Michael, Dumas, Michael, Weber, Guillaume, Velasco, Claire, Francastel

Detecting the ecological footprint of selection
Juliette, Luiselli, Isaac, Overcast, Andrew, Rominger, Megan, Ruffley, Hélène, Morlon, James, Rosindell

Microglial TNFα controls synaptic GABAARs, sleep slow waves and memory consolidation
Maria Joana, Pinto, Lucy, Bizien, Julie M.J., Fabre, Nina, Ðukanović, Valentin, Lepetz, Fiona, Henderson, Marine, Pujol, Romain W., Sala, Thibault, Tarpin, Daniela, Popa, Antoine, Triller, Clément, Léna, Véronique, Fabre, Alain, Bessis

Crosstalk between the tRNA methyltransferase Trm1 and RNA chaperone La influences eukaryotic tRNA maturation
Jennifer, Porat, Ana, Vakiloroayaei, Brittney M., Remnant, Mohammadaref, Talebi, Taylor, Cargill, Mark A., Bayfield

Distinct clades of TELOMERE REPEAT BINDING transcriptional regulators interplay to regulate plant development
Simon, Amiard, Léa, Feit, Lauriane, Simon, Samuel Le, Goff, Loriane, Loizeau, Léa, Wolff, Falk, Butter, Clara, Bourbousse, Fredy, Barneche, Christophe, Tatout, Aline. V., Probst

Seed or soil : tracing back the plant mycobiota primary sources
Liam, Laurent‑Webb, Kenji, Maurice, Benoît, Perez‑Lamarque, Amélia, Bourceret, Marc, Ducousso, Marc‑André, Selosse

SCO-spondin knockout mice exhibit small brain ventricles and mild spine deformation
Huixin, Xu, Guillaume P., Dugué, Yasmine, Cantaut‑Belarif, François‑Xavier, Lejeune, Suhasini, Gupta, Claire, Wyart, Maria K., Lehtinen

Evaluation of gliovascular functions of Aqp4 readthrough isoforms
Shayna M., Mueller, Kelli McFarland, White, Stuart B., Fass, Siyu, Chen, Zhan, Shi, Xia, Ge, John A., Engelbach, Seana H, Gaines, Annie R, Bice, Michael J., Vasek, Joel R., Garbow, Joseph P., Culver, Zila, Martinez‑Lozada, Martine, Cohen‑Salmon, Joseph D., Dougherty, Darshan, Sapkota

MiniBAR/KIAA0355 is a dual Rac and Rab effector required for ciliogenesis
Ronan, Shaughnessy, Murielle, Serres, Sophie, Escot, Hussein, Hammich, Frédérique, Cuvelier, Audrey, Salles, Murielle, Rocancourt, Quentin, Verdon, Anne‑Lise, Gaffuri, Yannick, Sourigues, Gilles, Malherbe, Leonid, Velikovsky, Florian, Chardon, Jean‑Yves, Tinevez, Isabelle, Callebaut, Etienne, Formstecher, Anne, Houdusse, Nicolas, David, Olena, Pylypenko, Arnaud, Echard

Kin-recognition shapes collective behaviors in the cannibalistic nematode Pristionchus pacificus
Fumie, Hiramatsu, James W., Lightfoot

Metabolic shift toward ketosis in asocial cavefish increases social-like affinity
Motoko, Iwashita, Amity, Tran, Marianne, Garcia, Jia, Cashon, Devanne, Burbano, Vanessa, Salgado, Malia, Hasegawa, Rhoada, Balmilero‑Unciano, Kaylah, Politan, Miki, Wong, Ryan W.Y., Lee, Masato, Yoshizawa

Mapping general anesthesia states based on electro-encephalogram transition phases
V., Loison, Y., Voskobiynyk, B., Lindquist, D., Necula, D., Longrois, J., Paz, D., Holcman

Simultaneous Mapping of DNA Binding and Nucleosome Positioning with SpLiT-ChEC
Orion G. B., Banks, Michael J., Harms, Jeffrey. N., McKnight, Laura E., McKnight

Estimating clade-specific diversification rates and palaeodiversity dynamics from reconstructed phylogenies
Nathan, Mazet, Hélène, Morlon, Pierre‑Henri, Fabre, Fabien L., Condamine

Genome-scale community modelling reveals conserved metabolic cross-feedings in epipelagic bacterioplankton communities
Nils, Giordano, Marinna, Gaudin, Camille, Trottier, Erwan, Delage, Charlotte, Nef, Chris, Bowler, Samuel, Chaffron

Ocean-wide comparisons of mesopelagic planktonic community structures
Janaina, Rigonato, Marko, Budinich, Alejandro A., Murillo, Manoela C., Brandão, Juan J., Pierella Karlusich, Yawouvi Dodji, Soviadan, Ann C., Gregory, Hisashi, Endo, Florian, Kokoszka, Dean, Vik, Nicolas, Henry, Paul, Frémont, Karine, Labadie, Ahmed A., Zayed, Céline, Dimier, Marc, Picheral, Sarah, Searson, Julie, Poulain, Stefanie, Kandels, Stéphane, Pesant, Eric, Karsenti, Peer, Bork, Chris, Bowler, Colomban, de Vargas, Damien, Eveillard, Marion, Gehlen, Daniele, Iudicone, Fabien, Lombard, Hiroyuki, Ogata, Lars, Stemmann, Matthew B., Sullivan, Shinichi, Sunagawa, Patrick, Wincker, Samuel, Chaffron, Olivier, Jaillon

Human TRMT2A methylates tRNA and contributes to translation fidelity
Monika, Witzenberger, Sandra, Burczyk, David, Settele, Wieland, Mayer, Luisa M., Welp, Matthias, Heiss, Mirko, Wagner, Thomas, Monecke, Robert, Janowski, Thomas, Carell, Henning, Urlaub, Stefanie M., Hauck, Aaron, Voigt, Dierk, Niessing

Presence of vitamin B12 metabolism in the last common ancestor of land plants
Richard G., Dorrell, Charlotte, Nef, Setsen, Altan‑Ochir, Chris, Bowler, Alison G., Smith

Phylogenetic comparative approach reveals evolutionary conservatism, ancestral composition, and integration of vertebrate gut microbiota
Benoît, Perez‑Lamarque, Guilhem, Sommeria‑Klein, Loréna, Duret, Hélène, Morlon

A Genome-Wide Comprehensive Analysis of Nucleosome Positioning in Yeast
Leo, Zeitler, Kevin, André, Adriana, Alberti, Cyril Denby, Wilkes, Julie, Soutourina, Arach, Goldar

Human-environment feedback and the consistency of proenvironmental behavior
Claire, Ecotière, Sylvain, Billiard, Jean‑Baptiste, André, Pierre, Collet, Régis, Ferrière, Sylvie, Méléard

Transcriptomic landscape of posterior regeneration in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii
Louis, Paré, Loïc, Bideau, Loeiza, Baduel, Caroline, Dalle, Médine, Benchouaia, Stephan Q., Schneider, Lucie, Laplane, Yves, Clément, Michel, Vervoort, Eve, Gazave

Distinct roles of LARP1 and 4EBP1/2 in regulating translation and stability of 5′TOP mRNAs
Tobias, Hochstoeger, Panagiotis, Papasaikas, Ewa, Piskadlo, Jeffrey A., Chao

Importin 13-dependent Axon Diameter Growth Regulates Conduction Speeds along Myelinated CNS Axons
Jenea M, Bin, Daumante, Suminaite, Silvia K., Benito‑Kwiecinski, Linde, Kegel, Maria, Rubio‑Brotons, Jason J, Early, Daniel, Soong, Matthew R, Livesey, Richard J, Poole, David A, Lyons

Structural insights into human TFIIIC promoter recognition
Wolfram, Seifert‑Davila, Mathias, Girbig, Luis, Hauptmann, Thomas, Hoffmann, Sebastian, Eustermann, Christoph W., Müller

CTCF barrier breaking by ZFP661 promotes protocadherin diversity in mammalian brains
Jinpu, Jin, Sherry, Ralls, Elaine, Wu, Gernot, Wolf, Ming‑An, Sun, Danielle A., Springer, Rachel L., Cosby, Anna D., Senft, Todd S., Macfarlan

CLT-seq as a universal homopolymer-sequencing concept reveals poly(A)-tail-tuned ncRNA regulation
Qiang, Su, Yi, Long, Jun, Wang, Deming, Gou

Brain cell type specific proteomics approach to discover pathological mechanisms in the childhood CNS disorder mucolipidosis type IV
Madison, Sangster, Sanjid, Shahriar, Zachary, Niziolek, Maria Carla, Carisi, Michael, Lewandowski, Bogdan, Budnik, Yulia, Grishchuk

Neural network and kinetic modelling of human genome replication reveal replication origin locations and strengths
Jean‑Michel, Arbona, Hadi, Kabalane, Jeremy, Barbier, Arach, Goldar, Olivier, Hyrien, Benjamin, Audit

Caspase-mediated nuclear pore complex trimming in cell differentiation and endoplasmic reticulum stress
Ukrae H., Cho, Martin W., Hetzer

Genome-wide phage susceptibility analysis in Acinetobacter baumannii reveals capsule modulation strategies that determine phage infectivity
Jinna, Bai, Nicole, Raustad, Jason, Denoncourt, Tim, van Opijnen, Edward, Geisinger

Magnetic actuation of otoliths allows behavioral and brain-wide neuronal exploration of vestibulo-motor processing in larval zebrafish
Natalia, Beiza‑Canelo, Hippolyte, Moulle, Thomas, Pujol, Thomas, Panier, Geoffrey, Migault, Guillaume, Le Goc, Pierre, Tapie, Nicolas, Desprat, Hans, Straka, Georges, Debrégeas, Volker, Bormuth

The RNA binding proteins LARP4A and LARP4B promote sarcoma and carcinoma growth and metastasis
Jennifer C., Coleman, Luke, Tattersall, Val, Yianni, Laura, Knight, Hongqiang, Yu, Sadie, Hallett, Philip, Johnson, Ana, Caetano, Charlie, Cosstick, Anne, Ridley, Alison, Gartland, Maria R, Conte, Agamemnon E., Grigoriadis

α-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone Regulates Pathological Cardiac Remodeling by Activating Melanocortin 5 Receptor in Cardiomyocytes
Anni, Suominen, Guillem Saldo, Rubio, Saku, Ruohonen, Zoltán, Szabó, Lotta, Pohjolainen, Bishwa, Ghimire, Suvi T., Ruohonen, Karla, Saukkonen, Jani, Ijas, Sini, Skarp, Leena, Kaikkonen, Minying, Cai, Sharon L., Wardlaw, Heikki, Ruskoaho, Virpi, Talman, Eriika, Savontaus, Risto, Kerkelä, Petteri, Rinne

Meta-analysis of public RNA sequencing data revealed potential key genes associated with reproductive division of labor in social Hymenoptera and termites
Kouhei, Toga, Hidemasa, Bono

Cas9-targeted Nanopore sequencing rapidly elucidates the transposition preferences and DNA methylation profiles of mobile elements in plants
Pavel, Merkulov, Sofya, Gvaramiya, Roman, Komakhin, Murad, Omarov, Maxim, Dudnikov, Alina, Kocheshkova, Zakhar, Konstantinov, Alexander, Soloviev, Gennady, Karlov, Mikhail, Divashuk, Ilya, Kirov

High changing curvature regions detect chromatin enrichment in single cell data
Giulia, Amici, Andrea, Papale, David, Lando, Wayne, Boucher, D., Holcman

Assessing Random Forest self-reproducibility for optimal short biomarker signature discovery
Christophe, Poulet, Ahmed, Debit, Claire, Josse, Guy, Jerusalem, Chloe‑Agathe, Azencott, Vincent, Bours, Kristel, Van Steen

Integrated spatiotemporal transcriptomic resolution of embryonic palate osteogenesis
Jeremie Oliver, Piña, Resmi, Raju, Daniela M., Roth, Parna, Chattaraj, Fahad, Kidwai, Fabio R., Faucz, James, Iben, Apratim, Mitra, Kiersten, Campbell, Gus, Fridell, Caroline, Esnault, Ryan K., Dale, Rena N., D’Souza

A Comparison of Deep Learning Architectures for Inferring Parameters of Diversification Models from Extant Phylogenies
Ismaël, Lajaaiti, Sophia, Lambert, Jakub, Voznica, Hélène, Morlon, Florian, Hartig

Human synaptic neoteny requires species-specific balancing of SRGAP2-SYNGAP1 cross-inhibition
Baptiste, Libé‑Philippot, Ryohei, Iwata, Aleksandra J, Recupero, Keimpe, Wierda, Martyna, Ditkowska, Vaiva, Gaspariunaite, Ben, Vermaercke, Eugénie, Peze‑Heidsieck, Daan, Remans, Cécile, Charrier, Franck, Polleux, Pierre, Vanderhaeghen

A layer cake model for plant and metazoan chromatin
Léoplod, Carron, Lorenzo, Concia, Stefan, Grob, Fredy, Barneche, Alessandra, Carbone, Julien, Mozziconacci

Spatial transcriptomic analysis of Sonic Hedgehog Medulloblastoma identifies that the loss of heterogeneity and promotion of differentiation underlies the response to CDK4/6 inhibition
Tuan, Vo, Brad, Balderson, Kahli, Jones, Guiyan, Ni, Joanna, Crawford, Amanda, Millar, Elissa, Tolson, Matthew, Singleton, Onkar, Mulay, Shaun, Walters, Marija, Kojic, Thomas, Robertson, Dharmesh D., Bhuva, Melissa J., Davis, Brandon J., Wainwright, Quan, Nguyen, Laura A., Genovesi

Single-cell phenotypic plasticity modulates social behaviour in Dictyostelium discoideum
Mathieu, Forget, Sandrine, Adiba, Silvia, De Monte

Primate sympatry shapes the evolution of their brain architecture
Benjamin, Robira, Benoît, Perez‑Lamarque

Chromatin phase separated nanoregions regulated by cross-linkers and explored by single particle trajectories
A, Papale, D., Holcman

Diatom phytochromes integrate the entire visible light spectra for photosensing in marine environments
Carole, Duchêne, Jean‑Pierre, Bouly, Juan José Pierella, Karlusich, Julien, Sellés, Benjamin, Bailleul, Chris, Bowler, Maurizio Ribera, d’Alcalà, Angela, Falciatore, Marianne, Jaubert

