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Alice Lebreton

Group leader, INRAE research director

Research in my group explores the dynamics of Listeria monocytogenes intracellular lifestyles and of the molecular dialogue engaged with its host cell. We keep a strong focus on understanding the mechanisms of gene expression regulation in infected cells and their consequences.

Group Bacterial infection, response & dynamics
Institute of Biology of École normale supérieure (IBENS)
UMR CNRS 8197, Inserm 1024
46 rue d’Ulm
F – 75005 Paris
Tel: +33 1 44 32 34 62
Fax: +33 1 44 32 39 41
Research career
Since 2015 Group leader, IBENS, INRAE Research director since 2022, HDR.
“Post-transcriptional regulation of host gene expression in response to infection by intracellular bacteria.”
2008-2014 INRA Research scientist, Pasteur Institute (lab P. Cossart, group H. Bierne), Paris.
“Chromatin subversion & regulation of host gene expression by Listeria monocytogenes.”
2006-2008 Post-doctoral fellow, Centre de Génétique Moléculaire (lab B. Séraphin), CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette.
“RNA exosome activity and nuclear RNA quality control in eukaryotes.”
2002-2006 PhD student, Pasteur Institute (lab A. Jacquier, supervision M. Fromont-Racine), Paris.
“Dynamics of ribosome biogenesis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.”
2000 Intern, Microbiology Institute (lab Th. Leisinger), ETH Zürich.
“Transformation of isopropylamine to L-alaninol by Pseudomonas.”
1999 Summer intern, La Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, Paris.
“Histology of a murine model for Parkinson Disease.”
Since 2023 Professor in the biology department of École normale supérieure. In charge of the IMaLiS Master’s degree.
Since 2015 Co-organisation of the Microbial Systems course (IMaLiS Master’s degree).
Since 2014 Lecturer for the biology department of ENS. Courses: Molecular Cell Biology; Functional Genomics (Bachelor’s degree).
Since 2011 Lecturer at ENS Paris-Saclay for the Cell Biology of Host-Invasive Bacteria Interactions course (Master’s degree) and Great discoveries in Life Sciences course (Bachelor’s degree).
2019-2022 Jury for the biology entrance exam of École normale supérieure.
2014-2018 Organisation of the Molecular Cell Biology course for non-biologist ENS students (Bachelor’s degree) from 2014 to 2018.
2017-2018 Responsible for the Fundamental Biology for Heath curriculum (ENS IMaLiS Master’s degree).
2002-2005 Teaching assistant in Immunology (Bachelor’s degree), Paris 7 University.
Since 2018 Chronicles in biology in Le Monde.
Since 2014 Broad audience escape game in epidemiology in scientific festivals; conferences after Sci-Fi movies; broad audience conferences on cellular hijacking by Listeria; radio emissions.
And... a few other experiments.
2002-2006 PhD in Microbiology-Virology, Paris 7 University.
1998-2002 Studies in Biochemistry and Cell Biology at École normale supérieure de Cachan (now ENS Paris-Saclay) and Paris 7 University.
Undergraduate studies in Biochemistry and Cell Biology, then Master’s degree in Microbiology-Virology (Pasteur Institute).
Agrégation (French degree for high-school teaching) in Biochemistry – Biological Engineering.