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Optical sectioning for reflection interference microscopy
Cathie Ventalon, Oksana Kirichuk, Yotam Navon, Yan Chastagnier, Laurent Heux, Ralf P Richter, Lionel Bureau, Delphine Débarre, bioRxiv 2024.06.07.598038 ; doi :

Demixing fluorescence time traces transmitted by multimode fibers
Caio Vaz Rimoli, Claudio Moretti, Francesco Soldevila, Enora Brémont, Cathie Ventalon, Sylvain Gigan, arXiv : 2306.00695, accepted for publication in Nature Communications (2024)

Acousto-optic holography for micrometer-scale grid patterning of amplified laser pulses with single-pulse accuracy
W. Akemann and L. Bourdieu, APL Photonics 9, 046103 (2024) ; arXiv:2203.06411, (hal-03606540). Showcase in kudos

Experimental characterization of isoplanatic patch in mouse cortex using adaptive optics
J. Commère, M. Glanc, L. Bourdieu, R. Galicher, E. Gendron, G. Rousset, accepted for publication in Biomed. Opt. Exp. (2024)

Neurophotonics beyond the Surface : Unmasking the Brain’s Complexity Exploiting Optical Scattering
Fei Xia, Caio Rimoli, Walther Akemann, Cathie Ventalon, Sylvain Gigan, and Hilton Aguiar Neurophotonics 11 (S1), S11510 (2024) (Review article)

Fast wavefront shaping for two-photon brain imaging with large field of view correction
Baptiste Blochet, Walther Akemann, Sylvain Gigan, Laurent Bourdieu.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (51), e2305593120 (2023)
bioRxiv : 2021.09.06.459064

Emergence of time persistence in a data-driven neural network model
S Wolf, G Le Goc, G Debrégeas, S Cocco, R Monasson
Elife 12, e79541 (2023)
bioRxiv : 2022.02.02.478841

Scattering correcting wavefront shaping for three-photon microscopy
Bernhard Rauer, Hilton B. de Aguiar, Laurent Bourdieu, and Sylvain Gigan.
Opt. Letters 47, 6233-6236 (2022), hal-03707080

Single-shot quantitative aberration and scattering length measurements in mouse brain tissues using an extended-source Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor
Sophia Imperato, Fabrice Harms, Antoine Hubert, Mathias Mercier, Laurent Bourdieu, Alexandra Fragola.
Opt Express 30(9):15250-15265 (2022) doi : 10.1364/OE.456651. PMID : 35473251 (hal-03608265)

Fast optical recording of neuronal activity by three-dimensional custom-access serial holography
Walther Akemann, Sébastien Wolf, Vincent Villette, Benjamin Mathieu, Astou Tangara, Jozsua Fodor, Cathie Ventalon, Jean-François Léger, Stéphane Dieudonné, Laurent Bourdieu
Nat. Methods 19 : 100-110 (2022) (hal-03606564)
Highlighted in :
Springer Nature Protocols and Methods Community, Custom-Access Serial Holography (CASH) for fast recording of neuronal activity in 3D brain circuits, Jan 07 2022
CNRS, INSB, Actualités scientifiques, Des photons explorateurs de l’activité neuronale, Mar 07 2022

From behavior to circuit modeling of light-seeking navigation in zebrafish larvae
S. Karpenko, S. Wolf, J. Lafaye, G. Le Goc, T. Panier, V. Bormuth, R. Candelier, and G. Debrégeas.
eLife, 9, e52882 (2020)

Blind deconvolution for spike inference from fluorescence recordings. Journal of neuroscience methods
J. Tubiana, S. Wolf, T. Panier and G. Debregeas, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 342, 108763 (2020).

Enhanced stability of the focus obtained by wavefront optimization in dynamical scattering media
Baptiste Blochet, Kelly Joaquina, Lisa Blum, Laurent Bourdieu, Sylvain Gigan
Optica 6:1554-1561 (2019) (hal-02400519v2)

Device for connecting a laboratory animal to at least one experimentation system, and method for fastening such a device
Jozsua Fodor, Jean-François Léger, Laurent Bourdieu, Cathie Ventalon
Patent application FR 1915255 (20/12/2019)
French Patent FR 3104902 B1 (25/06/2021)
Patent Issuing FR 1915255 (03/12/2021)

