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Benoît Noël

As a computer biologist, Benoît Noël was in charge of the analysis of complex -omics data produced by our group, in order to better understand post-transcriptional mechanisms impacting host gene expression during infection by Listeria monocytogenes.

Benoît has also co-developed an universal applet for categorizing sequencing data before statistical analysis, thus allowing an informative quality-control of experimental data.


Professional experience
Oct. 2015 – May 2018 Engineer position as a computational biologist, IBENS, Paris.
Supervisors : Alice Lebreton & Auguste Genovesio
Analysis of sequencing data for studying gene expression regulatory mechanisms during infection by Listeria monocytogenes. ”
Feb.-Jun. 2015 Master’s degree internship, IBENS, Paris.
Supervisors : Auguste Genovesio & Hervé Le Hir
“Setup of an analysis pipeline for control and treatment of ribosome profiling datasets.”
Jun.-Jul. 2014 Master’s degree internship, IBENS, Paris.
Supervisor : Morgane Thomas-Chollier
“Computational biology analysis of ChIP-Seq data for the prediction of cis-regulatory elements of the Krox20 gene.”
2013-2015 Master’s degree in computational biology (BIM BMC) magna cum laude, Paris 6 University (UPMC), Paris.
2011-2013 Bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences cum laude, Paris 6 University (UPMC), Paris.
2009-2011 First common year of medical school (PACES), Paris 7 University, Paris
Juin 2009 Sciantific Baccalauréat (A-levels) Lycée les Pierres Vives, Carrière sur Seine (78).