Y-complex nucleoporins independently contribute to nuclear pore assembly and gene regulation in neuronal progenitors
Clarisse, Orniacki, Annalisa, Verrico, Stéphane, Pelletier, Benoit, Souquet, Fanny, Coulpier, Laurent, Jourdren, Serena, Benetti, Valérie, Doye

Mis-spliced transcripts generate de novo proteins in TDP-43-related ALS/FTD
Sahba, Seddighi, Yue A., Qi, Anna‑Leigh, Brown, Oscar G., Wilkins, Colleen, Bereda, Cedric, Belair, Yongjie, Zhang, Mercedes, Prudencio, Matthew J, Keuss, Aditya, Khandeshi, Sarah, Pickles, Sarah E., Hill, James, Hawrot, Daniel M., Ramos, Hebao, Yuan, Jessica, Roberts, Erika Kelmer, Sacramento, Syed I., Shah, Mike A., Nalls, Jenn, Colon‑Mercado, Joel F., Reyes, Veronica H., Ryan, Matthew P., Nelson, Casey, Cook, Ziyi, Li, Laurel, Screven, Justin Y, Kwan, Anantharaman, Shantaraman, Lingyan, Ping, Yuka, Koike, Björn, Oskarsson, Nathan, Staff, Duc M., Duong, Aisha, Ahmed, Maria, Secrier, Jerneg, Ule, Steven, Jacobson, Jonathan, Rohrer, Andrea, Malaspina, Jonathan D., Glass, Alessandro, Ori, Nicholas T., Seyfried, Manolis, Maragkakis, Leonard, Petrucelli, Pietro, Fratta, Michael E., Ward

Hypometabolism to survive the long polar night in the diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus
Nathalie, Joli, Lorenzo, Concia, Karel, Mocaer, Julie, Guterman, Juliette, Laude, Sebastien, Guerin, Theo, Sciandra, Flavienne, Bruyant, Ouardia, Ait‑Mohamed, Marine, Beguin, Marie‑Helene, Forget, Clara, Bourbousse, Thomas, Lacour, Benjamin, Bailleul, Jean‑Eric, Tremblay, Douglas, Campbell, Johan, Lavaud, Yannick, Schwab, Marcel, Babin, Chris, Bowler

Phylogenetic modeling of enhancer shifts in African mole-rats reveals regulatory changes associated with tissue-specific traits
Elise, Parey, Stephanie, Frost, Ainhoa, Uribarren, Thomas J., Park, Markus, Zoettl, Ewan St. John, Smith, Camille, Berthelot, Diego, Villar

Endothelial SMAD1/5 signaling couples angiogenesis to osteogenesis during long bone growth
Annemarie, Lang, Andreas, Benn, Angelique, Wolter, Tim, Balcaen, Joseph, Collins, Greet, Kerckhofs, An, Zwijsen, Joel D., Boerckel

Enhanced neuroimaging with a calcium sensor in the live adult Drosophila Melanogaster brain using closed-loop adaptive optics light-sheet microscopy
Antoine, Hubert, Georges, Farkouh, Fabrice, Harms, Cynthia, Veilly, Sophia, Imperato, Mathias, Mercier, Vincent, Loriette, François, Rouyer, Alexandra, Fragola

The genetic architecture of the human skeletal form
Eucharist, Kun, Emily M., Javan, Olivia, Smith, Faris, Gulamali, Javier, de la Fuente, Brianna I., Flynn, Kushal, Vajrala, Zoe, Trutner, Prakash, Jayakumar, Elliot M., Tucker‑Drob, Mashaal, Sohail, Tarjinder, Singh, Vagheesh M., Narasimhan

Both GEF domains of the autism and epilepsy-associated Trio protein are required for proper tangential migration of GABAergic interneurons
Lara, Eid, Ludmilla, Lokmane, Praveen K., Raju, Samuel Boris Tene, Tadoum, Xiao, Jiang, Karolanne, Toulouse, Alexis, Lupien‑Meilleur, François, Charron‑Ligez, Asmaa, Toumi, Stéphanie, Backer, Mathieu, Lachance, Marisol, Lavertu‑Jolin, Marie, Montseny, Jean‑Claude, Lacaille, Evelyne, Bloch‑Gallego, Elsa, Rossignol

Abundant deep ocean heterotrophic bacteria are culturable
Isabel, Sanz‑Sáez, Pablo, Sánchez, Guillem, Salazar, Shinichi, Sunagawa, Colomban, de Vargas, Chris, Bowler, Matthew B., Sullivan, Patrick, Wincker, Eric, Karsenti, Carlos, Pedrós‑Alió, Susana, Agustí, Takashi, Gojobori, Carlos M., Duarte, Josep M., Gasol, Olga, Sánchez, Silvia G., Acinas

Different modification pathways for m1A58 incorporation in yeast elongator and initiator tRNAs
Marcel‑Joseph, Yared, Yasemin, Yoluç, Marjorie, Catala, Carine, Tisné, Stefanie, Kaiser, Pierre, Barraud

The build-up of the present-day tropical diversity of tetrapods
Ignacio, Quintero, Michael, Landis, Walter, Jetz, Hélène, Morlon

Arabidopsis hydathodes are sites of intense auxin metabolism and nutrient scavenging
Jean‑Marc, Routaboul, Caroline, Bellenot, Gilles, Clément, Sylvie, Citerne, Céline, Remblière, Magali, Charvin, Lars, Franke, Serge, Chiarenza, Damien, Vasselon, Marie‑Françoise, Jardinaud, Sébastien, Carrère, Laurent, Nussaume, Patrick, Laufs, Nathalie, Leonhardt, Lionel, Navarro, Martin, Schattat, Laurent D., Noël

Divergent and diversified proteome content across a serially acquired plastid lineage
Anna M. G., Novák Vanclová, Charlotte, Nef, Adél, Vancl, Fuhai, Liu, Zoltán, Füssy, Chris, Bowler, Richard G., Dorrell

Repurposing of the multiciliation gene regulatory network in fate specification of Cajal-Retzius neurons
Matthieu X, Moreau, Yoann, Saillour, Vicente, Elorriaga, Benoît, Bouloudi, Elodie, Delberghe, Tanya Deutsch, Guerrero, Amaia, Ochandorena‑Saa, Laura, Maeso‑Alonso, Margarita M, Marques, Maria C, Marin, Nathalie, Spassky, Alessandra, Pierani, Frédéric, Causeret

The UBP5 histone H2A deubiquitinase counteracts PRC2-mediated repression to regulate Arabidopsis development and stress responses
James, Godwin, Eduardo, March, Mohan, Govindasamy, Clara, Bourbousse, Léa, Wolff, Antoine, Fort, Michal, Krzyszton, Jesús, López, Szymon, Swiezewski, Fredy, Barneche, Daniel, Schubert, Sara, Farrona

Limiting etioplast gene-expression induces apical hook twisting during skoto-morphogenesis of Arabidopsis seedlings
Salek Ahmed, Sajib, Björn, Grübler, Cylia, Oukacine, Etienne, Delannoy, Florence, Courtois, Caroline, Mauve, Claire, Lurin, Bertrand, Gakière, Thomas, Pfannschmidt, Livia, Merendino

Changes in functional composition and gene expression in eukaryotic plankton at the Atlantic-Arctic Polar front
Paul, Frémont, Corinne, Da Silva, Lucia, Campese, Émilie, Villar, Achal, Rastogi, Jean‑Marc, Aury, Chris, Bowler, Lee Karp, Boss, Patrick, Wincker, Eric, Pelletier, Marion, Gehlen, Daniele, Iudicone, Olivier, Jaillon

LARP4 Is an RNA-Binding Protein That Binds Nuclear-Encoded Mitochondrial mRNAs To Promote Mitochondrial Function
Benjamin M, Lewis, Chae Yun, Cho, Hsuan‑Lin, Her, Tony, Hunter, Gene W, Yeo

Structure and mechanics of the human Nuclear Pore Complex basket
Anthony, Vial, Luca, Costa, Patrice, Dosset, Pietro, Rosso, Gaëlle, Boutières, Orestis, Faklaris, Heiko, Haschke, Pierre‑Emmanuel, Milhiet, Christine M., Doucet

cis-eQTL mapping of TB-T2D comorbidity elucidates the involvement of African ancestry in TB susceptibility
Yolandi, Swart, Caitlin, Uren, Clare, Eckold, Jacqueline M, Cliff, Stephanus T, Malherbe, Katharina, Ronacher, Vinod, Kumar, Cisca, Wijmenga, Hazel M, Dockrell, Reinout, van Crevel, Gerhard, Walzl, Léanie, Kleynhans, Marlo, Möller

Gains and losses of the epiphytic lifestyle in epidendroid orchids : review and new analyses with succulence traits
Géromine, Collobert, Benoît, Perez‑Lamarque, Jean‑Yves, Dubuisson, Florent, Martos

The contribution of mutation to variation in temperature-dependent sprint speed in zebrafish, Danio rerio
Christina L., Miller, Derek, Sun, Lauren H., Thornton, Katrina, McGuigan

svep1 and tie1 genetically interact and affect aspects of facial lymphatic development in a Vegfc-independent manner
Melina, Hußmann, Sarah, Weischer, Claudia, Carlantoni, Didier Y. R., Stainier, Thomas, Zobel, Stefan, Schulte‑Merker

DREAMS : Deep Read-level Error Model for Sequencing data applied to low-frequency variant calling and circulating tumor DNA detection
Mikkel H., Christensen, Simon, Drue, Mads H., Rasmussen, Amanda, Frydendahl, Iben, Lyskjær, Christina, Demuth, Jesper, Nors, Kåre A., Gotschalck, Lene H., Iversen, Claus L., Andersen, Jakob Skou, Pedersen

DNA methylation at a single cytosine embedded in the W-box cis-element repels binding of WRKY transcription factors through steric hindrance
Magali, Charvin, Thierry, Halter, Romain, Blanc‑Mathieu, Pierre, Barraud, Magali, Aumont‑Nicaise, François, Parcy, Lionel, Navarro

Global observation of plankton communities from space
Hiroto, Kaneko, Hisashi, Endo, Nicolas, Henry, Cédric, Berney, Frédéric, Mahé, Julie, Poulain, Karine, Labadie, Odette, Beluche, Roy, El Hourany, Samuel, Chaffron, Patrick, Wincker, Ryosuke, Nakamura, Lee, Karp‑Boss, Emmanuel, Boss, Chris, Bowler, Colomban, de Vargas, Kentaro, Tomii, Hiroyuki, Ogata

Cross-modal Graph Contrastive Learning with Cellular Images
Shuangjia, Zheng, Jiahua, Rao, Jixian, Zhang, Ethan, Cohen, Chengtao, Li, Yuedong, Yang

The filipodia-like protrusions of adjacent somatic cells shape the developmental potential of mouse oocytes
Flora, Crozet, Gaëlle, Letort, Christelle, Da Silva, Adrien, Eichmuller, Anna Francesca, Tortorelli, Morgane, Belle, Julien, Dumont, Tristan, Piolot, Aurélien, Dauphin, Fanny, Coulpier, Alain, Chédotal, Jean‑Léon, Maître, Marie‑Hélène, Verlhac, Hugh.J, Clarke, Marie‑Emilie, Terret

Nuclear basket protein ZC3HC1 and its yeast homolog Pml39p feature an evolutionary conserved bimodular construction essential for initial binding to NPC-anchored homologs of scaffold protein TPR
Philip, Gunkel, Haruki, Iino, Sandra, Krull, Volker C., Cordes

STAT3 promotes RNA polymerase III-directed transcription by controlling the miR-106a-5p/TP73 axis
Cheng, Zhang, Shahsha, Zhao, Huan, Deng, Shihua, Zhang, Juan, Wang, Xiaoye, Song, Deen, Yu, Yue, Zhang, Wensheng, Deng

Generation of floxed alleles for cell-specific knockout in zebrafish
Masahiro, Shin, Takayuki, Nozaki, Benjamin, Toles, Amy, Kolb, Kevin, Luk, Sumio, Isogai, Kinji, Ishida, Tomohito, Hanasaka, Michael J., Parsons, Scot A., Wolfe, Nathan D., Lawson

Variable effects on virulence of bacteriophage resistance mechanisms in extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli
Baptiste, Gaborieau, Raphaëlle, Delattre, Sandrine, Adiba, Olivier, Clermont, Erick, Denamur, Jean‑Damien, Ricard, Laurent, Debarbieux

Comparing different computational approaches for detecting long-term vertical transmission in host-associated microbiota
Benoît, Perez‑Lamarque, Hélène, Morlon

The Nematode Oscheius tipulae as A Genetic Model for Programmed DNA Elimination
Thomas C., Dockendorff, Brandon, Estrem, Jordan, Reed, James R., Simmons, Sobhan Bahrami, Zadegan, Maxim V., Zagoskin, Vincent, Terta, Erin, Seaberry, Jianbin, Wang

Combining DNA scaffolds and acoustic force spectroscopy to characterize individual protein bonds
Yong Jian, Wang, Claire, Valotteau, Adrien, Aimard, Lorenzo, Villanueva, Dorota, Kostrz, Maryne, Follenfant, Terence, Strick, Patrick, Chames, Felix, Rico, Charlie, Gosse, Laurent, Limozin

The birth-death diffusion leading to present-day Mammal diversity
Ignacio, Quintero, Nicolas, Lartillot, Hélène, Morlon

Estimating the age of poorly dated fossil specimens and deposits using a total-evidence approach and the fossilized birth-death process
Joëlle, Barido‑Sottani, Dagmara, Żyła, Tracy A., Heath

The model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum provides insights into the diversity and function of microeukaryotic DNA methyltransferases
Antoine, Hoguin, Feng, Yang, Agnès, Groisillier, Chris, Bowler, Auguste, Genovesio, Ouardia, Ait‑Mohamed, Fabio Rocha Jimenez, Vieira, Leila, Tirichine

Do closely related species interact with similar partners ? Testing for phylogenetic signal in bipartite interaction networks
Benoît, Perez‑Lamarque, Odile, Maliet, Benoît, Pichon, Marc‑André, Selosse, Florent, Martos, Hélène, Morlon

Putting the F in FBD analyses : tree constraints or morphological data ?
Joëlle, Barido‑Sottani, Alexander, Pohle, Kenneth, De Baets, Duncan, Murdock, Rachel C. M., Warnock

Protein as evolvable functionally-constrained amorphous matter
Madhusmita, Tripathy, Anand, Srivastava, Srikanth, Sastry, Madan, Rao

Bottlenecks can constrain and channel evolutionary paths
Jasmine, Gamblin, Sylvain, Gandon, François, Blanquart, Amaury, Lambert