Fast confocal fluorescence imaging in freely behaving mice
Clara Dussaux, Vivien Szabo, Yan Chastagnier, Jozsua Fodor, Jean-François Léger, Laurent Bourdieu, Julie Perroy, Cathie Ventalon
Scientific Reports 8, Article number : 16262 (2018) (hal-02359828v1)

Focusing ligth through dynamical samples using fast continuous wavefront optimization
B. Blochet, L. Bourdieu, S. Gigan
Optics Letters 42:4994-4997 (2017) (hal-01797884v1)

Recent advances in patterned photostimulation for optogenetics
E. Ronzitti, C. Ventalon, M. Canepari, B. Forget, E. Papagiakoumou and V. Emiliani
J. Opt. 19:113001 (2017) (hal-01872711)

A radial map of multi-whisker correlation selectivity in the rat barrel cortex
L. Estebanez, J. Bertherat, D. E. Shulz, L. Bourdieu, J.-F. Léger
Nature Communications ;7:13528. doi : 10.1038/ncomms13528 (2016) (hal-01403564v1)

Fast spatial beam shaping by acousto-optic diffraction for 3D non-linear microscopy.
W. Akemann, J.-F. Léger, C. Ventalon, B. Mathieu, S. Dieudonné, L. Bourdieu
Opt. Exp. (22) ; 23:28191-28205 (2015) (hal-03619874)

Characterization of the angular memory effect of scattered light in biological tissues.
S. Schott, J. Bertolotti, J.F. Léger, L. Bourdieu, S. Gigan,
Opt. Exp. (10) ; 23:13505-13516 (2015) (hal-01275498v1)

Method for analyzing a sample with a non-linear microscopy technique and non-linear microscope associated
Jean-François Léger, Laurent Bourdieu, Stéphane Dieudonné
Patent application EP14306634 A (15/10/2014).
European Patent EP 3207418 A1 (23/08/2017)
US Patent 10191268 B2 (29/01/2019)

Method for determining the characteristics of a system for generating a spatial light modulation in phase and in amplitude at high resfresh rate
Jean-François Léger, Laurent Bourdieu, Stéphane Dieudonné
Patent application EP 14306636 (15/10/2014)
European Patent EP 3207417 A1 (23/08/2017)
US Patent 10423017 B2 (24/09/2019)

Spatially Selective Holographic Photoactivation and Functional Fluorescence Imaging in Freely Behaving Mice with a Fiberscope.
V. Szabo*, C. Ventalon*, V. De Sars, J. Bradley, V. Emiliani,
Neuron. 2014 ; 84(6):1157–1169 (hal-03619933v1)

Calcium Rubies : a family of red-emitting functionalizable indicators for two-photon Ca2+ imaging.
M. Collot, C. Loukou, A.V. Yakovlev, C.D. Wilms, D. Li, A. Evrard, A. Zamaleeva, L. Bourdieu, J.‐F. Léger, N. Ropert N, J. Eilers, M. Oheim, A. Feltz, JM. Mallet
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012 ; 134(36):14923-31 (hal-00723345v1)

Measuring aberrations in the rat brain by coherence-gated wavefront sensing using a Linnik interferometer.
Wang J, Léger JF, Binding J, Boccara AC, Gigan S, Bourdieu L.
Biomed Opt Express. 2012 ; 3(10):2510-25 (hal-00716152v1)

Single myelin fiber imaging in living rodents without labeling by deep optical coherence microscopy.
Ben Arous J, Binding J, Léger JF, Casado M, Topilko P, Gigan S, Boccara AC, Bourdieu L.
J Biomed Opt. 2011 ; 16(11):116012 (hal-00599038v1)

Late emergence of the vibrissa direction selectivity map in the rat barrel cortex.
Kremer Y, Léger JF, Goodman D, Brette R, Bourdieu L.
J Neurosci. 2011 ; 31(29):10689-700 (hal-03619888)

Brain refractive index measured in vivo with high-NA defocus-corrected full-field OCT and consequences for two-photon microscopy.
Binding J, Ben Arous J, Léger JF, Gigan S, Boccara C, Bourdieu L.
Opt Express. 2011 ; 19(6):4833-47.

A spatio-temporally compensated acousto-optic scanner for two-photon microscopy providing large field of view.
Kremer Y, Léger JF, Lapole R, Honnorat N, Candela Y, Dieudonné S, Bourdieu L.
Opt Express. 2008 ; 16(14):10066-76.

