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2002 : BTS in biotechnology

2004 : Assistant Engineer at the Ecole Normale Supérieur, INSERM U784, in Patrick Charnay’s lab

2004-2007 : « Diploma of EPHE » , at the Ecole Normale Supérieur, INSERM U784 , in Patrick Charnay’s lab.

2007-2010 : Ph.D in Development Biology at the Ecole Normale Supérieur, Paris, in Patrick Charnay’s lab. Thesis : Functionnal analysis of boundary cap cells ans Schwann cells during the peripheral nervous system development.

2010- : Engineer, at the Ecole Normale Supérieur, Paris, U1024 in Patrick Charnay’s lab

Research topics

Molecular and cellular characterisation of boundary cap-derived stem cells in peripheral nervous sytem.

Recent publications

Cthrc1 is a negative regulator of myelination in Schwann cells.
Apra C, Richard L, Coulpier F, Blugeon C, Gilardi-Hebenstreit P, Vallat JM, Lindner V, Charnay P, Decker L.Glia. 2012 Mar ;60(3):393-403.

Boundary cap cells are peripheral nervous system stem cells that can be redirected into central nervous system lineages.
Zujovic V, Thibaud J, Bachelin C, Vidal M, Deboux C, Coulpier F, Stadler N, Charnay P, Topilko P, Baron-Van Evercooren A.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Jun 28 ;108(26):10714-9. doi : 10.1073/pnas.1018687108. Epub 2011 Jun 13.

Krox20 inactivation in the PNS leads to CNS/PNS boundary transgression by central glia.
Charnay P, Coulpier F, Decker L, Funalot B, Vallat JM, Garcia-Bragado F, Topilko P.
Bull Acad Natl Med. 2010 Apr-May ;194(4-5):743-4. French.

Secreted amyloid precursor protein β and secreted amyloid precursor protein α induce axon outgrowth in vitro through Egr1 signaling pathway.
Chasseigneaux S, Dinc L, Rose C, Chabret C, Coulpier F, Topilko P, Mauger G, Allinquant B.PLoS One. 2011 Jan 27 ;6(1):e16301. doi : 10.1371/journal.pone.0016301.

Krox20 inactivation in the PNS leads to CNS/PNS boundary transgression by central glia.
Coulpier F, Decker L, Funalot B, Vallat JM, Garcia-Bragado F, Charnay P, Topilko P.
Rev Neurol (Paris). 2011 Jan ;167(1):51-6. doi : 10.1016/j.neurol.2010.07.043. Epub 2010 Dec 28.

CNS/PNS boundary transgression by central glia in the absence of Schwann cells or Krox20/Egr2 function.
Coulpier F, Decker L, Funalot B, Vallat JM, Garcia-Bragado F, Charnay P, Topilko P.
J Neurosci. 2010 Apr 28 ;30(17):5958-67. doi : 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0017-10.2010.

Boundary cap cells are highly competitive for CNS remyelination : fast migration and efficient differentiation in PNS and CNS myelin-forming cells.
Zujovic V, Thibaud J, Bachelin C, Vidal M, Coulpier F, Charnay P, Topilko P, Baron-Van Evercooren A.
Stem Cells. 2010 Mar 31 ;28(3):470-9. doi : 10.1002/stem.290.

Novel features of boundary cap cells revealed by the analysis of newly identified molecular markers.
Coulpier F, Le Crom S, Maro GS, Manent J, Giovannini M, Maciorowski Z, Fischer A, Gessler M, Charnay P, Topilko P.
Glia. 2009 Oct ;57(13):1450-7. doi : 10.1002/glia.20862.