Morphological and sensorimotor phenotypes in a zebrafish CHARGE syndrome model are domain-dependent
Dana R., Hodorovich, Patrick M., Lindsley, Austen A., Berry, Derek F., Burton, Kurt C., Marsden

A proteomic screen of Ty1 integrase partners identifies the protein kinase CK2 as a regulator of Ty1 retrotransposition
Anastasia, Barkova, Indranil, Adhya, Christine, Conesa, Amna, Asif‑Laidin, Amandine, Bonnet, Elise, Rabut, Carine, Chagneau, Pascale, Lesage, Joël, Acker

Prox2+ and Runx3+ neurons regulate esophageal motility
Elijah D., Lowenstein, Pierre‑Louis, Ruffault, Aristotelis, Misios, Kate L., Osman, Huimin, Li, Rebecca, Thompson, Kun, Song, Stephan, Dietrich, Xun, Li, Nikita, Vladimirov, Jean‑François, Brunet, Andrew, Woehler, Niccolò, Zampieri, Ralf, Kühn, Shiqi, Jia, Gary R., Lewin, Nikolaus, Rajewsky, Teresa E., Lever, Carmen, Birchmeier

Regulation of oxidative phosphorylation by Nuclear myosin 1 protects cells from metabolic reprogramming and tumorigenesis in mice
Tomas, Venit, Oscar, Sapkota, Wael Said, Abdrabou, Palanikumar, Loganathan, Renu, Pasricha, Syed Raza, Mahmood, Nadine Hosny, El Said, Sneha, Thomas, Youssef, Idaghdour, Mazin, Magzoub, Piergiorgio, Percipalle

The role of histone acetyltransferases Gcn5 and Esa1 in recruiting the RSC complex and maintaining nucleosome-depleted regions genome-wide in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Emily, Biernat, Mansi, Verma, Matthew, Werick, Uzair, Khan, Sama, Joseph, Chhabi K., Govind

Revealing invisible cell phenotypes with conditional generative modeling
Alexis, Lamiable, Tiphaine, Champetier, Francesco, Leonardi, Ethan, Cohen, Peter, Sommer, David, Hardy, Nicolas, Argy, Achille, Massougbodji, Elaine, Del Nery, Gilles, Cottrell, Yong‑Jun, Kwon, Auguste, Genovesio

Beta oscillations and waves in motor cortex can be accounted for by the interplay of spatially-structured connectivity and fluctuating inputs
Ling, Kang, Jonas, Ranft, Vincent, Hakim

Context- and scale-dependent effects of thymol bioactivity on biological networks : contributions from quail under heat stress
Maria Emilia, Fernandez, Rocío Inés, Bonansea, Agustin Lucini, Mas, María Verónica, Baroni, Raul Hector, Marin, Maria Carla, Labaque, Jackelyn M., Kembro

The TRIPLE PHD FINGERS proteins are required for SWI/SNF complex-mediated +1 nucleosome positioning and 5’ transcript length determination in Arabidopsis
Borja, Diego‑Martin, Jaime, Pérez‑Alemany, Joan, Candela‑Ferre, Antonio, Corbalán‑Acedo, Juan, Pereyra, David, Alabadí, Yasaman, Jami‑Alahmadi, James, Wohlschlegel, Javier, Gallego‑Bartolomé

Immune gene variation associated with chromosome-scale differences among individual zebrafish genomes
Sean C., McConnell, Kyle M., Hernandez, Jorge, Andrade, Jill L.O., de Jong

Postnatal developmental trajectory of sex-biased gene expression in the mouse pituitary gland
Huayun, Hou, Cadia, Chan, Kyoko E., Yuki, Dustin, Sokolowski, Anna, Roy, Rihao, Qu, Liis, Uusküla‑Reimand, Mariela, Faykoo‑Martinez, Matt, Hudson, Christina, Corre, Anna, Goldenberg, Zhaolei, Zhang, Mark R., Palmert, Michael D., Wilson

A Role for Nup153 in Nuclear Assembly Reveals Differential Requirements for Targeting of Nuclear Envelope Constituents
Dollie, LaJoie, Ayse M., Turkmen, Douglas R., Mackay, Christopher C., Jensen, Vasilisa, Aksenova, Maho, Niwa, Mary, Dasso, Katharine S., Ullman

Zur and Zinc Increase Expression of E. coli Ribosomal Protein L31 Through RNA-Mediated Repression of the Repressor L31p
Rebecca A., Rasmussen, Jeannie M., Camarillo, Victoria, Sosnowski, Byoung‑Kyu, Cho, Young Ah, Goo, Julius B., Lucks, Thomas V., O’Halloran

Whole-genome scanning reveals selection mechanisms in epipelagic Chaetoceros diatom populations
Charlotte, Nef, Mohammed‑Amin, Madoui, Éric, Pelletier, Chris, Bowler

Pervasive tandem duplications and convergent evolution shape coral genomes
Benjamin, Noel, France, Denoeud, Alice, Rouan, Carol, Buitrago‑López, Laura, Capasso, Julie, Poulain, Emilie, Boissin, Mélanie, Pousse, Corinne, Da Silva, Arnaud, Couloux, Eric, Armstrong, Quentin, Carradec, Corinne, Cruaud, Karine, Labadie, Julie, Lê‑Hoang, Sylvie, Tambutté, Valérie, Barbe, Clémentine, Moulin, Guillaume, Bourdin, Guillaume, Iwankow, Sarah, Romac, Denis, Allemand, Serge, Planes, Eric, Gilson, Didier, Zoccola, Patrick, Wincker, Christian R, Voolstra, Jean‑Marc, Aury

tRNA Methylation Resolves Codon Usage Bias at the Limit of Cell Viability
Isao, Masuda, Yuka, Yamaki, Rajesh, Detroja, Somnath, Tagore, Henry, Moore, Sunita, Maharjan, Yuko, Nakano, Thomas, Christian, Ryuma, Matsubara, Todd, Lowe, Milana, Frenkel‑Morgenstern, Ya‑Ming, Hou

Structure and specialization of mycorrhizal networks in phylogenetically diverse tropical communities
Benoît, Perez‑Lamarque, Rémi, Petrolli, Christine, Strullu‑Derrien, Dominique, Strasberg, Hélène, Morlon, Marc‑André, Selosse, Florent, Martos

Neurotransmitter content heterogeneity within an interneuron class shapes inhibitory transmission at a central synapse
Dimitri, Dumontier, Caroline, Mailhes‑Hamon, Stéphane, Supplisson, Stéphane, Dieudonné

An atlas of fish genome evolution reveals delayed rediploidization following the teleost whole-genome duplication
Elise, Parey, Alexandra, Louis, Jérôme, Montfort, Yann, Guiguen, Hugues Roest, Crollius, Camille, Berthelot

Displacement and dissociation of oligonucleotides during DNA hairpin closure under strain
Fangyuan, Ding, Simona, Cocco, Saurabh, Raj, Maria, Manosas, Michelle M., Spiering, David, Bensimon, Jean‑François, Allemand, Vincent, Croquette

Evolution is not uniform along protein sequences
Raphaël, Bricout, Dominique, Weil, David, Stroebel, Auguste, Genovesio, Hugues Roest, Crollius

Interpreting the pervasive observation of U-shaped Site Frequency Spectra
Fabian, Freund, Elise, Kerdoncuff, Sebastian, Matuszewski, Marguerite, Lapierre, Marcel, Hildebrandt, Jeffrey D., Jensen, Luca, Ferretti, Amaury, Lambert, Timothy B., Sackton, Guillaume, Achaz

Global drivers of obligate mycorrhizal symbionts diversification
Benoît, Perez‑Lamarque, Maarja, Öpik, Odile, Maliet, Ana C., Afonso Silva, Marc‑André, Selosse, Florent, Martos, Hélène, Morlon

Binding of different substrate molecules at the docking site and the active site of γ-secretase can trigger toxic events in sporadic and familial Alzheimer’s disease
Željko M., Svedružić, Vesna Šendula, Jengić, Lucija, Ostojić

Elp1 is required for development of visceral sensory peripheral and central circuitry
Zariah, Tolman, Marta, Chaverra, Lynn, George, Frances, Lefcort

RNA-protein interactome at the Hepatitis E virus internal ribosome entry site
Shiv, Kumar, Rohit, Verma, Sandhini, Saha, Ashish, Agrahari, Shivangi, Shukla, Anurag, Tushar Kanti, Maiti, Shailendra, Asthana, C.T., Ranjith‑Kumar, Milan, Surjit

A maximum mean discrepancy approach reveals subtle changes in α-synuclein dynamics
Hippolyte, Verdier, François, Laurent, Alhassan, Cassé, Christian L., Vestergaard, Christian G., Specht, Jean‑Baptiste, Masson

Endogenous viral elements reveal associations between a non-retroviral RNA virus and symbiotic dinoflagellate genomes
Alex J., Veglia, Kalia S.I., Bistolas, Christian R., Voolstra, Benjamin C. C., Hume, Serge, Planes, Denis, Allemand, Emilie, Boissin, Patrick, Wincker, Julie, Poulain, Clémentine, Moulin, Guillaume, Bourdin, Guillaume, Iwankow, Sarah, Romac, Sylvain, Agostini, Bernard, Banaigs, Emmanuel, Boss, Chris, Bowler, Colomban, de Vargas, Eric, Douville, Michel, Flores, Didier, Forcioli, Paola, Furla, Pierre, Galand, Eric, Gilson, Fabien, Lombard, Stéphane, Pesant, Stéphanie, Reynaud, Shinichi, Sunagawa, Olivier, Thomas, Romain, Troublé, Didier, Zoccola, Adrienne M.S., Correa, Rebecca L., Vega Thurber

Genome structures resolve the early diversification of teleost fishes
Elise, Parey, Alexandra, Louis, Jerome, Montfort, Olivier, Bouchez, Céline, Roques, Carole, Iampietro, Jerome, Lluch, Adrien, Castinel, Cécile, Donnadieu, Thomas, Desvignes, Christabel Floi, Bucao, Elodie, Jouanno, Ming, Wen, Sahar, Mejri, Ron, Dirks, Hans, Jansen, Christiaan, Henkel, Wei‑Jen, Chen, Margot, Zahm, Cédric, Cabau, Christophe, Klopp, Andrew W., Thompson, Marc, Robinson‑Rechavi, Ingo, Braasch, Guillaume, Lecointre, Julien, Bobe, John H., Postlethwait, Camille, Berthelot, Hugues Roest, Crollius, Yann, Guiguen

Epistasis between synonymous and nonsynonymous mutations in Dictyostelium discoideum ammonium transporter amtA drives functional complementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Asha, Densi, Revathi S, Iyer, Paike Jayadeva, Bhat

Transcriptional profiling from whole embryos to single neuroblast lineages in Drosophila
Austin, Seroka, Sen‑Lin, Lai, Chris Q, Doe

Microglial TNFα orchestrates brain phosphorylation during the sleep period and controls homeostatic sleep
Maria J, Pinto, Léa, Cottin, Florent, Dingli, Victor, Laigle, Luís F., Ribeiro, Antoine, Triller, Fiona J, Henderson, Damarys, Loew, Véronique, Fabre, Alain, Bessis

Comparative analysis of genome-wide protein-DNA interactions across domains of life reveals unique binding patterns for hypersaline archaeal histones
Saaz, Sakrikar, Rylee K., Hackley, Mar, Martinez‑Pastor, Cynthia L., Darnell, Angie, Vreugdenhil, Amy K., Schmid

Nementin is a Nematode-Selective Small Molecule Agonist of Neurotransmitter Release
Sean, Harrington, Jessica J., Knox, Andrew R., Burns, Ken‑Loon, Choo, Aaron, Au, Megan, Kitner, Cecile, Haeberli, Jacob, Pyche, Cassandra, D’Amata, Yong‑Hyun, Kim, Jonathan R., Volpatti, Maximillano, Guiliani, Jamie, Snider, Victoria, Wong, Bruna M., Palmeira, Elizabeth M., Redman, Aditya S., Vaidya, John S., Gilleard, Igor, Stagljar, Sean R., Cutler, Daniel, Kulke, James J., Dowling, Christopher M., Yip, Jennifer, Keiser, Inga, Zasada, Mark, Lautens, Peter J., Roy

Selective Control of Parasitic Nematodes Using Bioactivated Nematicides
Andrew R., Burns, Rachel J., Ross, Megan, Kitner, Jonathan R., Volpatti, Aditya S., Vaidya, Emily, Puumala, Bruna M., Palmeira, Elizabeth M., Redman, Jamie, Snider, Sagar, Marwah, Sai W., Chung, Margaret H., MacDonald, Jens, Tiefenbach, Chun, Hu, Qi, Xiao, Constance A. M., Finney, Henry M., Krause, Sonya A., MacParland, Igor, Stagljar, John S., Gilleard, Leah E., Cowen, Susan L. F., Meyer, Sean R., Cutler, James J., Dowling, Mark, Lautens, Inga, Zasada, Peter J., Roy

Deletion of can1/cat1 genes and expression of a dominant any1 mutation establish an effective canavanine selection in fission yeast
Anissia Ait, Saada, Alex B., Costa, Kirill S., Lobachev

Distinct functions of three chromatin remodelers in activator binding and preinitiation complex assembly
Yashpal, Rawal, Hongfang, Qiu, Alan G., Hinnebusch

Structural basis of Ty1 integrase tethering to RNA polymerase III for targeted retrotransposon integration
Phong Quoc, Nguyen, Sonia, Huecas, Amna, Asif‑Laidin, Adrián, Plaza‑Pegueroles, Noé, Palmic, Joël, Acker, Juan, Reguera, Pascale, Lesage, Carlos, Fernández‑Tornero

Alterations of the axon initial segment in multiple sclerosis
Aysegul Dilsizoglu, Senol, Giulia, Pinto, Maxime, Beau, Vincent, Guillemot, Jeff L., Dupree, Christine, Stadelmann, Jonas, Ranft, Catherine, Lubetzki, Marc, Davenne

Architecture of the yeast Pol III pre-termination complex and pausing mechanism on poly-dT termination signals
Mathias, Girbig, Juanjuan, Xie, Helga, Grötsch, Domenico, Libri, Odil, Porrua, Christoph W., Müller

Evolutionary conservation of centriole rotational asymmetry in the human centrosome
Noémie, Gaudin, Paula Martin, Gil, Meriem, Boumendjel, Dmitry, Ershov, Catherine, Pioche‑Durieu, Manon, Bouix, Quentin, Delobelle, Lucia, Maniscalco, Thanh Bich, Ngan Phan, Vincent, Heyer, Bernardo, Reina‑San‑Martin, Juliette, Azimzadeh

