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Dynamic role of GlyT1 as glycine sink or source: Pharmacological implications for the gain control of NMDA receptors.
Supplisson S
Neurosci. 2024 Online ahead of print.
doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2024.07.037 PMID: 39059742 PDF

Identification and Organization of a Postural Anti-Gravity Module in the Cerebellar Vermis.
Gouhier A, Vilette V, Mathieu B, Ayon A, Bradley J, Dieudonné S
Neurosci. 2024 Online ahead of print.
doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2024.06.006 PMID: 38897374 PDF

Neurotransmitter content heterogeneity within an interneuron class shapes inhibitory transmission at a central synapse.
Dumontier D, Mailhes-Hamon C, Supplisson S, Dieudonné S.
Front. Cell. Neurosci. 2023 16:1060189.
doi: 10.3389/fncel.2022.1060189 PMID: 36687523 PDF

Flux coupling, not specificity, shapes the transport and phylogeny of SLC6 glycine

Le Guellec B, Rousseau F, Bied M, Supplisson S.
PNAS. 2022 119:e2205874119
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Sustained deep-tissue voltage recording using a fast indicator evolved for two-photon microscopy.
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Fast optical recording of neuronal activity by three-dimensional custom-access serial holography.
Akemann W, Wolf S, Villette V, Mathieu B, Tangara A, Fodor J, Ventalon C, Léger JF, Dieudonné S, Bourdieu L.
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Synaptic Mechanisms Underlying the Network State-Dependent Recruitment of VIP-Expressing Interneurons in the CA1 Hippocampus.
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Modular Organization of Cis-regulatory Control Information of Neurotransmitter Pathway Genes in Caenorhabditis elegans.
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Ultrafast Two-Photon Imaging of a High-Gain Voltage Indicator in Awake Behaving Mice.
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Control of aversion by glycine-gated GluN1/GluN3A NMDA receptors in the adult medial habenula.
Otsu Y, Darcq E, Pietrajtis K, Mátyás F, Schwartz E, Bessaih T, Abi Gerges S, Rousseau CV, Grand T, Dieudonné S, Paoletti P, Acsády L, Agulhon C, Kieffer BL, Diana MA.
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Heterogeneous Signaling at GABA and Glycine Co-releasing Terminals.
Aubrey KR, Supplisson S.
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Optogenetic stimulation of complex spatio-temporal activity patterns by acousto-optic light steering probes cerebellar granular layer integrative properties.
Hernandez O, Pietrajtis K, Mathieu B, Dieudonné S.
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Voltage- and Branch-Specific Climbing Fiber Responses in Purkinje Cells.
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Whole-GUV patch-clamping.
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Mechanisms and functional roles of glutamatergic synapse diversity in a cerebellar circuit.
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Burst-dependent bidirectional plasticity in the cerebellum is driven by presynaptic NMDA receptors.
Bouvier G, Higgins D, Spolidoro M, Carrel D, Mathieu B, Léna C, Dieudonné S, Barbour B, Brunel N, Casado M.
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Fast spatial beam shaping by acousto-optic diffraction for 3D non-linear microscopy.
Akemann W, Léger J-F, Ventalon C, Mathieu B, Dieudonné S, Bourdieu L.
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A novel inhibitory nucleo-cortical circuit controls cerebellar Golgi cell activity.
Ankri L, Husson Z, Pietrajtis K, Proville R, Léna C, Yarom Y, Dieudonné S, Yoe Uusisaari M.
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CaRuby-Nano: a novel high affinity calcium probe for dual color imaging.
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A subcortical inhibitory signal for behavioral arrest in the thalamus.
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Activity-dependent gating of calcium spikes by A-type K+ channels controls climbing fiber signaling in Purkinje cell dendrites.
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Differential GABAergic and glycinergic inputs of inhibitory interneurons and Purkinje cells to principal cells of the cerebellar nuclei.
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Cytosolic transmitter concentration regulates vesicle cycling at hippocampal GABAergic terminals.
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Clusters of cerebellar Purkinje cells control their afferent climbing fiber discharge.
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Granule cell ascending axon excitatory synapses onto Golgi cells implement a potent feedback circuit in the cerebellar granular layer.
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Mutations in the GlyT2 gene (SLC6A5) are a second major cause of startle disease
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NMDA receptors with incomplete Mg2+ block enable low-frequency transmission through the cerebellar cortex.
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Mixed inhibitory synaptic balance correlates with glutamatergic synaptic phenotype in cerebellar unipolar brush cells.
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Mechanism of proton/substrate coupling in the heptahelical lysosomal transporter cystinosin
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Functional coupling between mGluR1 and Cav3.1 T-type calcium channels contributes to parallel fiber-induced fast calcium signaling within Purkinje cell dendritic spines.
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Electrical coupling mediates tunable low-frequency oscillations and resonance in the cerebellar Golgi cell network.
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A critical role for glycine transporters in hyperexcitability disorders.
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The glycine transporter GlyT2 controls the dynamics of synaptic vesicle refilling in inhibitory spinal cord neurons.
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Optical monitoring of neuronal activity at high frame rate with a digital random-access multiphoton (RAMP) microscope.
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A spatio-temporally compensated acousto-optic scanner for two-photon microscopy providing large field of view.
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The transporters GlyT2 and VIAAT cooperate to determine the vesicular glycinergic phenotype.
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T-type and L-type Ca2+ conductances define and encode the bimodal firing pattern of vestibulocerebellar unipolar brush cells.
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Mutations in the gene encoding GlyT2 (SLC6A5) define a presynaptic component of human startle disease.
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