Ultrafast random-access scanning in two-photon microscopy using acousto-optic deflectors.
Salomé R, Kremer Y, Dieudonné S, Léger JF, Krichevsky O, Wyart C, Chatenay D, Bourdieu L.
J Neurosci Methods. 2006 ; 154(1-2):161-74.

Dynamics of excitatory synaptic components in sustained firing at low rates.
Wyart C, Cocco S, Bourdieu L, Léger JF, Herr C, Chatenay D.
J Neurophysiol. 2005 ; 93(6):3370-80 (hal-00145309v1)

Electrically induced microflows probed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
Ybert C, Nadal F, Salomé R, Argoul F, Bourdieu L.
Eur Phys J E Soft Matter. 2005 ; 16(3):259-66 (hal-00145450v1)

Synaptic integration in rat frontal cortex shaped by network activity.
Léger JF1, Stern EA, Aertsen A, Heck D.
J Neurophysiol. 2005 ; 93(1):281-93. Epub 2004 Aug 11.

Overstretching and force-driven strand-separation of double-helix DNA
Cocco S, Yan J, Léger J-F, Chatenay D, Marko J-F .
Phys. Rev. E 2004 ; 70 : 011910.

A new technique to control the architecture of neuronal networks in vitro.
Wyart C, Ybert C, Douarche C, Herr C, Chatenay D, Bourdieu L (2004).
In BioValley Monographs Vol. 1, New Methods for Culturing Cells from Nervous Tissues © 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel, Suisse.

Des réseaux de neurones biologiques d’architecture contrôlée in vitro.
Wyart C, Herr C, Ybert C, Chatenay D, Bourdieu L (2004)
Biofutur. N° 249, novembre.

Microscope à deux photons tout numérique à balayage ultra-rapide. In Imagerie et photonique pour les sciences du vivant et la médecine.
Salomé R, Kremer Y, Krichevsky O, Wyart C, Dieudonné S, Léger J-F, Chatenay D, Bourdieu L (2004)
Eds. M. Faupel, P. Smigielski and R. Grzymala. Fontis Media, Lausanne, Suisse.

Probing complex RNA structures by mechanical force.
Harlepp S, Marchal T, Robert J, Léger JF, Xayaphoummine A, Isambert H, Chatenay D.
Eur Phys J E Soft Matter. 2003 Dec ;12(4):605-15.

Single-unit analysis of substantia nigra pars reticulata neurons in freely behaving rats with genetic absence epilepsy.
Deransart C, Hellwig B, Heupel-Reuter M, Léger JF, Heck D, Lücking CH.
Epilepsia. 2003 Dec ;44(12):1513-20.

Constrained synaptic connectivity in functional mammalian neuronal networks grown on patterned surfaces.
Wyart C, Ybert C, Bourdieu L, Herr C, Prinz C, Chatenay D.
J Neurosci Methods. 2002 Jun 30 ;117(2):123-31 (hal-00145442v1)

Influence de l’activité de fond sur le degré de synchronisation des neurones du néocortex.
Léger J-F (2002).
Annales de la Fondation Fyssen 17 : 103-108.

Buckling of actin-coated membranes under application of a local force.
Helfer E, Harlepp S, Bourdieu L, Robert J, MacKintosh FC, Chatenay D.
Phys Rev Lett. 2001 Aug 20 ;87(8):088103 (hal-01960774v1)

Viscoelastic properties of actin-coated membranes.
Helfer E, Harlepp S, Bourdieu L, Robert J, MacKintosh FC, Chatenay D.
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2001 Feb ;63(2 Pt 1):021904 ([hal-01960769v1>])

Structural transitions in DNA driven by external force and torque.
Sarkar A, Léger JF, Chatenay D, Marko JF.
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2001 May ;63(5 Pt 1):051903. Epub 2001 Apr 12.

Microrheology of biopolymer-membrane complexes.
Helfer E, Harlepp S, Bourdieu L, Robert J, MacKintosh FC, Chatenay D.
Phys Rev Lett. 2000 Jul 10 ;85(2):457-60 (hal-01960753v1)

Structural transitions of a twisted and stretched DNA molecule.
Léger JF, Romano G, Sarkar A, Robert J, Bourdieu L, Chatenay D, Marko J (1999). Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (5) : 1066-1069.

RecA binding to a single double-stranded DNA molecule : a possible role of DNA conformational fluctuations.
Leger JF, Robert J, Bourdieu L, Chatenay D, Marko JF.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998 Oct 13 ;95(21):12295-9.