Reconstruction of hundreds of reference ancestral genomes across the eukaryotic kingdom
Matthieu, Muffato, Alexandra, Louis, Nga Thi Thuy, Nguyen, Joseph, Lucas, Camille, Berthelot, Hugues Roest, Crollius

Automatic post-processing and merging of multiple spike-sorting analyses with Lussac
Victor, Llobet, Aurélien, Wyngaard, Boris, Barbour

Effects of cryo-EM cooling on structural ensembles
Lars V., Bock, Helmut, Grubmüller

Deep sequencing of yeast and mouse tRNAs and tRNA fragments using OTTR
H. Tobias, Gustafsson, Carolina, Galan, Tianxiong, Yu, Heather E., Upton, Lucas, Ferguson, Ebru, Kaymak, Zhiping, Weng, Kathleen, Collins, Oliver J., Rando

Multivalent interactions essential for lentiviral integrase function
Allison, Ballandras‑Colas, Vidya, Chivukula, Dominika T., Gruszka, Zelin, Shan, Parmit K., Singh, Valerie E., Pye, Rebecca K., McLean, Gregory J., Bedwell, Wen, Li, Andrea, Nans, Nicola J., Cook, Hind J., Fadel, Eric M., Poeschla, David J., Griffiths, Javier, Vargas, Ian A., Taylor, Dmitry, Lyumkis, Hasan, Yardimci, Alan N., Engelman, Peter, Cherepanov

An epigenome atlas of neural progenitors within the embryonic mouse forebrain
Christopher T., Rhodes, Joyce J., Thompson, Apratim, Mitra, Dhanya, Asokumar, Dongjin R., Lee, Daniel J., Lee, Yajun, Zhang, Eva, Jason, Ryan K., Dale, Pedro P., Rocha, Timothy J., Petros

High abundance of transcription regulators compacts the nucleoid in Escherichia coli
Cihan, Yilmaz, Karin, Schnetz

Evolving social behaviour through selection of single-cell adhesion in Dictyostelium discoideum
Sandrine, Adiba, Mathieu, Forget, Silvia, De Monte

Strand-switching mechanism of Pif1 helicase induced by its collision with a G-quadruplex embedded in dsDNA
Jessica, Valle‑Orero, Martin, Rieu, Phong Lan Thao, Tran, Alexandra, Joubert, Jean‑François, Allemand, Vincent, Croquette, Jean‑Baptiste, Boulé

Single-molecule mapping of replisome progression
Clémence, Claussin, Jacob, Vazquez, Iestyn, Whitehouse

Dissecting conformational rearrangements and allosteric modulation in metabotropic glutamate receptor activation
Nathalie, Lecat‑Guillet, Robert B., Quast, Hongkang, Liu, Thor C., Møller, Xavier, Rovira, Stéphanie, Soldevila, Laurent, Lamarque, Eric, Trinquet, Jianfeng, Liu, Jean‑Philippe, Pin, Philippe, Rondard, Emmanuel, Margeat

ZC3HC1 is a structural element of the nuclear basket effecting interlinkage of TPR polypeptides
Philip, Gunkel, Volker C., Cordes

High affinity enhancer-promoter interactions can bypass CTCF/cohesin-mediated insulation and contribute to phenotypic robustness
Shreeta, Chakraborty, Nina, Kopitchinski, Ariel, Eraso, Parirokh, Awasthi, Raj, Chari, Pedro P, Rocha

Properties and proximity proteomics of synaptopodin provide insight into the molecular organization of the spine apparatus of dendritic spines
Hanieh, Falahati, Yumei, Wu, Vanessa, Feuerer, Pietro, De Camilli

A reference induced pluripotent stem cell line for large-scale collaborative studies
Caroline B., Pantazis, Andrian, Yang, Erika, Lara, Justin A., McDonough, Cornelis, Blauwendraat, Lirong, Peng, Hideyuki, Oguro, Jitendra, Kanaujiya, Jizhong, Zou, David, Sebesta, Gretchen, Pratt, Erin, Cross, Jeffrey, Blockwick, Philip, Buxton, Lauren, Kinner‑Bibeau, Constance, Medura, Christopher, Tompkins, Stephen, Hughes, Marianita, Santiana, Faraz, Faghri, Mike A., Nalls, Daniel, Vitale, Shannon, Ballard, Yue A., Qi, Daniel M., Ramos, Kailyn M., Anderson, Julia, Stadler, Priyanka, Narayan, Jason, Papademetriou, Luke, Reilly, Matthew P., Nelson, Sanya, Aggarwal, Leah U., Rosen, Peter, Kirwan, Venkat, Pisupati, Steven L., Coon, Sonja W., Scholz, Theresa, Priebe, Miriam, Öttl, Jian, Dong, Marieke, Meijer, Lara J.M., Janssen, Vanessa S., Lourenco, Rik, van der Kant, Dennis, Crusius, Dominik, Paquet, Ana‑Caroline, Raulin, Guojun, Bu, Aaron, Held, Brian J., Wainger, Rebecca M.C., Gabriele, Jackie M, Casey, Selina, Wray, Dad, Abu‑Bonsrah, Clare L., Parish, Melinda S., Beccari, Don W., Cleveland, Emmy, Li, Indigo V.L., Rose, Martin, Kampmann, Carles Calatayud, Aristoy, Patrik, Verstreken, Laurin, Heinrich, Max Y., Chen, Birgitt, Schüle, Dan, Dou, Erika L.F., Holzbaur, Maria Clara, Zanellati, Richa, Basundra, Mohanish, Deshmukh, Sarah, Cohen, Richa, Khanna, Malavika, Raman, Zachary S., Nevin, Madeline, Matia, Jonas Van, Lent, Vincent, Timmerman, Bruce R., Conklin, Katherine Johnson, Chase, Ke, Zhang, Salome, Funes, Daryl A., Bosco, Lena, Erlebach, Marc, Welzer, Deborah, Kronenberg‑Versteeg, Guochang, Lyu, Ernest, Arenas, Elena, Coccia, Lily, Sarrafha, Tim, Ahfeldt, John C., Marioni, William C., Skarnes, Mark R., Cookson, Michael E., Ward, Florian T., Merkle

Single amino-acid mutation in a Drosophila melanogaster ribosomal protein : an insight in uL11 transcriptional activity
Héloïse, Grunchec, Jérôme, Deraze, Delphine, Dardalhon‑Cuménal, Valérie, Ribeiro, Anne, Coléno‑Costes, Karine, Dias, Sébastien, Bloyer, Emmanuèle, Mouchel‑Vielh, Frédérique, Peronnet, Hélène, Thomassin

Artificial selection of communities drives the emergence of structured interactions
Jules, Fraboul, Giulio, Biroli, Silvia, De Monte

Macroevolutionary dynamics of climatic niche space
Ignacio, Quintero, Marc A., Suchard, Walter, Jetz

Developing an empirical model for spillover and emergence : Orsay virus host range in Caenorhabditis
Clara L., Shaw, David A., Kennedy

Transcriptomic heterogeneity of Sox2-expressing pituitary cells
Patrick A., Fletcher, Rafael M., Prévide, Kosara, Smiljanic, Arthur, Sherman, Steven L., Coon, Stanko S., Stojilkovic

Single-cell transcriptome reveals insights into the development and function of the zebrafish ovary
Yulong, Liu, Michelle E., Kossack, Matthew E., McFaul, Lana, Christensen, Stefan, Siebert, Sydney R., Wyatt, Caramai, Kamei, Samuel, Horst, Nayeli, Arroyo, Iain, Drummond, Celina E., Juliano, Bruce W., Draper

An interplay between cellular growth and atypical fusion defines morphogenesis of a modular glial niche
Maria Alexandra, Rujano, David, Briand, Bojana, Ðelić, Pauline, Spéder

A fully automated FAIMS-DIA proteomic pipeline for high-throughput characterization of iPSC-derived neurons
Luke, Reilly, Lirong, Peng, Erika, Lara, Daniel, Ramos, Michael, Fernandopulle, Caroline B., Pantazis, Julia, Stadler, Marianita, Santiana, Anant, Dadu, James, Iben, Faraz, Faghri, Mike A., Nalls, Steven L., Coon, Priyanka, Narayan, Andrew B., Singleton, Mark R., Cookson, Michael E., Ward, Yue A., Qi

An efficient and adaptable workflow for editing disease-relevant single nucleotide variants using CRISPR/Cas9
Inga, Usher, Lorena, Ligammari, Sara, Ahrabi, Emily, Hepburn, Calum, Connolly, Gareth L., Bond, Adrienne M., Flanagan, Lucia, Cottone

Chromosome scale assembly of allopolyploid genome of the diatom Fistulifera solaris
Yoshiaki, Maeda, Kahori, Watanabe, Ryosuke, Kobayashi, Tomoko, Yoshino, Chris, Bowler, Mitsufumi, Matsumoto, Tsuyoshi, Tanaka

Maf1, a repressor of RNA polymerase III-dependent transcription, regulates bone mass
Ellen, Busschers, Naseer, Ahmad, Li, Sun, James, Iben, Christopher J., Walkey, Aleksandra, Rusin, Tony, Yuen, Clifford J., Rosen, Ian M., Willis, Mone, Zaidi, Deborah L., Johnson

SPtsAnalysis : a high-throughput super-resolution single particle trajectory analysis to reconstruct organelle dynamics and membrane re-organization
P., Parutto, J., Heck, M., Lu, C., Kaminski, M., Heine, E., Avezov, D., Holcman

Dynamic Cell Imaging : application to the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum under environmental stresses
Houda, Bey, Florent, Charton, Helena Cruz, de Carvalho, Shun, Liu, Richard G., Dorrell, Chris, Bowler, Claude, Boccara, Martine, Boccara

Systematic expression profiling of dprs and DIPs reveals cell surface codes in Drosophila larval peripheral neurons
Yupu, Wang, Meike, Lobb‑Rabe, James, Ashley, Purujit, Chatterjee, Veera, Anand, Hugo J., Bellen, Oguz, Kanca, Robert A., Carrillo

The accumulation of lncRNAs in hybrid with DNA in patients with psoriasis reveals a decrease in the levels of RNase HII transcripts in the skin
Ecmel, Mehmetbeyoglu, Leila, Kianmehr, Murat, Borlu, Zeynep, Yilmaz, Seyma Basar, Kılıc, Hassan, Rajabi‑Maham, Serpil, Taheri, Minoo, Rassoulzadegan

Eoulsan 2 : an efficient workflow manager for reproducible bulk, long-read and single-cell transcriptomics analyses
Nathalie, Lehmann, Sandrine, Perrin, Claire, Wallon, Xavier, Bauquet, Vivien, Deshaies, Cyril, Firmo, Runxin, Du, Charlotte, Berthelier, Céline, Hernandez, Cédric, Michaud, Denis, Thieffry, Stéphane, Le Crom, Morgane, Thomas‑Chollier, Laurent, Jourdren

Heterogeneity and developmental dynamics of LYVE-1 perivascular macrophages distribution in the mouse brain
Marie, Karam, Guy, Malkinson, Isabelle, Brunet

Population bottleneck has only marginal effect on fitness evolution and its repeatability in dioecious C. elegans
Karen, Bisschop, Thomas, Blankers, Janine, Mariën, Meike T., Wortel, Martijn, Egas, Astrid T., Groot, Marcel E., Visser, Jacintha, Ellers

A holobiont view of island biogeography : unraveling patterns driving the nascent diversification of a Hawaiian spider and its microbial associates
Ellie E., Armstrong, Benoît, Perez‑Lamarque, Ke, Bi, Cerise, Chen, Leontine E., Becking, Jun Ying, Lim, Tyler, Linderoth, Henrik, Krehenwinkel, Rosemary, Gillespie

Blind cavefish retain functional connectivity in the tectum despite loss of retinal input
Evan, Lloyd, Brittnee, McDole, Martin, Privat, James B., Jaggard, Erik, Duboué, German, Sumbre, Alex, Keene

DAVI : a tool for clustering and visualising protein domain architectures
Paul, Saighi, Chadi, Jaouadi, Fabio R.J, Vieira, Juliana Silva, Bernardes

Cerebellar stimulations prevent Levodopa-induced dyskinesia in mice and normalize brain activity
Bérénice, Coutant, Jimena Laura, Frontera, Elodie, Perrin, Adèle, Combes, Thibault, Tarpin, Fabien, Menardy, Caroline, Mailhes‑Hamon, Sylvie, Perez, Bertrand, Degos, Laurent, Venance, Clément, Léna, Daniela, Popa

Activity-dependent modulation of NMDA receptors by endogenous zinc shapes dendritic function in cortical neurons
Annunziato, Morabito, Yann, Zerlaut, Benjamin, Serraz, Romain, Sala, Pierre, Paoletti, Nelson, Rebola

A robust approach to estimate relative phytoplankton cell abundance from metagenomes
Juan José Pierella, Karlusich, Eric, Pelletier, Lucie, Zinger, Fabien, Lombard, Adriana, Zingone, Sébastien, Colin, Josep M., Gasol, Richard G., Dorrell, Eleonora, Scalco, Silvia G., Acinas, Patrick, Wincker, Colomban, de Vargas, Chris, Bowler

Photoinduced Isomerization Sampling of Retinal in Bacteriorhodopsin
Zhong, Ren

Environmental and molecular modulation of motor individuality in larval zebrafish
John, Hageter, Matthew, Waalkes, Jacob, Starkey, Haylee, Copeland, Heather, Price, Logan, Bays, Casey, Showman, Sean, Laverty, Sadie A., Bergeron, Eric J., Horstick

Identification of a stereotypic molecular arrangement of endogenous glycine receptors at spinal cord synapses
Stephanie A, Maynard, Philippe, Rostaing, Natascha, Schaefer, Olivier, Gemin, Adrien, Candat, Andréa, Dumoulin, Carmen, Villmann, Antoine, Triller, Christian G, Specht

Biochemical characterization of a human septin octamer
Martin, Fischer, Dominik, Frank, Reinhild, Rösler, Nils, Johnsson, Thomas, Gronemeyer

Fast wavefront shaping for two-photon brain imaging with large field of view correction
Baptiste, Blochet, Walther, Akemann, Sylvain, Gigan, Laurent, Bourdieu

Autonomic and respiratory components of orienting behaviors are mediated by descending pathways originating from the superior colliculus
Erin, Lynch, Bowen, Dempsey, Christine, Saleeba, Eloise, Monteiro, Anita, Turner, Peter GR, Burke, Andrew M, Allen, Roger AL, Dampney, Cara M, Hildreth, Jennifer L, Cornish, Ann K, Goodchild, Simon, McMullan

