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High VExUS grades are linked to cardiac function in general ICU patients. Andrei S, et al. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. 2024 Nov 9.
Damien COUDREUSE Long-term adaptation : when evolution meets cell size
Michella KHOURY DAMAA Characterisation of a new cell cycle variant used for multiciliated cells’ differentiation
Nicolas BIERNE Coadapted Genomes and the Genetic Architecture of Species Barriers
Spin-off de l’IBENS, KARTHALA System met à la disposition de la communauté scientifique des microscopes de haute technologie permettant de lire et...
Vous accompagne dans vos projets en séquençage à haut-débit et génomique fonctionnelle.
Spin-off from PSL University, YMETRY has been created to serve the international research community with its new and innovative technology...