Control of protein synthesis and memory by GluN3A-NMDA receptors through inhibition of GIT1/mTORC1 assembly
María J., Conde‑Dusman, Partha N., Dey, Oscar, Elía‑Zudaire, Luis G., Rabaneda, Carmen, García‑Lira, Teddy, Grand, Victor, Briz, Eric R., Velasco, Raúl, Andero, Sergio, Niñerola, Angel, Barco, Pierre, Paoletti, John F., Wesseling, Fabrizio, Gardoni, Steven J., Tavalin, Isabel, Pérez‑Otaño

Nucleosome positioning on large tandem DNA repeats of the ‘601’ sequence engineered in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Astrid, Lancrey, Alexandra, Joubert, Evelyne, Duvernois‑Berthet, Etienne, Routhier, Saurabh, Raj, Agnès, Thierry, Marta, Sigarteu, Loic, Ponger, Vincent, Croquette, Julien, Mozziconacci, Jean‑Baptiste, Boulé

Nuclear RNA binding regulates TDP-43 nuclear localization and passive nuclear export
Lauren, Duan, Benjamin L., Zaepfel, Vasilisa, Aksenova, Mary, Dasso, Jeffrey D., Rothstein, Petr, Kalab, Lindsey R., Hayes

RSC and GRFs confer promoter directionality by limiting divergent noncoding transcription
Andrew C.K., Wu, Claudia, Vivori, Harshil, Patel, Theodora, Sideri, Fabien, Moretto, Folkert J., van Werven

Within-Arctic horizontal gene transfer as a driver of convergent evolution in distantly related microalgae
Richard G., Dorrell, Alan, Kuo, Zoltan, Füssy, Elisabeth, Richardson, Asaf, Salamov, Nikola, Zarevski, Nastasia J., Freyria, Federico M., Ibarbalz, Jerry, Jenkins, Juan Jose Pierella, Karlusich, Andrei Stecca, Steindorff, Robyn E., Edgar, Lori, Handley, Kathleen, Lail, Anna, Lipzen, Vincent, Lombard, John, McFarlane, Charlotte, Nef, Anna M.G., Novák Vanclová, Yi, Peng, Chris, Plott, Marianne, Potvin, Fabio Rocha Jimenez, Vieira, Kerrie, Barry, Joel B., Dacks, Colomban, de Vargas, Bernard, Henrissat, Eric, Pelletier, Jeremy, Schmutz, Patrick, Wincker, Chris, Bowler, Igor V., Grigoriev, Connie, Lovejoy

Rapid redistribution and extensive binding of NANOG and GATA6 at shared regulatory elements underlie specification of divergent cell fates
Joyce J., Thompson, Daniel J., Lee, Apratim, Mitra, Sarah, Frail, Ryan, Dale, Pedro P., Rocha

Epigenetic Divergence during Early Stages of Speciation in an African Crater Lake Cichlid Fish
Grégoire, Vernaz, Alan G., Hudson, M., Emília Santos, Bettina, Fischer, Madeleine, Carruthers, Asilatu H., Shechonge, Nestory P., Gabagambi, Alexandra M., Tyers, Benjamin P., Ngatunga, Milan, Malinsky, Richard, Durbin, George F., Turner, Martin J., Genner, Eric A., Miska

Annexin A1 is a polarity cue that directs planar mitotic spindle orientation during mammalian epithelial morphogenesis
Maria, Fankhaenel, Farahnaz Sadat Golestan, Hashemi, Larissa, Mourao, Emily, Lucas, Manal Mosa, Hosawi, Paul, Skipp, Xavier, Morin, Colinda L.G.J., Scheele, Salah, Elias

Upregulation of breathing rate during running exercise by central locomotor circuits
Coralie, Hérent, Séverine, Diem, Gilles, Fortin, Julien, Bouvier

Contribution of genome scale metabolic modeling to niche theory
Antoine, Régimbeau, Marko, Budinich, Abdelhalim, Larhlimi, Juan Jose Pierella, Karlusich, Olivier, Aumont, Laurent, Memery, Chris, Bowler, Damien, Eveillard

A high-throughput assay for directly monitoring nucleolar rRNA biogenesis
Carson J., Bryant, Mason A., McCool, Laura, Abriola, Yulia V., Surovtseva, Susan J., Baserga

Human engineered skeletal muscle of hypaxial origin from pluripotent stem cells with advanced function and regenerative capacity
Mina, Shahriyari, Md Rezaul, Islam, M. Sadman, Sakib, Anastasia, Rika, Dennis, Krüger, Lalit, Kaurani, Harithaa, Anandakumar, Orr, Shomroni, Matthias, Schmidt, Gabriela, Salinas, Andreas, Unger, Wolfgang A., Linke, Jana, Zschüntzsch, Jens, Schmidt, André, Fischer, Wolfram‑Hubertus, Zimmermann, Malte, Tiburcy

Transcriptional heterogeneity of ventricular zone cells throughout the embryonic mouse forebrain
Dongjin R., Lee, Christopher T., Rhodes, Apratim, Mitra, Yajun, Zhang, Dragan, Maric, Ryan K., Dale, Timothy J., Petros

An executive center for the intake of liquids
Bowen, Dempsey, Selvee, Sungeelee, Philip, Bokiniec, Zoubida, Chettouh, Séverine, Diem, Sandra, Autran, Evan R., Harrell, James F.A., Poulet, Carmen, Birchmeier, Harry, Carrey, Auguste, Genovesio, Simon, McMullan, Christo, Goridis, Gilles, Fortin, Jean‑François, Brunet

A unique cerebellar pattern of microglia activation in a mouse model of encephalopathy of prematurity
Luisa, Klein, Juliette, Van Steenwinckel, Bobbi, Fleiss, Till, Scheuer, Christoph, Bührer, Valerie, Faivre, Cindy, Bokobza, Sophie, Lemoine, Corinne, Blugeon, Leslie, Schwendimann, Zsolt, Csaba, Dulcie A., Vousden, Jason P., Lerch, Anthony C., Vernon, Pierre, Gressens, Thomas, Schmitz

Viral transduction and the dynamics of bacterial adaptation
Philippe, Cherabier, Sylvie, Méléard, Régis, Ferrière

Bidirectional cooperation between Ubtf1 and SL1 determines RNA Polymerase I promoter recognition in cell and is negatively affected in the UBTF-E210K neuroregression syndrome
Michel G., Tremblay, Dany S., Sibai, Melissa, Valère, Jean‑Clément, Mars, Frédéric, Lessard, Roderick T., Hori, Mohammad M., Khan, Victor Y., Stefanovsky, Mark S., Ledoux, Tom, Moss

C. elegans TFIIH subunit GTF-2H5/TTDA is a non-essential transcription factor indispensable for DNA repair
Karen L., Thijssen, Melanie, van der Woude, Carlota, Davó‑Martínez, Mariangela, Sabatella, Wim, Vermeulen, Hannes, Lans

A three-sodium-to-glycine stoichiometry shapes the structural relationships of ATB0,+ with GlyT2 and GlyT1 in the SLC6 family
Bastien, Le Guellec, France, Rousseau, Marion, Bied, Stéphane, Supplisson

NMDARs in Granule Cells contribute to parallel fiber - Purkinje cell synaptic plasticity and motor learning
Martijn, Schonewille, Allison E., Girasole, Philippe, Rostaing, Caroline, Mailhes‑Hamon, Annick, Ayon, Alexandra B., Nelson, Antoine, Triller, Mariano, Casado, Chris I., De Zeeuw, Guy, Bouvier

Peripheral neuropathy linked mRNA export factor GANP reshapes gene regulation in human motor neurons
Rosa, Woldegebriel, Jouni, Kvist, Matthew, White, Matilda, Sinkko, Satu, Hänninen, Markus T, Sainio, Rubén, Torregrosa‑Munumer, Sandra, Harjuhaahto, Nadine, Huber, Sanna‑Kaisa, Herukka, Annakaisa, Haapasalo, Olli, Carpen, Andrew, Bassett, Emil, Ylikallio, Jemeen, Sreedharan, Henna, Tyynismaa

In mice and humans, the brain’s blood vessels mature postnatally to acquire barrier and contractile properties
Leila, Slaoui, Alice, Gilbert, Laetitia, Federici, Armelle, Rancillac, Antoinette, Gelot, Maryline, Favier, Noémie, Robil, Gaëlle, Letort, Karine, Dias, Laurent, Jourdren, Philippe, Mailly, Sylvain, Auvity, Salvatore, Cisternino, Martine, Cohen‑Salmon, Anne‑Cécile, Boulay

Massive colonization of protein-coding exons by selfish genetic elements in Paramecium germline genomes
Diamantis, Sellis, Frédéric, Guérin, Olivier, Arnaiz, Walker, Pett, Emmanuelle, Lerat, Nicole, Boggetto, Sascha, Krenek, Thomas, Berendonk, Arnaud, Couloux, Jean‑Marc, Aury, Karine, Labadie, Sophie, Malinsky, Simran, Bhullar, Eric, Meyer, Linda, Sperling, Laurent, Duret, Sandra, Duharcourt

A genome-wide knock-out screen for actors of epigenetic silencing reveals new regulators of germline genes and 2-cell like cell state
Nikhil, Gupta, Lounis, Yakhou, Julien Richard, Albert, Fumihito, Miura, Laure, Ferry, Olivier, Kirsh, Marthe, Laisné, Kosuke, Yamaguchi, Cécilia, Domrane, Frédéric, Bonhomme, Arpita, Sarkar, Marine, Delagrange, Bertrand, Ducos, Maxim V. C., Greenberg, Gael, Cristofari, Sebastian, Bultmann, Takashi, Ito, Pierre‑Antoine, Defossez

Classification of non-coding variants with high pathogenic impact
Lambert, Moyon, Camille, Berthelot, Alexandra, Louis, Nga Thi Thuy, Nguyen, Hugues Roest, Crollius

METTL8 is required for 3-methylcytosine modification in human mitochondrial tRNAs
Jenna M., Lentini, Rachel, Bargabos, Chen, Chen, Dragony, Fu

OTX2 homeoprotein functions in adult choroid plexus
Anabelle, Planques, Vanessa Oliveira, Moreira, David, Benacom, Clémence, Bernard, Laurent, Jourdren, Corinne, Blugeon, Florent, Dingli, Vanessa, Masson, Damarys, Loew, Alain, Prochiantz, Ariel A., Di Nardo

Heterogeneous pdgfrβ+ cells regulate coronary vessel development and revascularization during heart regeneration
Subir, Kapuria, Haipeng, Bai, Juancarlos, Fierros, Ying, Huang, Feiyang, Ma, Tyler, Yoshida, Antonio, Aguayo, Fatma, Kok, Katie M., Wiens, Joycelyn K., Yip, Megan L., McCain, Matteo, Pellegrini, Mikiko, Nagashima, Peter F., Hitchcock, Nathan D., Lawson, Michael MR, Harrison, Ching‑Ling, Lien

Urgent Brain Vascular Regeneration Occurs via Lymphatic Transdifferentiation
Jingying, Chen, Xiuhua, Li, Rui, Ni, Qi, Chen, Qifen, Yang, Jianbo, He, Lingfei, Luo

Single-molecule imaging of chromatin remodelers reveals role of ATPase in promoting fast kinetics of target search and dissociation from chromatin
Jee Min, Kim, Pat, Visanpattanasin, Vivian, Jou, Sheng, Liu, Xiaona, Tang, Qinsi, Zheng, Kai Yu, Li, Jonathan, Snedeker, Luke D., Lavis, Timothée, Lionnet, Carl, Wu

HIV-induced membraneless organelles orchestrate post-nuclear entry steps
Viviana, Scoca, Renaud, Morin, Maxence, Collard, Jean‑Yves, Tinevez, Francesca, Di Nunzio

Detection of precisely edited CRISPR/Cas9 alleles through co-introduced restriction-fragment length polymorphisms
Chon‑Hwa, Tsai‑Morris, Sydney, Hertafeld, Yvonne, Rosario, James, Iben, Eric, Chang, Ling, Yi, Steven L., Coon, Stephen G., Kaler, Ryan, Dale, Benjamin, Feldman

Ligands binding to the cellular prion protein induce its protective proteolytic release with therapeutic potential in neurodegenerative proteinopathies
Luise, Linsenmeier, Behnam, Mohammadi, Mohsin, Shafiq, Karl, Frontzek, Julia, Bär, Amulya N., Shrivastava, Markus, Damme, Alexander, Schwarz, Stefano, Da Vela, Tania, Massignan, Sebastian, Jung, Angela, Correia, Matthias, Schmitz, Berta, Puig, Simone, Hornemann, Inga, Zerr, Jörg, Tatzelt, Emiliano, Biasini, Paul, Saftig, Michaela, Schweizer, Dimitri, Svergun, Ladan, Amin, Federica, Mazzola, Luca, Varani, Simrika, Thapa, Sabine, Gilch, Hermann, Schätzl, David A., Harris, Antoine, Triller, Marina, Mikhaylova, Adriano, Aguzzi, Hermann C., Altmeppen, Markus, Glatzel

A complex CTCF binding code defines TAD boundary structure and function
Li‑Hsin, Chang, Sourav, Ghosh, Andrea, Papale, Mélanie, Miranda, Vincent, Piras, Jéril, Degrouard, Mallory, Poncelet, Nathan, Lecouvreur, Sébastien, Bloyer, Amélie, Leforestier, David, Holcman, Daan, Noordermeer

Novel anti-repression mechanism of H-NS proteins by a phage “early protein”
Fredj Ben, Bdira, Liang, Qin, Alexander N., Volkov, Andrew M., Lippa, Amanda M., Erkelens, Nicholas, Bowring, Aimee L., Boyle, Marcellus, Ubbink, Simon L., Dove, Remus T., Dame

longfin causes cis-ectopic expression of the kcnh2a ether-a-go-go K+ channel to autonomously prolong fin outgrowth
Scott, Stewart, Heather K., Le Bleu, Gabriel A., Yette, Astra L., Henner, Amy E., Robbins, Joshua A., Braunstein, Kryn, Stankunas

Global distribution patterns of marine nitrogen-fixers by imaging and molecular methods
Juan José Pierella, Karlusich, Eric, Pelletier, Fabien, Lombard, Madeline, Carsique, Etienne, Dvorak, Sébastien, Colin, Marc, Picheral, Francisco M., Cornejo‑Castillo, Silvia G., Acinas, Rainer, Pepperkok, Eric, Karsenti, Colomban, de Vargas, Patrick, Wincker, Chris, Bowler, Rachel A, Foster

Deep learning from phylogenies to uncover the epidemiological dynamics of outbreaks
J, Voznica, A, Zhukova, V, Boskova, E, Saulnier, F, Lemoine, M, Moslonka‑Lefebvre, O, Gascuel

The Digital 3D-Atlas MAKER (DAMAKER) : a dynamic and expandable digital 3D-tool for monitoring the temporal changes in tissue growth during hindbrain morphogenesis
Matthias, Blanc, Frederic, Udina, Cristina, Pujades

In vivo dissection of Rhoa function in vascular development using zebrafish
Laura M., Pillay, Joseph J., Yano, Andrew E., Davis, Matthew G., Butler, Keith A., Barnes, Vanessa L., Reyes, Daniel, Castranova, Aniket V., Gore, Matthew R., Swift, James R., Iben, Amber N., Stratman, Brant M., Weinstein

Heterotrophic bacterial diazotrophs are more abundant than their cyanobacterial counterparts in metagenomes covering most of the sunlit ocean
Tom O., Delmont, Juan José Pierella, Karlusich, Iva, Veseli, Jessika, Fuessel, A. Murat, Eren, Rachel A., Foster, Chris, Bowler, Patrick, Wincker, Eric, Pelletier

Uncharted biosynthetic potential of the ocean microbiome
Lucas, Paoli, Hans‑Joachim, Ruscheweyh, Clarissa C., Forneris, Satria, Kautsar, Quentin, Clayssen, Guillem, Salazar, Alessio, Milanese, Daniel, Gehrig, Martin, Larralde, Laura M., Carroll, Pablo, Sánchez, Ahmed A., Zayed, Dylan R., Cronin, Silvia G., Acinas, Peer, Bork, Chris, Bowler, Tom O., Delmont, Matthew B., Sullivan, Patrick, Wincker, Georg, Zeller, Serina L., Robinson, Jörn, Piel, Shinichi, Sunagawa

Optimal Transport improves cell-cell similarity inference in single-cell omics data
Geert‑Jan, Huizing, Gabriel, Peyré, Laura, Cantini

Natural genetic variation drives microbiome selection in the Caenorhabditis elegans gut
Fan, Zhang, Jessica L., Weckhorst, Adrien, Assié, Ciara, Hosea, Christopher A., Ayoub, Anastasia, Khodakova, Mario Loeza, Cabrera, Daniela, Vidal, Marie‑Anne, Félix, Buck S., Samuel

The PPR domain of mitochondrial RNA polymerase is a ribonuclease required for mtDNA replication
Yi, Liu, Zhe, Chen, Zong‑Heng, Wang, Katherine, Delaney, Juanjie, Tang, Mehdi, Pirooznia, Duck‑Yeon, Lee, Yuesheng, Li, Hong, Xu

Evidence of post-domestication hybridization and adaptive introgression in Western European grapevine varieties
S., Freitas, M.A., Gazda, M., Rebelo, A.J., Muñoz‑Pajares, C., Vila‑Viçosa, A., Muñoz‑Mérida, L.M., Gonçalves, D., Azevedo‑Silva, S., Afonso, I., Castro, P.H., Castro, M., Sottomayor, A., Beja‑Pereira, J., Tereso, N., Ferrand, E., Gonçalves, A., Martins, M., Carneiro, H., Azevedo

Life history tradeoffs, division of labor and evolutionary transitions in individuality
Guilhem, Doulcier, Katrin, Hammerschmidt, Pierrick, Bourrat

Sequence-unrelated long noncoding RNAs converged to modulate the activity of conserved epigenetic machineries across kingdoms
Camille, Fonouni‑Farde, Aurélie, Christ, Thomas, Blein, Juan Sebastián, Ramírez‑Prado, María Florencia, Legascue, David, Latrasse, Michaël, Moison, Leandro, Lucero, Lucía, Ferrero, Daniel, Gonzalez, Moussa, Benhamed, Leandro, Quadrana, Martin, Crespi, Federico, Ariel

Gene regulatory networks for compatible versus incompatible grafts identify a role for SlWOX4 during junction formation
Hannah, Thomas, Lisa, Van den Broeck, Ryan, Spurney, Rosangela, Sozzani, Margaret, Frank

A novel reticular oscillator in the brainstem synchronizes neonatal crying with breathing
Xin Paul, Wei, Matthew, Collie, Bowen, Dempsey, Gilles, Fortin, Kevin, Yackle

H3K36 methylation and DNA-binding both promote Ioc4 recruitment and Isw1b remodeller function
Jian, Li, Lena, Bergmann, Andreia Rafael, de Almeida, Kimberly M., Webb, Madelaine M., Gogol, Philipp, Voigt, Yingfang, Liu, Huanhuan, Liang, Michaela M., Smolle

Engineering of a fluorescent chemogenetic reporter with tunable color for advanced live-cell imaging
Hela, Benaissa, Karim, Ounoughi, Isabelle, Aujard, Evelyne, Fischer, Rosette, Goïame, Julie, Nguyen, Alison G., Tebo, Chenge, Li, Thomas Le, Saux, Lydia, Danglot, Nicolas, Pietrancosta, Xavier, Morin, Ludovic, Jullien, Arnaud, Gautier

The biogenesis and function of nucleosome arrays
Ashish Kumar, Singh, Tamás, Schauer, Lena, Pfaller, Tobias, Straub, Felix, Mueller‑Planitz

NMDAR-mediated transcriptional control of gene expression during the development of medial ganglionic eminence-derived interneurons
Vivek, Mahadevan, Apratim, Mitra, Yajun, Zhang, Xiaoqing, Yuan, Areg, Peltekian, Ramesh, Chittajallu, Caroline, Esnault, Dragan, Maric, Christopher, Rhodes, Kenneth A., Pelkey, Ryan, Dale, Timothy J., Petros, Chris J., McBain

Targeted knockdown of the PAF49 component of the PAF53/PAF49 heterodimer causes the degradation of PAF53
Rachel, McNamar, Katrina, Rothblum, Lawrence I., Rothblum

Organization of DNA replication origin firing in Xenopus egg extracts : the role of intra-S checkpoint
Diletta, Ciardo, Olivier, Haccard, Hemalatha, Narassimprakash, Jean‑Michel, Arbona, Olivier, Hyrien, Benjamin, Audit, Kathrin, Marheineke, Arach, Goldar

The CLASSY family controls tissue-specific DNA methylation patterns in Arabidopsis
Ming, Zhou, Ceyda, Coruh, Guanghui, Xu, Clara, Bourbousse, Alice, Lambolez, Julie A., Law

Function of the HYDROXYCINNAMOYL-CoA:SHIKIMATE HYDROXYCINNAMOYL TRANSFERASE is evolutionarily conserved in embryophytes
Lucie, Kriegshauser, Samuel, Knosp, Etienne, Grienenberger, Kanade, Tatsumi, Desirée D., Gütle, Iben, Sørensen, Laurence, Herrgott, Julie, Zumsteg, Jocelyn K.C., Rose, Ralf, Reski, Danièle, Werck‑Reichhart, Hugues, Renault

Folding and Persistence Time of Intramolecular G-Quadruplexes Transiently Embedded in a DNA duplex
Phong Lan, Thao Tran, Martin, Rieu, Samar, Hodeib, Alexandra, Joubert, Jimmy, Ouellet, Patrizia, Alberti, Anthony, Bugaut, Jean‑François, Allemand, Jean‑Baptiste, Boulé, Vincent, Croquette

Spatio-Temporal Coordination of Transcription Preinitiation Complex Assembly in Live Cells
Vu Q., Nguyen, Anand, Ranjan, Sheng, Liu, Xiaona, Tang, Yick Hin, Ling, Jan, Wisniewski, Gaku, Mizuguchi, Kai Yu, Li, Vivian, Jou, Qinsi, Zheng, Luke D., Lavis, Timothée, Lionnet, Carl, Wu

Bioinformatics Analysis of Key Genes and Pathways for Obesity Associated Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus as a Therapeutic Target
Basavaraj, Vastrad, Anandkumar, Tengli, Chanabasayya, Vastrad, Iranna, Kotturshetti

Global drivers of eukaryotic plankton biogeography in the sunlit ocean
Sommeria‑Klein, Guilhem, Watteaux, Romain, Iudicone, Daniele, Bowler, Chris, Morlon, Hélène

Genomic evidence for global ocean plankton biogeography shaped by large-scale current systems
Daniel J., Richter, Romain, Watteaux, Thomas, Vannier, Jade, Leconte, Paul, Frémont, Gabriel, Reygondeau, Nicolas, Maillet, Nicolas, Henry, Gaëtan, Benoit, Ophélie Da, Silva, Tom O., Delmont, Antonio, Fernàndez‑Guerra, Samir, Suweis, Romain, Narci, Cédric, Berney, Damien, Eveillard, Frederick, Gavory, Lionel, Guidi, Karine, Labadie, Eric, Mahieu, Julie, Poulain, Sarah, Romac, Simon, Roux, Céline, Dimier, Stefanie, Kandels, Marc, Picheral, Sarah, Searson, Stéphane, Pesant, Jean‑Marc, Aury, Jennifer R., Brum, Claire, Lemaitre, Eric, Pelletier, Peer, Bork, Shinichi, Sunagawa, Fabien, Lombard, Lee, Karp‑Boss, Chris, Bowler, Matthew B., Sullivan, Eric, Karsenti, Mahendra, Mariadassou, Ian, Probert, Pierre, Peterlongo, Patrick, Wincker, Colomban, de Vargas, Maurizio Ribera, d’Alcalà, Daniele, Iudicone, Olivier, Jaillon

The RSC complex remodels nucleosomes in transcribed coding sequences and promotes transcription in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Emily, Biernat, Jeena, Kinney, Kyle, Dunlap, Christian, Rizza, Chhabi K., Govind

Phospho-IWS1-dependent U2AF2 splicing is cell-cycle-regulated, promotes proliferation and predicts poor prognosis of EGFR- mutant lung adenocarcinoma
Georgios I., Laliotis, Evangelia, Chavdoula, Maria D., Paraskevopoulou, Abdul D., Kaba, Alessandro, La Ferlita, Satishkumar, Singh, Vollter, Anastas, Salvatore, Alaimo, Arturo, Orlacchio, Keith A., Nair, Vasiliki, Taraslia, Ioannis, Vlachos, Marina, Capece, Artemis, Hatzigeorgiou, Dario, Palmieri, Christos, Tsatsanis, Lalit, Sehgal, David P., Carbone, Vincenzo, Coppola, Philip N., Tsichlis

SUSD4 controls GLUA2 degradation, synaptic plasticity and motor learning
I., González‑Calvo, K., Iyer, M., Carquin, A., Khayachi, F.A., Giuliani, J., Vincent, M., Séveno, S.M., Sigoillot, M., Veleanu, S., Tahraoui, M., Albert, O., Vigy, C., Bosso‑Lefèvre, Y., Nadjar, A., Dumoulin, A., Triller, J.‑L., Bessereau, L., Rondi‑Reig, P., Isope, F., Selimi

Nucleolar TFIIE plays a role in ribosomal biogenesis and performance
Tamara, Phan, Pallab, Maity, Christina, Ludwig, Lisa, Streit, Jens, Michaelis, Karin, Scharffetter‑Kochanek, Sebastian, Iben

Reciprocal stabilisation of glycine receptors and gephyrin scaffold proteins at inhibitory synapses
Thomas, Chapdelaine, Vincent, Hakim, Antoine, Triller, Jonas, Ranft, Christian G, Specht

Population genomics of the emerging forest pathogen Neonectria neomacrospora
Knud Nor, Nielsen, Shyam, Gopalakrishnan, Thorfinn Sand, Korneliussen, Mikkel, Skovrind, Kimmo, Sirén, Bent, Petersen, Thomas, Sicheritz‑Pontén, Iben M., Thomsen, M. Thomas P., Gilbert, Ole Kim, Hansen

Genome wide natural variation of H3K27me3 selectively marks genes predicted to be important for cell differentiation in Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Xue, Zhao, Achal, Rastogi, Anne Flore Deton, Cabanillas, Ouardia Ait, Mohamed, Catherine, Cantrel, Berangère, Lombard, Omer, Murik, Auguste, Genovesio, Chris, Bowler, Daniel, Bouyer, Damarys, Loew, Xin, Lin, Alaguraj, Veluchamy, Fabio Rocha Jimenez, Vieira, Leila, Tirichine

Chromatin stability generated by stochastic binding and unbinding of cross-linkers at looping sites revealed by Markov models
Andrea, Papale, David, Holcman

Histone H1 protects telomeric repeats from H3K27me3 invasion in Arabidopsis
Gianluca, Teano, Lorenzo, Concia, Léa, Wolff, Léopold, Carron, Ivona, Biocanin, Kateřina, Adamusová, Miloslava, Fojtová, Michael, Bourge, Amira, Kramdi, Vincent, Colot, Ueli, Grossniklaus, Chris, Bowler, Célia, Baroux, Alessandra, Carbone, Aline V., Probst, Petra, Procházková Schrumpfová, Jiří, Fajkus, Simon, Amiard, Stefan, Grob, Clara, Bourbousse, Fredy, Barneche

Single-cell transcriptomics of the early developing mouse cerebral cortex disentangles the spatial and temporal components of neuronal fate acquisition
Matthieu X., Moreau, Yoann, Saillour, Andrzej W., Cwetsch, Alessandra, Pierani, Frédéric, Causeret

Integration in or Near Oncogenes Plays Only a Minor Role in Determining the in Vivo Distribution of HIV Integration Sites Before or During Suppressive Antiretroviral Therapy
John M., Coffin, Michael J., Bale, Daria, Wells, Shuang, Guo, Brian, Luke, Jennifer M., Zerbato, Michele D., Sobolewskii, Twan, Sia, Wei, Shao, Xiaolin, Wu, Frank, Maldarelli, Mary F., Kearney, John W., Mellors, Stephen H., Hughes

Differential homeostatic regulation of glycinergic and GABAergic nanocolumns at mixed inhibitory synapses
Xiaojuan, Yang, Hervé, Le Corronc, Pascal, Legendre, Antoine, Triller, Christian G, Specht

Evaluating the reproducibility of single-cell gene regulatory network inference algorithms
Yoonjee, Kang, Denis, Thieffry, Laura, Cantini

Environmental vulnerability of the global ocean plankton community interactome
S., Chaffron, E., Delage, M., Budinich, D., Vintache, N., Henry, C., Nef, M., Ardyna, A.A., Zayed, P.C., Junger, P.E., Galand, C., Lovejoy, A., Murray, H., Sarmento, S., Acinas, M., Babin, D., Iudicone, O., Jaillon, E., Karsenti, P., Wincker, L., Karp‑Boss, M.B., Sullivan, C., Bowler, C., de Vargas, D., Eveillard

Glymphatic function in the gyrencephalic brain
Nicholas Burdon, Bèchet, Nagesh C., Shanbhag, Iben, Lundgaard

Mitotic interhomolog recombination drives genomic diversity in diatoms
Petra, Bulánková, Mirna, Sekulić, Denis, Jallet, Charlotte, Nef, Tom, Delmont, Cock, van Oosterhout, Ilse, Vercauteren, Cristina Maria, Osuna‑Cruz, Emmelien, Vancaester, Thomas, Mock, Koen, Sabbe, Fayza, Daboussi, Chris, Bowler, Wim, Vyverman, Klaas, Vandepoele, Lieven, De Veylder

Olfactory rod cells : a rare cell type in the larval zebrafish olfactory epithelium with an actin-rich apical projection
King Yee, Cheung, Suresh J., Jesuthasan, Sarah, Baxendale, Nicholas J., van Hateren, Mar, Marzo, Christopher J., Hill, Tanya T., Whitfield

Fast and accurate estimation of species-specific diversification rates using data augmentation
Odile, Maliet, Hélène, Morlon

Exon Junction Complex dependent mRNA localization is linked to centrosome organization during ciliogenesis
Oh Sung, Kwon, Rahul, Mishra, Adham, Safieddine, Emeline, Coleno, Quentin, Alasseur, Marion, Faucourt, Isabelle, Barbosa, Edouard, Bertrand, Nathalie, Spassky, Hervé Le, Hir

Large, stable spikes exhibit differential broadening in excitatory and inhibitory neocortical boutons
Andreas, Ritzau‑Jost, Timur, Tsintsadze, Martin, Krueger, Jonas, Ader, Ingo, Bechmann, Jens, Eilers, Boris, Barbour, Stephen M., Smith, Stefan, Hallermann

AIBP-CAV1-VEGFR3 axis dictates lymphatic cell fate and controls lymphangiogenesis
Xiaojie, Yang, Jun‑dae, Kim, Qilin, Gu, Qing, Yan, Jonathan, Astin, Philip S, Crosier, Pengchun, Yu, Stanley G, Rockson, Longhou, Fang

Morphologically constrained modeling of spinous inhibition in the somato-sensory cortex
Olivier, Gemin, Pablo, Serna, Nora, Assendorp, Matteo, Fossati, Philippe, Rostaing, Antoine, Triller, Cécile, Charrier

The yeast ISW1b ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler is critical for nucleosome spacing and dinucleosome resolution
Peter R., Eriksson, David J., Clark

Glucose-lactose mixture feeds in industry-like conditions : a gene regulatory network analysis on the hyperproducing Trichoderma reesei strain Rut-C30
Aurélie, Pirayre, Laurent, Duval, Corinne, Blugeon, Cyril, Firmo, Sandrine, Perrin, Etienne, Jourdier, Antoine, Margeot, Frédérique, Bidard

The Arabidopsis active demethylase ROS1 cis-regulates immune-responsive genes by pruning DNA methylation at promoter-regulatory regions
Thierry, Halter, Jingyu, Wang, Delase, Amesefe, Emmanuelle, Lastrucci, Magali, Charvin, Meenu Singla, Rastogi, Lionel, Navarro

DET1-mediated COP1 regulation avoids HY5 activity over second-site targets to tune plant photomorphogenesis
Esther, Cañibano, Clara, Bourbousse, Marta, Garcia‑Leon, Lea, Wolff, Camila, Garcia‑Baudino, Fredy, Barneche, Vicente, Rubio, Sandra, Fonseca

Structural Analysis of Simultaneous Activation and Inhibition of γ-Secretase Activity in Development of Drugs for Alzheimer’s disease
Željko M., Svedružić, Katarina, Vrbnjak, Manuel, Martinović, Vedran, Miletić

Early Emergence and Long-Term Persistence of HIV-Infected T Cell Clones in Children
Michael J., Bale, Mary Grace, Katusiime, Daria, Wells, Xiaolin, Wu, Jonathan, Spindler, Elias K., Halvas, Joshua C., Cyktor, Ann, Wiegand, Wei, Shao, Mark F., Cotton, Stephen H., Hughes, John W., Mellors, John M., Coffin, Gert U., Van Zyl, Mary F., Kearney

New insights into homoeologous copy number variations in the hexaploid wheat genome
Caroline, Juery, Lorenzo, Concia, Romain, De Oliveira, Nathan, Papon, Ricardo, Ramírez‑González, Moussa, Benhamed, Cristobal, Uauy, Frédéric, Choulet, Etienne, Paux

A conserved choreography of mRNAs at centrosomes reveals a localization mechanism involving active polysome transport
Adham, Safieddine, Emeline, Coleno, Abdel‑Meneem, Traboulsi, Oh Sung, Kwon, Frederic, Lionneton, Virginie, Georget, Marie‑Cécile, Robert, Thierry, Gostan, Charles, Lecellier, Soha, Salloum, Racha, Chouaib, Xavier, Pichon, Hervé, Le Hir, Kazem, Zibara, Marion, Peter, Edouard, Bertrand

A stress-induced Tyrosine tRNA depletion response mediates codon-based translational repression and growth suppression
Doowon, Huh, Maria C., Passarelli, Jenny, Gao, Shahnoza N, Dusmatova, Clara, Goin, Lisa, Fish, Alexandra M., Pinzaru, Henrik, Molina, Elizabeth A., McMillan, Hosseinali, Asgharian, Hani, Goodarzi, Sohail F., Tavazoie

Alteration of the premature tRNA landscape by gammaherpesvirus infection
Jessica, Tucker, Aaron M., Schaller, Ian, Willis, Britt A., Glaunsinger

metabaR : an R package for the evaluation and improvement of DNA metabarcoding data quality
Lucie, Zinger, Clément, Lionnet, Anne‑Sophie, Benoiston, Julian, Donald, Céline, Mercier, Frédéric, Boyer

Reduced Gene Dosage of Histone H4 Prevents CENP-A Mislocalization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Jessica R., Eisenstatt, Kentaro, Ohkuni, Wei‑Chun, Au, Olivia, Preston, Evelyn, Suva, Michael, Costanzo, Charles, Boone, Munira A., Basrai

Dual contributions of cerebellar-thalamic networks to learning and offline consolidation of a complex motor task
Andres P, Varani, Romain W, Sala, Caroline, Mailhes‑Hamon, Jimena L, Frontera, Clément, Léna, Daniela, Popa

Emergence of Non-Canonical Parvalbumin-Containing Interneurons in Hippocampus of a Murine Model of Type I Lissencephaly
Tyler G., Ekins, Vivek, Mahadevan, Yajun, Zhang, James A., D’Amour, Timothy, Petros, Chris J., McBain

Deciphering and modelling the TGF-β signalling interplays specifying the dorsal-ventral axis of the sea urchin embryo
Swann, Floc’hlay, Maria Dolores, Molina, Céline, Hernandez, Emmanuel, Haillot, Morgane, Thomas‑Chollier, Thierry, Lepage, Denis, Thieffry

Computational verification of large logical models – application to the prediction of T cell response to checkpoint inhibitors
Céline, Hernandez, Morgane, Thomas‑Chollier, Aurélien, Naldi, Denis, Thieffry

Human ORC/MCM density is low in active genes and correlates with replication time but does not solely define replication initiation zones
Nina, Kirstein, Alexander, Buschle, Xia, Wu, Stefan, Krebs, Helmut, Blum, Wolfgang, Hammerschmidt, Laurent, Lacroix, Olivier, Hyrien, Benjamin, Audit, Aloys, Schepers

Identification and characterization of phlorizin transporter from Arabidopsis thaliana and its application for phlorizin production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Zeinu Mussa, Belew, Christoph, Crocoll, Iben, Møller‑Hansen, Michael, Naesby, Irina, Borodina, Hussam Hassan, Nour‑Eldin

Independent respiratory and locomotor rhythms in running mice
Coralie, Hérent, Séverine, Diem, Gilles, Fortin, Julien, Bouvier

Hyperprolactinemia in a male pituitary androgen receptor knockout mouse model is associated with a female-like pattern of lactotroph development
Laura, O’Hara, Helen C., Christian, Paul, Le Tissier, Lee B., Smith

Functional Predictors of Causative Cis-Regulatory Mutations in Mendelian Disease
Hemant, Bengani, Detelina, Grozeva, Lambert, Moyon, Shipra, Bhatia, Susana R, Louros, Jilly, Hope, Adam, Jackson, James G, Prendergast, Liusaidh J., Owen, Magali, Naville, Jacqueline, Rainger, Graeme, Grimes, Mihail, Halachev, Laura C, Murphy, Olivera, Spasic‑Boskovic, Veronica, van Heyningen, Peter, Kind, Catherine M, Abbott, Emily, Osterweil, F Lucy, Raymond, Hugues Roest, Crollius, David R, FitzPatrick

Developing methods for measuring national distributions and densities of wild mammals using camera traps : A Kosovo study
Sarah E., Beatham, Alastair I., Ward, David, Fouracre, Jeton, Muhaxhiri, Michael, Sallmann, Besim, Zogu, Valdet, Gjinovci, Anthony J., Wilsmore, Graham C., Smith

tRNA-modifying enzyme mutations induce codon-specific mistranslation and protein aggregation in yeast
Joana F, Tavares, Nick K., Davis, Ana, Poim, Andreia, Reis, Stefanie, Kellner, Inês, Sousa, Ana R., Soares, Gabriela M R, Moura, Peter C, Dedon, Manuel A S, Santos

Pregnancy data enable identification of relevant biomarkers and a partial prognosis of autism at birth
Hugues, Caly, Hamed, Rabiei, Perrine, Coste‑Mazeau, Sebastien, Hantz, Sophie, Alain, Jean‑Luc, Eyraud, Thierry, Chianea, Catherine, Caly, David, Makowski, Nouchine, Hadjikhani, Eric, Lemonnier, Yehezkel, Ben‑Ari

Post-replicative pairing of sister ter regions in Escherichia coli involves multiple activities of MatP
Estelle, Crozat, Catherine, Tardin, Maya, Salhi, Philippe, Rousseau, Armand, Lablaine, Tommaso, Bertoni, David, Holcman, Bianca, Sclavi, Pietro, Cicuta, François, Cornet

NCBP3 is a productive mRNP component
Yuhui, Dou, Isabelle, Barbosa, Hua, Jiang, Claudia, Iasillo, Kelly R., Molloy, Wiebke Manuela, Schulze, Stephen, Cusack, Manfred, Schmid, Hervé, Le Hir, John, LaCava, Torben Heick, Jensen

Prior hypotheses or regularization allow inference of diversification histories from extant timetrees
Hélène, Morlon, Florian, Hartig, Stéphane, Robin

Functional characterization of Polr3a hypomyelinating leukodystrophy mutations in the S. cerevisiae homolog, RPC160
Robyn D., Moir, Christian, Lavados, JaeHoon, Lee, Ian M., Willis

Cryo-EM structures of human RNA polymerase III in its unbound and transcribing states
Mathias, Girbig, Agata D., Misiaszek, Matthias K., Vorländer, Aleix, Lafita, Helga, Grötsch, Florence, Baudin, Alex, Bateman, Christoph W., Müller

A single nucleotide change underlies the genetic assimilation of a plastic trait
Paul, Vigne, Clotilde, Gimond, Céline, Ferrari, Anne, Vielle, Johan, Hallin, Ania, Pino‑Querido, Sonia El, Mouridi, Christian, Frøkjær‑Jensen, Thomas, Boulin, Henrique, Teotónio, Christian, Braendle

Ecogenomics of key prokaryotes in the arctic ocean
Marta, Royo‑Llonch, Pablo, Sánchez, Clara, Ruiz‑González, Guillem, Salazar, Carlos, Pedrós‑Alió, Karine, Labadie, Lucas, Paoli, Samuel, Chaffron, Damien, Eveillard, Eric, Karsenti, Shinichi, Sunagawa, Patrick, Wincker, Lee, Karp‑Boss, Chris, Bowler, Silvia G, Acinas

Synchronization, stochasticity and phase waves in neuronal networks with spatially-structured connectivity
Anirudh, Kulkarni, Jonas, Ranft, Vincent, Hakim

The impact of transposable elements on tomato diversity
Marisol, Domínguez, Elise, Dugas, Médine, Benchouaia, Basile, Leduque, José, Jimenez‑Gomez, Vincent, Colot, Leandro, Quadrana

Altering Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 activity partially suppresses ddm1 mutant phenotypes in Arabidopsis
Martin, Rougée, Leandro, Quadrana, Jérôme, Zervudacki, Vincent, Colot, Lionel, Navarro, Angélique, Deleris

The Genomic Loci of Specific Human tRNA Genes Exhibit Ageing-Related DNA Hypermethylation
Richard J., Acton, Wei, Yuan, Fei, Gao, Yudong, Xia, Emma, Bourne, Eva, Wozniak, Jordana, Bell, Karen, Lillycrop, Jun, Wang, Elaine, Dennison, Nicholas, Harvey, Charles A., Mein, Tim D., Spector, Pirro G., Hysi, Cyrus, Cooper, Christopher G., Bell

UPMaBoSS : a novel framework for dynamic cell population modeling
Gautier, Stoll, Aurélien, Naldi, Vincent, Noël, Eric, Viara, Emmanuel, Barillot, Guido, Kroemer, Denis, Thieffry, Laurence, Calzone

A minimally disruptive method for measuring water potential in-planta using hydrogel nanoreporters
Piyush, Jain, Weizhen, Liu, Siyu, Zhu, Jeff, Melkonian, Duke, Pauli, Susan Jean, Riha, Michael A., Gore, Abraham D., Stroock

Callose deposition is essential for the completion of cytokinesis in the unicellular alga, Penium margaritaceum
Destiny J., Davis, Minmin, Wang, Iben, Sørensen, Jocelyn K.C., Rose, David S., Domozych, Georgia, Drakakaki

Hypomodified tRNA in evolutionarily distant yeasts can trigger rapid tRNA decay to activate the general amino acid control response, but with different consequences
Thareendra, De Zoysa, Eric M., Phizicky

Fluorescent secreted bacterial effectors reveal active intravacuolar proliferation of Listeria monocytogenes in epithelial cells
Caroline, Peron‑Cane, José‑Carlos, Fernandez, Julien, Leblanc, Laure, Wingertsmann, Arnaud, Gautier, Nicolas, Desprat, Alice, Lebreton

One enzyme many faces : alkaline phosphatase-based phosphorus-nutrient strategies and the regulatory cascade revealed by CRISPR/Cas9 gene knockout
Kaidian, Zhang, Zhi, Zhou, Jierui, Wang, Jiashun, Li, Xin, Lin, Ling, Li, Xiaomei, Wu, Yanchun, You, Senjie, Lin

Altered Capicua expression drives regional Purkinje neuron vulnerability through ion channel gene dysregulation in Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1
Ravi, Chopra, David D, Bushart, John P, Cooper, Dhananjay, Yellajoshyula, Logan M, Morrison, Haoran, Huang, Daniel R, Scoles, Stefan M, Pulst, Harry T, Orr, Vikram G, Shakkottai

Cis acting variation is common, can propagates across multiple regulatory layers, but is often buffered in developmental programs
Swann, Floc’hlay, Emily, Wong, Bingqing, Zhao, Rebecca R., Viales, Morgane, Thomas‑Chollier, Denis, Thieffry, David A., Garfield, Eileen EM, Furlong

A localization screen reveals translation factories and widespread co-translational RNA targeting
Racha, Chouaib, Adham, Safieddine, Xavier, Pichon, Arthur, Imbert, Oh Sung, Kwon, Aubin, Samacoits, Abdel‑Meneem, Traboulsi, Marie‑Cécile, Robert, Nikolay, Tsanov, Emeline, Coleno, Ina, Poser, Christophe, Zimmer, Anthony, Hyman, Hervé Le, Hir, Kazem, Zibara, Marion, Peter, Florian, Mueller, Thomas, Walter, Edouard, Bertrand

OTTER, a new method quantifying absolute amounts of tRNAs
Akihisa, Nagai, Kohei, Mori, Yuma, Shiomi, Tohru, Yoshihisa

Evolutionary Changes in Left-Right Visceral Asymmetry in Astyanax Cavefish
Li, Ma, Mandy, Ng, Janet, Shi, Aniket V., Gore, Daniel, Castranova, Brant M., Weinstein, William R., Jeffery

Live Imaging of Intracranial Lymphatics in the Zebrafish
Daniel, Castranova, Bakary, Samasa, Marina Venero, Galanternik, Hyun Min, Jung, Van N., Pham, Brant M., Weinstein

Visualizing the dynamics of exported bacterial proteins with the chemogenetic fluorescent reporter FAST
Yankel, Chekli, Caroline, Peron‑Cane, Dario, Dell’Arciprete, Jean‑François, Allemand, Chenge, Li, Jean‑Marc, Ghigo, Arnaud, Gautier, Alice, Lebreton, Nicolas, Desprat, Christophe, Beloin

In-depth characterization of layer 5 output neurons of the primary somatosensory cortex innervating the mouse dorsal spinal cord
N., Frezel, E., Platonova, F.F., Voigt, J.M., Mateos, R., Kastli, U., Ziegler, T., Karayannis, F., Helmchen, H., Wildner, H.U., Zeilhofer

Allochronic Divergence Driven by Spatial Asynchrony in Precipitation in Neotropical Frogs ?
Carlos E., Guarnizo, Paola, Montoya, Ignacio, Quintero, Carlos Daniel, Cadena

Kingdom-wide analysis of the evolution of the plant type III polyketide synthase superfamily
Thomas, Naake, Hiroshi A., Maeda, Sebastian, Proost, Takayuki, Tohge, Alisdair R., Fernie

Eco-evolutionary dynamics of nested Darwinian populations and the emergence of community-level heredity
Guilhem, Doulcier, Amaury, Lambert, Silvia, De Monte, Paul B., Rainey

FORK-seq : replication landscape of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome by nanopore sequencing
Magali, Hennion, Jean‑Michel, Arbona, Laurent, Lacroix, Corinne, Cruaud, Bertrand, Theulot, Benoît Le, Tallec, Florence, Proux, Xia, Wu, Elizaveta, Novikova, Stefan, Engelen, Arnaud, Lemainque, Benjamin, Audit, Olivier, Hyrien

Testing the ‘caves as islands’ model in two cave-obligate invertebrates with a genomic approach
Andras, Balogh, Lam, Ngo, Kirk S., Zigler, Groves, Dixon

Genetic tool development in marine protists : Emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology
Drahomíra, Faktorová, R. Ellen R., Nisbet, José A. Fernández, Robledo, Elena, Casacuberta, Lisa, Sudek, Andrew E., Allen, Manuel, Ares, Cristina, Aresté, Cecilia, Balestreri, Adrian C., Barbrook, Patrick, Beardslee, Sara, Bender, David S., Booth, François‑Yves, Bouget, Chris, Bowler, Susana A., Breglia, Colin, Brownlee, Gertraud, Burger, Heriberto, Cerutti, Rachele, Cesaroni, Miguel A., Chiurillo, Thomas, Clemente, Duncan B., Coles, Jackie L., Collier, Elizabeth C., Cooney, Kathryn, Coyne, Roberto, Docampo, Christopher L., Dupont, Virginia, Edgcomb, Elin, Einarsson, Pía A., Elustondo, Fernan, Federici, Veronica, Freire‑Beneitez, Nastasia J., Freyria, Kodai, Fukuda, Paulo A., García, Peter R., Girguis, Fatma, Gomaa, Sebastian G., Gornik, Jian, Guo, Vladimír, Hampl, Yutaka, Hanawa, Esteban R., Haro‑Contreras, Elisabeth, Hehenberger, Andrea, Highfield, Yoshihisa, Hirakawa, Amanda, Hopes, Christopher J., Howe, Ian, Hu, Jorge, Ibañez, Nicholas A.T., Irwin, Yuu, Ishii, Natalia Ewa, Janowicz, Adam C., Jones, Ambar, Kachale, Konomi, Fujimura‑Kamada, Binnypreet, Kaur, Jonathan Z., Kaye, Eleanna, Kazana, Patrick J., Keeling, Nicole, King, Lawrence A., Klobutcher, Noelia, Lander, Imen, Lassadi, Zhuhong, Li, Senjie, Lin, Jean‑Claude, Lozano, Fulei, Luan, Shinichiro, Maruyama, Tamara, Matute, Cristina, Miceli, Jun, Minagawa, Mark, Moosburner, Sebastián R., Najle, Deepak, Nanjappa, Isabel C., Nimmo, Luke, Noble, Anna M.G. Novák, Vanclová, Mariusz, Nowacki, Isaac, Nuñez, Arnab, Pain, Angela, Piersanti, Sandra, Pucciarelli, Jan, Pyrih, Joshua S., Rest, Mariana, Rius, Deborah, Robertson, Albane, Ruaud, Iñaki, Ruiz‑Trillo, Monika A., Sigg, Pamela A., Silver, Claudio H., Slamovits, G. Jason, Smith, Brittany N., Sprecher, Rowena, Stern, Estienne C., Swart, Anastasios D., Tsaousis, Lev, Tsypin, Aaron, Turkewitz, Jernej, Turnšek, Matus, Valach, Valérie, Vergé, Peter, von Dassow, Tobias, von der Haar, Ross F., Waller, Lu, Wang, Xiaoxue, Wen, Glen, Wheeler, April, Woods, Huan, Zhang, Thomas, Mock, Alexandra Z., Worden, Julius, Lukeš

A far-red fluorescent chemogenetic reporter for in vivo molecular imaging
Chenge, Li, Alison G., Tebo, Marion, Thauvin, Marie‑Aude, Plamont, Michel, Volovitch, Xavier, Morin, Sophie, Vriz, Arnaud, Gautier

Detecting genetic variation and base modifications together in the same single molecules of DNA and RNA at base pair resolution using a magnetic tweezer platform
Zhen, Wang, Jérôme, Maluenda, Laurène, Giraut, Thibault, Vieille, Andréas, Lefevre, David, Salthouse, Gaël, Radou, Rémi, Moulinas, Sandra, Astete‑Morales, Pol, d’Avezac, Geoff, Smith, Charles, André, Jean‑François, Allemand, David, Bensimon, Vincent, Croquette, Jimmy, Ouellet, Gordon, Hamilton

Caenorhabditis elegans dauers vary recovery in response to bacteria from natural habitat
Louis T., Bubrig, John M., Sutton, Janna L., Fierst

Potential role of the X circular code in the regulation of gene expression
Julie D., Thompson, Raymond, Ripp, Claudine, Mayer, Olivier, Poch, Christian J., Michel

Ruler elements in chromatin remodelers set nucleosome array spacing and phasing
Elisa, Oberbeckmann, Vanessa, Niebauer, Shinya, Watanabe, Lucas, Farnung, Manuela, Moldt, Andrea, Schmid, Patrick, Cramer, Craig L., Peterson, Sebastian, Eustermann, Karl‑Peter, Hopfner, Philipp, Korber

Rerouting of ribosomal proteins into splicing in plant organelles
Chuande, Wang, Rachel, Fourdin, Martine, Quadrado, Céline, Dargel‑Graffin, Dimitri, Tolleter, David, Macherel, Hakim, Mireau

Repeated colonization of caves leads to phenotypic convergence in catfishes (Siluriformes : Trichomycterus) at a small geographical scale
Juan Sebastián, Flórez, Carlos Daniel, Cadena, Carlos, DoNascimiento, Mauricio, Torres

Conserved small nucleotidic elements at the origin of concerted piRNA biogenesis from genes and lncRNAs
Silke, Jensen, Emilie, Brasset, Elise, Parey, Hugues, Roest‑Crollius, Igor V., Sharakhov, Chantal, Vaury

Testing the adaptive value of sporulation in budding yeast using experimental evolution
Kelly M., Thomasson, Alexander, Franks, Henrique, Teotónio, Stephen R., Proulx

Bidirectional control of fear memories by the cerebellum through the ventrolateral periaqueductal grey
Jimena L., Frontera, Hind Baba, Aissa, Romain William, Sala, Caroline, Mailhes‑Hamon, Ioana Antoaneta, Georgescu, Clément, Léna, Daniela, Popa

Functional abnormalities in the cerebello-thalamic pathways in an animal model of dystonia
Elena Laura, Margarint, Hind Baba, Aïssa, Andrés Pablo, Varani, Romain, Sala, Fabien, Menardy, Assunta, Pelosi, Denis, Hervé, Clément, Léna, Daniela, Popa

Synteny-guided resolution of gene trees clarifies the functional impact of whole genome duplications
Elise, Parey, Alexandra, Louis, Cédric, Cabau, Yann, Guiguen, Hugues Roest, Crollius, Camille, Berthelot

Low ribosomal RNA genes copy number provoke genomic instability and chromosomal segment duplication events that modify global gene expression and plant-pathogen response
Ariadna, Picart‑Picolo, Stefan, Grob, Nathalie, Picault, Michal, Franek, Thierry, halter, Tom R., Maier, Christel, Llauro, Edouard, Jobet, Panpan, Zhang, Paramasivan, Vijayapalani, Thomas J., Baum, Lionel, Navarro, Martina, Dvorackova, Marie, Mirouze, Frederic, Pontvianne

Local translation in perisynaptic astrocytic processes is specific and regulated by fear conditioning
Noémie, Mazaré, Marc, Oudart, Julien, Moulard, Giselle, Cheung, Romain, Tortuyaux, Philippe, Mailly, David, Mazaud, Alexis‑Pierre, Bemelmans, Anne‑Cécile, Boulay, Corinne, Blugeon, Laurent, Jourdren, Stéphane, Le Crom, Nathalie, Rouach, Martine, Cohen‑Salmon

Non-essential function of KRAB zinc finger gene clusters in retrotransposon suppression
Gernot, Wolf, Alberto, de Iaco, Ming‑An, Sun, Melania, Bruno, Matthew, Tinkham, Don, Hoang, Apratim, Mitra, Sherry, Ralls, Didier, Trono, Todd S., Macfarlan

Akt/Foxo pathway activation switches apoptosis to senescence in short telomere zebrafish
Mounir, El‑Maï, Marta, Marzullo, Inês Pimenta, de Castro, Miguel Godinho, Ferreira

Engineering E. coli for magnetic control and the spatial localization of functions
Mary, Aubry, Wei‑An, Wang, Yohan, Guyodo, Eugénia, Delacou, Jean Michel, Guignier, Olivier, Espeli, Alice, Lebreton, François, Guyot, Zoher, Gueroui

Lifetime of a structure evolving by cluster aggregation and particle loss, and application to postsynaptic scaffold domains
Vincent, Hakim, Jonas, Ranft

The Ty1 integrase nuclear localization signal is necessary and sufficient for retrotransposon targeting to tRNA genes
Amna, Asif‑Laidin, Christine, Conesa, Amandine, Bonnet, Camille, Grison, Indranil, Adhya, Rachid, Menouni, Hélène, Fayol, Noé, Palmic, Joël, Acker, Pascale, Lesage

Glial cell mechanosensitivity is reversed by adhesion cues
C., Tomba, C., Migdal, D., Fuard, C., Villard, A., Nicolas

Model-based inference of punctuated molecular evolution
Marc, Manceau, Julie, Marin, Hélène, Morlon, Amaury, Lambert

Feasibility analysis of semiconductor voltage nanosensors for neuronal membrane potential sensing
Anastasia, Ludwig, Pablo, Serna, Lion, Morgenstein, Gaoling, Yang, Omri, Bar‑Elli, Gloria, Ortiz, Evan, Miller, Dan, Oron, Asaf, Grupi, Shimon, Weiss, Antoine, Triller

Aire-dependent genes undergo Clp1-mediated 3’UTR shortening associated with higher transcript stability in the thymus
Clotilde, Guyon, Nada, Jmari, Francine, Padonou, Yen‑Chin, Li, Olga, Ucar, Noriyuki, Fujikado, Fanny, Coulpier, Christophe, Blanchet, David E., Root, Matthieu, Giraud

The Genome of the Charophyte Alga Penium margaritaceum Bears Footprints of the Evolutionary Origins of Land Plants
Chen, Jiao, Iben, Sørensen, Xuepeng, Sun, Honghe, Sun, Hila, Behar, Saleh, Alseekh, Glenn, Philippe, Kattia Palacio, Lopez, Li, Sun, Reagan, Reed, Susan, Jeon, Reiko, Kiyonami, Sheng, Zhang, Alisdair R., Fernie, Harry, Brumer, David S., Domozych, Zhangjun, Fei, Jocelyn K. C., Rose